O! My Record will be there
Be it's pages dark or fair
When I stand before that Judgment Bar
O! When The Book shall open wide
In That Mornin' bye and bye
O! My Record it will be there...
My Aunt went on Safari to Kenya and witnessed the unthinkable at a watering hole. She said She and Her Group saw all God's creatures take their dear, sweet time, taking their turn at the watering hole...drinking, playing, bathing,resting without fear or anxiety. One species would approach the watering hole only after the preceding species was finished and gone. She marveled at how orderly wild creatures behaved in the Cradle of Civilization and at how their hospitality took her completely by surprise...no predators...no prey...just creatures in need and at ease. Teary-eyed, She asked me, Beloved, what is Love? I responded, Your Majesty You Yourself have witnessed Perfect Love at 1st Sight which largely goes unnoticed everyday with Your own eyes in the wild and Thank You very much for sharing Your Remarkable Testimony...AMEN.
In Square Circle 420 Ranch Perfect Sovereign Wealth Fund 2Dog Star
(BKA) Entourage Effect 2DogStar Haiku
Unified Field Theory View
Who's More Trustworthy Than The 1 Who
Causes One's Heart to Beat Non-Stop
Provides Fecundity in Flower's Year Round Harvest
...World's Top Cash Crop
Wealth Accumulation And Generating Events
Are Heaven Sent
Mic Check! So You Wanna Be a Ho
Dad...Check Yo' ego at The Do'(BKA)
ThankYouForLettinMeBeMySelfAgain Haiku
De Ja Vu Due
Carbon-based Unit's Holographic Will
Love-Jonesed United Nations
Let Truth's Teleontological Justice Heal
All My Relations
What a Shame ingrates made Peace Pipe Prop
Please Puff Puff Pass World Top Cash Crop!
Love, Joy, Peace and Elbow Grease by Basic Black Eagle
Beyond The Rhetoric: Our First Experience with Reparations by Harry C. Alford for The Dayton Weekly News We have often discussed the need for Reparations for the 400 years of slavery. The Contexts of the discussions continue on as if We never had a chance with any form of Reparations. I discovered back in the 1990's that We indeed had a go with a form of Reparations. The biggest problem was that We did not adequately exploit it nor pass it on to following generations. My Curiosity got going when I read up on the first Black Congressionally elected Officials. They were elected as part of the Reconstruction following the civil war. One of these Giants was Senator Blanche Bruce from Mississippi. People don't talk much about these Trailblazers as They were all Republicans-like that has a negative meaning. Senator Bruce during His short tenure ensured that All Free slaves became immediately eligible for the Homestead Act of 1862 which provided immense opportunity for Land Ownership and Wealth Building. In reading up on The Homestead Act, I found the the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), a division of the Department of Interior, kept good Records on all activity relating to this program. This program was a 'Game Changer.' Any American citizen could identify government owned land, apply for a claim and receive the property providing They live on it and work it (usually Farming). More than half the nation was applicable and it was meant to generate population and economic growth. This was applicable to Freed Blacks also. I decided to probe deeper. Be careful what You ask; You may get it. I contacted the BLM and asked for a formal briefing. They set up a meeting with Me in Lorton, Virginia and gave Me a great overview. Then the Deputy Secretary asked if My People were from the south. I informed Him that My People evolved from Bossier Parrish, Louisiana. They declared that Someone in My Family benefited from the Homestead Act. I challenged Him on that. He asked, " Give Me One of Your Grandfather's Name." I stated 'Thomas Harry Alford." He put the name in Their very elaborate database and instantly it "hit". "Thomas H. Alford received a land grant for 160 Acres on March 20, 1916". I was shocked and My first reaction was that My Grandfather had 40 acres, not 160, or so We all thought. I walked out of there with a photo copy of the deed, and a whole different mindset on the history of My People. A trip to the courthouse in Bossier Parrish, La. was in order to verify all of this. I arrived in Benton, La. courthouse ready to spend hours researching this "controversy". Sure enough shortly after the date on the deed an entry was found, "Thomas H. and Fanny Alford awarded 160 acres from the US government". However, two lines later "Thomas H. and Fanny Alford transfer 120 acres to Mr. Roos". In My shock I went to the clerk for an explanation. She chuckled and then said, "It looks like Ol' Man Roos go to Your Granddaddy". She then went on to explain that what I had just detected was on act of some of the greatest land racketeering which prevailed throughout the south.. She said, "Follow all activity by Roos and see how He legally connnived land from "Black Folks". You see My Grandparents were illiterate like most Blacks down south. He, and others like Him, would approach Them and inform Them that He could get Them Free land. Yes, He would make a claim and apply in Their Name for 160 acres at the time. When it was approved He would give Them 40 acres and take 120 acres for Himself. This guy made a fortune doing this. He would even have a strategy of picking up those 120 acre clumps so that they would be contiguous and he, in the end, would have giant masses of land to develop and flip for big money. All this at the expense of My Grandparents and many, many others Who had a great opportunity before Them but couldn't get the right technical assistance or government follow through. I showed My Relatives the documentation and They became angry at Me as if I let it happen (Kill The Messenger). This program lasted for decades and could have taken Blacks to another level of economic power and self-sufficiency. However, this great opportunity came before Us and We just couldn't pull it off. A few Blacks were educated enough to take advantage of the program. They would become Prominent Land Owners and Community Leaders. Also, They would become targets for Those envious of Their Acumen and newly claimed power. Life would not be easy as Someone was trying to take that land at every opportunity. Many would soon lose what They had earlier won. PSA: Rastafari and Shashamane In 1948 Emperor Haile Sellassie I donated 500 acres (2.0 km2) of his private land to allow members of the Rastafari movement, Ethiopian World Federation (EWF) officers and members and other settlers from Jamaica and other parts of the Caribbean to go to Africa. The return would be under the auspices of the EWF, founded in 1937 by the Emperor's special emissary to Black America, Melaku E. Bayen. The official letter confirming the "land grant" of 1948 was submitted to the members and executives of the Ethiopian World Federation in 1955. Following up on this, the first West Indian family and Federation members from Montserrat were Mr. James Piper and his wife Helen who arrived that same year as the first land grant administrators, returning to make a permanent settlement in 1955 on behalf of the Federation. The Time is Right for Reparations by Benjamin F. Chavis-The Dayton Weekly News For more than 45 Million Black Americans there are many issues that unite or divide Us. Undoubtedly, the issue of Reparations for African People in general and in particular for Black Americans is an issue began as a divisive topic but now receives support from a broad cross-section of Blacks in America. Of course, there are some Who wanted to table a national discussion of Reparation in the aftermath of the election of President Barack H. Obama. Yet, there were many others Who have argued that now is the most propitious time to accelerate the national dialogue about Reparations because there is a 'Brother' in the White House. This is a pivotal year because of the November elections. Any issue that is related to Race will be used by Those Who are opposed to President Obama. The Goal of conservatives is to polarize American Voters to vote Their Racial prejudice instead of voting Their conscience about the future of the nation as an inclusive participatory democracy. Given the recent polarization around the calls for Equal Justice and Fairness in the Trayvon Martin killing, it would be naive to think that Race will not play a factor in upcoming elections. The Truth is Race is just not a problem that crept onto the national scene accidentally. Race has been a Social, Economic and Political problem in America for more than 200 years. This is nothing new. What is new, however, is how the Victims of racism see Themselves, and how the perpetrators of racism view Themselves. Fortunately, renowned Legal Scholars such as Harvard's Charles Ogletree and Others have articulated a rational defense for Reparations, which would be Therapeutic not only for Black Americans, but also for All Americans. I have consistently supported the call and demand for Reparations that go beyond whatever monetary compensation. Reparations are also about "Repairing the damage" that was done to Millions of African People, not just in America, but in the Caribbean, Central and South America, in Africa and throughout the rest of the World. The United Nations is slowly working on establishing a permanent memorial to the Victims of the infamous trans-Atlantic slave trade. In Washington,D.C., the construction of the African American Museum has begun. The United States Senate has issued an "apology" for slavery. And in My Home state of North Carolina, Gov. Bev Purdue has just called for the state to spend $10.3 Million in "Reparations" to the Victims of the vicious eugenics state program that sterilized thousands of People against Their will. Most of Those Who were unjustly and savagely sterilized were Black. Again, no amount of money could ever justify or rectify that awful and callous past. Still, Gov. Perdue's actions are the Right steps at the Right time. Healing is a long process. It takes time. The perpetrators of racism need a "repairing" of Their minds and hearts. It is interesting to note that even amidst a recovering of the American economy from the threshold of severe economic ruin, Billions of dollars are being spent by Candidates and campaigns for political office throughout the U.S. like They have unlimited money-trees to spend without reservation or limitation. The point here is so much of the "old money" and ingrained wealth of the nation came directly from the systematic economic exploitation of African People during 500 years of slavery and post-slavery institution-building. That is why it will take a tremendous calculation to determine a full accounting of the financial and human toll of the slave trade an its aftermath. Harper's magazine did a study that concluded that the U.S. owes Black Americans more than $100 Trillion in Reparations. It's probably more than that. This may not be the perfect time to raise this issue. Judging by the past, there is never a perfect time. Today is as good as any time. Let's Work harder on the issue of Reparations. We can begin by Supporting The National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America(NCOBRA), which will hold its national convention in Philadelphia, June 22-24, 2012. Reparations for Black Americans should be supported by All Americans.
The Wise should strive to achieve four chief objectives (Purusharthas) in One's life. They are:
1. dharma (righteousness),
2. artha (material wealth),
3. kama (desire) and
4. moksha (salvation).
JUSTICE=Kamasutra/Bedroom. Artha/Boardroom. Dharma/Breathingroom (AKA)
Ecclesiastical Courtship Haiku
Love Leader 1's Judgment, too
Love's Got The Booty from The Bounty
From The Treasures of God's Mercy
Judgment's Sacred Duty's as Bounty
Hunter for ingrates' fuckery
Both Entangle Souls like Bolon Hitch
One's Dharma's Boo...One's Karma's Bitch
Purple Black Arts Completion Bond Haiku
Power Sharing Revenue
Let's not fund war and say We did
Rock Ghetto Capitalization
Bank Loot on Green Bling Power Grid
Rolls True Self-Actualization
Revolution's Truth Maven
Rules Love's Orgasmotherapy...Amen
PSA: Law Order Vengeance & Equity Fertilize Flows which Run Wild like The Black..., White and Smokey Nile Down North to The Sea!
'Tis The Old Ship of Zion
'Tis The Old Ship of Zion
'Tis The Old Ship of Zion
Get on Board Get on Board
She has Carried Many a Thousand(Repeat 2X)
Get on Board Get on Board
Ain't no danger in the water(Repeat 2X)
Get on Board Get on Board
King Negus is Our Captain(Repeat 2X)
Get on Board Get on Board
The Stone in the Water does not know how hot the Hill is parched by The Sun-African Proverb
If The Currency becomes worthless, then Health Care Reform will be meaningless! Health Care Reform Golden Mean=Gold Standard + The Golden Rule! " Love, Work and Knowledge are the Well-springs of Our Life! They should also Govern it!" Wilhelm Reich
Critical Mass Metaphysics Haiku Justice is Love's John Canoe
Pure Life's Spiritual Journey...
Character Building Thought, Desire and Will
Real Life's Contact Truth...Trial by Adversity
Prosperity Ordeal
True Life's Easier than You Realize
And Harder than You Think...Be Wise!
Love, Joy, Peace and Elbow Grease by Basic Black Eagle
Quanta:Quasar Widow Maker Haiku Can't Say Trees Never Warned You
Tyrants disenfranchise Me
And Charge Usury tax...like circus clowns
If You are the big Tree
We are the small axe...sharpened to cut You down
Whoever confides in war's lil' white lies
Behold! Big Black Truth... Surprise
I Got a Right to Bear Arms,Head, Shoulders, Knees, Toes, Eyes, Ears, Mouth & Nose(AKA)
Dayton Pillow Talks Bedroom Eyes Haiku
Peace Process in Birthday Suit
Hosting World Peace Talks at Air Force Site
Sails Ship of State in foul weather
I'm Tryin' to Tell You I got a Right
To The Tree of Life Forever
Down Up Center North East West South
Fools' Judgment Proceeds from Their Own Mouth
PSA: "Not by Might...nor by Power...but by My Spirit I Overcome Them!"
Love, Joy, Peace and Elbow Grease by Basic Black Eagle
Law Order Vengeance Equity Haiku Seed Time Harvest Rendez Vous If Christ Seed is False and Rasta is Wrong Then babylon's Justified If Christ Seed is True and Rasta is Right Then babylon's Crucified Energy's Neither Destroyed nor Created Now...Time's Overrated Infra-red Light District Haiku
Ultra-violet (Actinic) Rays up The Wazoo
Crazy straw that broke the camel's back
...Misrepresenting Drones for war
Pump the brakes Pinocchio when Bees attack...
We know Who Drones are for
Phat Lady's sung...
You got Holy Magic but the devil's gotcho' tongue
Psycho-somatic Medicine Haiku
Character Building Virtue
Advance The Kingdom Spirit Level
Root for Love like Cannabis Seeds
Though All The World's Software's Pure D evil
Each Soul's Hardwired for Good Deeds
Truth Claim Jumps easy as Sweet Potato Pi
...Get that plank outcho' Eye
Spontaneous Cognition Haiku Orgone Energized Naked Truth
Do Good! Don't Worry about the wicked
Ingrates always self-destruct
Love Justice! Bury Bones of the wicked
Getcho' Mind Right or You're F@cked
Too Black...Too Strong...Too Sexy...Too Long
Always Right...Never Wrong Love Song
PS.All Sins are Forgivable except the "Abomination which maketh
desolate"...The Blasphemous Dred Scott Decision in which misguided
miscreants attempt to discount the Variety and Virtue of Life with the
intent to Usurp The Authority of The Perfect Sovereign and deny,
disregard and severely punish an Individuals' Right to Manifest Popular
Sovereignty as is the case with American and The U.N. response to a Catastophe affecting The Noble Haitian People and Their Guests!
Country Folk say "Just up 'round the corner so" seems way too far...........away OR V.B.L.I.(BKA)
Rockers' Prester John Coffee House Haiku
Connoisseurs' Cup Rendezvous
Progressive Analysts' Square Circles...
Mastery with Peaceful Pursuit
Retentive Analists Klu(less)Klux Circles
Only tell lies...kill and loot
Ideal Society...Cosmosexchaos
Pay The Cost...Be The Boss
Chromatic Scale Economies Haiku
Commerce Policy Guru
Souls are lazy as hell's bells'
Bait and Switch technique...(straight)bottom scavenging
Frenemies always Kiss and Tell
Rhythm Got'em kicking and screaming...(weeping wailing and gnashing)
...Look at Me...Singing and Dancing Song of Songs
...(Here) Now...HeartLanguage Belongs
Love, Joy, Peace and Elbow Grease by Basic Black Eagle
Yes, Sovereign Rights Matter! Valid Arguments Sustained...lies Overruled(AKA)
Just Clean Balanced Nyabinghi Haiku
Chromatic Scale: Ideal View
Oye! All Rise! Here Comes The Justest Judge
Whose Throne is The Mercy Seat
Orgasm Fire Crotch v. Fascism cold grudge
"Snatch Triumph from defeat"
That Big Phat Black Cat Gotcho' Tongue
Or has Rahab The Phat Lady Sung
Do Yo' Leaders loot on the down low
2013's Their Day in Court
Orgasmic Sovereign Rights Root in Youth Who Know
Fascists only make sport
Do Yo' Titties Droop to The Flo'
1st Tie'em in a knot...then in a bow
Hope has 2win Siblings
Bro' Irate's pissed-off...Sis' Courage Just Set-it-off
What's a matter You Earthlings
How's neurotic chatter reduced to cough
Since Love's non-attached to outcomes...here's a hint
...The Jury's in like Flynt
Love, Joy, Peace and Elbow Grease by Basic Black Eagle
Love, Joy, Peace and Elbow Grease by Basic Black Eagle
PSA: Want Rockers' Prester John Marley Coffee House Love? Welcome Home! Just over There so...Down In Up Around...it's Somewhere Over The Rainbow between The Kandaka Queens and Haile Sellassie 1 Smack Dab in The Middle of The Cradle of Civilization and Oblivion Kushempeng! Betta' Aksum 1!
The AMANDLA440 CHARACTER BUILDING REVOLUTION AUTHORITY(RMA): Galactic Disaster Proofing 101 in The Season of Atonement for Pure Life's Mystery
Introducing to Some and Presenting to Others, The Tabernacle Pattern Master Blaster Plan and Permanent Solution for Our Species ala The Venus Project (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7065205277695921912) on Dayton Dubs: LET'S Trailblaze a Trillion Trees by 2468 for Climax Forest Reforestation as A Spiritual Kegel Excercise in Fecundity(B.F.A.M.A.R.T.E.A.S.E.). Our Dear Brothers must become and remain Seamen and Our Dear Sisters must become and remain the Sole Landowners with a 60/40 share (60% for Every Child, Woman and Man and 40% for Wildlife) for World Peace and Prosperity in Our Love and Good Will Mission (AKA)1 LOVEROOTSTRUCTURE ON EARTH. This applies to Family, Foreigner, Friend and Foe...So Act like You Know! Free The Land! Utilities and Concerns that convert Elemental and Mineral Free Energy into Industrial, Commercial and Residential Products and Services for Profit, shall remain Free, even though a Firm may have a Free-hold Interest in a Land, air or Sea Trust, the entity is a legal fiction, however Authorized, and up to but not exceeding (90%) ninety percent of Royalties, Revenues, Residuals and Returns of the Authorized Public Work shall each legal entity possess for Public Utility, the remaining (10%) ten percent that recurs by the process of conversion of Free Energy into Capital shall be assigned to The Public at large amd be Administered and Maintained by Local Polity and Community and Monitored by a Mutually Beneficial Third Party, Now, henceforth and Forever more!
Our Natural Law and Order arrangement demands that the respective roles of prosecution and defense and the balancing role of the Court be each kept in One Accord and non-attached to out comes in an Equity Trial.
Ital Law is Natural Law. Our Proof-positive evidence and record of Truth rests in the Harmonic Conversion of Judgment into Justice. Ital Law is Self-adjudicative. The Ancient Account of Divine Proceedings as conveyed in Our Akashic Record of Thoughts, Words and Deeds leaves no stone unturned and provides the Strong Heart Beat, Sumptuous Salt and Guiding Light when We abide in The Law and Let Nature run Her Course...Consistent...Complete...Categorical.
Ital Law Commands The Forces in Nature and Controls The income and outcome of events to keep with the Flow or confront the flow. Spiritual Forces Command and Control sobers Our Judgment until We are Drunk with Justice and Great Peace overflows Our Equity Systems Thinking, which causes Us to Magnify the Law in Nature and give All Honor, Majesty and Glory to Jah/God and King, as The Perfect Sovereign alone is the Justest Judge, The Most Merciful and able to Ordain and Manifest Peace for Those Whose Mind is stayed on H.I.M. ie., Jerusalem.
Equity or iniquity...that is the question. Jah Requires a Just Balance. Justice, Cleanliness and Balance are next to Godliness. We shall not be unevenly yoked!
Command and Control over Covenants and Contracts examining Capital and Credit= Sexy C.P.R....Correct. Protect. Re-direct.
Love is the Exciting Cause and Sustaining Base of Our Being. When Parents Make Love, Children are The Testimony. When We Court Justice with Sound Judgment, when We know and conceive motives, intents and actions focused on the Treasures of Darkness and Hidden Riches in Secret Places, only Serenity is the Testimony...since this is only Courting. However, The Wedlock of Love and Mercy becomes a Perpetual Beautifier when We, Carbon-Based Unit's Heart, Soul, Mind, Tabernacle/Body, Spirit conjoined in Popular Sovereignty, are able to obtain and maintain Judgment and Justice in Our Proceedings and Procedures. We, therefore, with Joy, draw Water out of The Wells of Salvation and Wait on The Naked Truth as We Investigate Reality!
Amandla A440: 30,000 Tree Planters Each Planting 200 Trees/day or 6 Million Trees per Day for the Next 440 years to Create Oxygen, Biological Diversity, Virtue and Variety for Posterity as We Spiritually and Emotionally Mature to Prepare for Justice, Cleanliness and Balance and Our Hot Date with Destiny on Purpose among The Stars...Rhythm Method Artifact Amen.
PS."I Believe that unarmed Truth and Unconditional Love will have the Final Word in Reality." Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King
Fear of something is at the root of hate for others, and hate within will eventually destroy the hater.
George Washington Carver
Y'all Already Know The Answer Haiku Land of The Virgin Queens View
Who's Leader Returned from exile to Conquer
...There can be only 1
Amlak Amtrak's bound to Glory for
Every Creature under The Sun
Sellassie I: The 1st Teenage Governor
To be Crowned Emperor
Carbon-based Units Rapture Rhyme Haiku Unrequited Love Issue
The Ocean of lies in This World's too Deep
For any Politician
Naked Truth's like a Surgeon Who doesn't sleep
...The World's Great Physician
Without Health...nothing matters much
Love and Judgment work The Midas Touch
PS. Only Ecclesiastical Courts can Repair Moral Turpitude!
Good Ole Boy Network Ponzi Scheme Haiku Don't let Ingrates Downgrade You
Complexity in Utter Simplicity
Seems Unfathomable
Getcho' Mind Right out the gutter...Margin Sanity
Is Doable
What a Shame Pimpin's so easy...
Like Sloppy Seconds to the Sleazy...
How does One Create a small Fortune on Wall Street
...Start with a Big One
Our Species' Hot Date with Destiny's Sweet
As Heir Pi...Pardon the Pun
Rob Peter's Ho to pay Paul like Chris
...Let's Parker in Truth like Candace
Phantom Interests Sanguine Rhyme Haiku Trust Busts Sanguinary Skew
Shit for Brains Speaks with Forked Tongue but means well
As Dr. Frankenstein's Nurse
Money Talks...Bullshit Walks the Proud Line and Smells
Like Chief Tecumseh's Curse
What if Justice is a Myth...
If not...Fools don't Know Who They're Fuckin' with
Ingrates dis' Rubric "Love God. Self. Neighbor."
Haters Jones Funeral Pyre
Government works without Fear or Favor...
Liar Liar...Pants on Fire
One can always tell when hypocrites are lying
...Their Lips are moving
Bernard Madoff knows Y'all always set traps
After The Rat has passed gas
No doubt *C.R.E.A.M. Sluts have Memory(Virus)lapse
Since Black Swan's Songs Warn "Cover Yo' Ass"
What a Shame Fox in charge of Chicken coup
Masks negative feed-back loop...
*Cash Rules Everything Around Me
Earth Craves a Stiff Drink of Holy Water Served in a Bottomless Cup (AKA)
Water/Diamond Paradox Haiku Tipping Point Disaster Ju Ju
Fallacy of Misplaced Correctness
Shows Conservative Aptitude
Bankrupts Souls like a Hot Ghetto mess
Served by Schools as Junk Science Food
Character Building for The Soul
Sees Love as Diamond...Sex as Charcoal
Rapture Rhyme Scheme moves Slower than Molasses
During Winter Solstice
Smoother than All Access Back stage Passes
Rough as Jungle Law Practice
Capitalist/Democracy Paradox
Sucks...unless Justice Rocks
Character Building Melanin Haiku Immeasurable Value
Why is Lalibela's Grandeur and Mystery
So overwhelming
Is it The Arch-Angelic Masonry
Which builds something from nothing
Like Taj Mahal and Khajuraho
Ancients knew Love We seldom show
PS. Show Some Love!
Spontaneous Pyramid Sphinx Haiku Who an Endless Love Will Woo(aka)
April 18,2008 5:35 Earthquake Rapture Rhyme
Hospitality's The World's Saving Grace
Or else...sudden destruction
Popular Sovereignty's for Saving Face
Slavery's for perdition
Truth and Beauty Dawn like The Flood
Unless We forget We're All 1 Blood
Wisdom. Strength. Beauty. 2 Dog Star Haiku Pharmacognosy's Virtue
Either One Believes there's a Sole Soul Owner
On God's Green Earth or not...
If so, then Everyone's a Borrower
Including Love's Flower Pot
Husband Who denies Equal Rights to Wife
...JUSTICE got'em hatin' Life...
Impeachable Characters like Nixon can't write
Controlled Substance Laws...
Should Sovereign Nationals Birth Rights
Take a Back Seat to Character Flaws...
What a shame Truth's the 1st Casualty
Since ingrates Made-off like Bernie
The Sacred 7 Days (OR) *Calibrate Life's Chromatic Scales in D.(flat)G.C.E.B.F.A.(AKA)
Throne Terra-Forma Seed Atom Haiku T'surekomi Hoteru(Love Hotel)
Glad Tidings and Warnings! Truth: Put Earth on Notice!
Let Lost Souls be Found!
Throne: Work in Harmony! Raise Wise Who Love Justice!
Raze fools underground!
Melanin. Orgasm. Sovereignty.
Enfranchisement. Sanctuary.
Rainbow Artists Let Good Times Roll
Like Thunder...'til Red's Purple Minds Blue's...
Source of All Souls Rocks Art like Charcoal
No Wonder Diamond Life Accrues
Remember: To Have what Others Don't
We have to Do What Others Won't
PS. Heart Tunes to Source of All Souls...Instrument to Mind...Audience to Will!
Place The S.W.O.R.D. in its Sheath
This is the 1 Question Interview for Souls seeking Throneworks:
Helping Soldiers, Widows, Orphans, Refugees and Dependents in need
There's Great Pay, Stock Options, Long Hours, Frequent Travel and Missionary perqs
Octavia Butler's Parable of the Sower is a must read
If You Answer "Yes", Get in where You fit in, like Hand in Glove
All We need to know now is this...Are You in Love?
Feminine Mystique Untitled Haiku Magnets are Jealous of You
Ever Wonder where Money comes from
The Black Woman in Drag Done it
Ever Behold once Justice gets Done
Our Perfect Sovereign's For-Prophet
Ever seen a Real P.G. Movie
...Foxy Brown in Pam Greer's Coffee
Treatise on Lillie Leadbetter Law: (not-so)Goodyear Tire & Rubberchecking (aka)
Woman Up! Man Down! Eye Level Haiku Moral Imperative View
Under and by Virtue of The Authority
Vested in Me...Trust!
As Commander-in-Chief in Ideal Society
...Zion or Bust!
Hospitality's Lesson Each Soul Must Learn
...Sole opt-out program's...(crash and)Burn
Colony Collapse Disorder Rapture Rhyme Haiku Truth Flankuru
Glad Tidings and Warnings...Contents under pressure
Use as directed(B.F.A.M.A.R.T.E.A.S.E.)
Bad timing's for lemmings with false weights and measures
Uncalibrated(The Birds and The Bees)
Perfect Timing for Lovers to Fast and Pray
Hush...Dance...Trust and Obey(Confessing Tongues with Bowing Knees)
Are disappearing Honey Bees The Pre-Tribulation
Rapture Sign
Are Truth, Equal Rights, Justice Sweet as Ethiopian
Honey Wine
Barak's Name in Judges gives Us pause...
...Let Deborah enforce God's Laws...
PS. Flankuru is the Term for the Ancient African Farmstead where Craftsmen learned to make farm implements and furniture and Artisans began creating furniture and musical instruments and Artwork.
The original Rainbow Gathering featured Noah and the Ark
The saying goes, Le plus ca change, le plus c'est le meme chose
Are we better off now or still stabbing in the dark
To wrest power from Earth haters Rainbows defy and oppose (1)
No adult can tell another adult what to do
But I would preserve my Sovereign Rights if I were you (2)
There's less than 30 years of potable water left to drink (3)
And less than 50 years of Oxygen...which we all need (4)
Atlanteans weren't the 1st generation to live on the brink
But this is bound to be the last if we don't change our creed
No one said it would be easy for us to turn the tide
But We got that fighting Spirit, Justice and Perfect Love on Our side (5)
Black Love Supreme is Stronger than death and Mightier than the grave
Better watcho' step...It'll tear that ass out the frame
It's up to you to go straight or go hide in a cave
Just remember how we got here and why we all came
Love and Money is the quest of every soul on Earth (6)
Popular Sovereignty entails Natural Law Rights to Land and it's Minerals by Birth (7)
When I was little I used to Love to watch Mighty Mouse
Now I know if you run the Rat Race...the Rats always win
All governments loathe Strong Families and prefer a strong house (8)
It only seems easier to manage Children in a baby pen
Both fools and water go the way they are diverted
Kudos to Rainbows who know better...these 8 Issues won't be skirted...
G E T' C H O ' M I N D R I G H T ! ! !
Honor Among Thieves Neggadea(Niggerday) Haiku Rob the devils who robbed You
Can a Leopard change G-spots
Can an Ethiopian change Her skin
There but for The Grace of Jah Thoughts
One would never know where to begin
Snatch Victory from the jaws of defeat
Holy Ghost Dance can't be beat
Ever wonder why fools overtly condemn
And covertly sell drugs
I'm gonna go out on a limb
And say they're Black marketeers like Thugs
All sinners' have been forgiven
Except those who keep their sins hidden
You don't know Rasta Run each planet like Janet
You don't know Jack, Son
Black Eagle's Mountain of Motion's etched in Granite
Betta' Aksum One
Hard times make Prophet eat cayenne pepper
Rapture Rhyme's Royal Scepter
Repatriation Rhythm Rhyme Haiku Reparation Revenue(John 9:39)
Alexander Hamilton mimicked what Esau did
...Sold his Birthright
George Mason spoke Truth to Power like Dred Scott's bid
And each lost the fight
Ysrael's Re-birth's Sign of Hard Times
Rainbows Conflagrate Rapture Rhymes
If it Please Thee give Us what We deserve Daily
Let Thy Will be done
Without Mercy We have no Hopes
To escape the clutch of misanthropes
JUSTICE! Rapture Rhyme Haiku Souls waiting on Christ's Chiliasm Blues
Once a year I cry with the Babies
Small voices heard louder than all
Trust Me...no ifs, ands, buts or maybes
We feel Our backs against the wall
Words can't express primal longing
Wailing for a sense of belonging
Marital: Martial Rapture Rhyme Haiku Androgyny's the True You
Ever felt Pleasure and Anxiety
As two sides of the same coin
Healthy dose of Hyper-empathy
Makes Womens' Menstrual cycles join
Men must invent games just to get along
Otherwise We're always wrong
Enterprise of Liberation Haiku Flying Fiery Serpent View
Forward Merkaba Tabernacle
Octavate Throne terra-forma
Self-Actualize Popular Sovereignty
Orgone Accumulator Haiku Piezo-Electric Boogaloo
Some things We can't see are Real as the Wind
...Better known by their effects
Givin' You somethin' You can feel end to end
Like Heart-Healthy Great Sex
Quiet as it's kept...Khajurano's True
You can't have Sex...Sex halves You
Tribute to all the unsung Heroines and Heroes in My Life who have returned to the Spirit Realm
Gender Nature Race Relations Haiku Worship fuels this Praise Breakthrough
Bless JAH, Thank You for Loving Me to life while Friends keep dropping like flies
Collectively, We're all Thy Wife...Let Your Truth deliver Us from lies
LET JAH ARISE...Let His enemies be scattered
'Cause His Wife's battered
Like pantophobiax... non-blacks fear genetic annihilation
Like mitochondriax... Love's Crystal clear: Orgastic Revolution
Like Poland's Black Madonna and Child
Christ's The Nigger-lover gone Wild
Hook, Line and Sinker Prophecy Haiku God's Love for Neighbors through You
If You really want World Peace...Do Justice Right Now...Make up Yo' Christ Mind
Character Building takes Elbow Grease...You'll be surprised at what you find
Let All Souls Countenance Love's Will and Pleasure
.......................Treasure beyond Measure.......................
Equal, opposite of warfare...quest for fire...Orgastic Potency
Mental Hygiene savoire-faire...L'etat c'est moi...Birthdaysuit Sovereignty
Queen's Gambit Prognosis M.O.S.E.S. High coup
Lysistrata Hatshepsut
Got Strong-heart in you? Nature's rising to the occasion with no fear
Big thangs poppin'...li'l thangs stoppin'...no context droppin'...the buck stops here
Pay it forward...pass it on
Getcho' Swagger on TETRAGRAMMATON
The original Rainbow Gathering featured Noah and the Ark
The saying goes, Le plus ca change, le plus c'est le meme chose
Are we better off now or still stabbing in the dark
To wrest power from Earth haters Rainbows defy and oppose (1)
No adult can tell another adult what to do
But I would preserve my Sovereign Rights if I were you (2)
There's less than 30 years of potable water left to drink (3)
And less than 50 years of Oxygen...which we all need (4)
Atlanteans weren't the 1st generation to live on the brink
But this is bound to be the last if we don't change our creed
No one said it would be easy for us to turn the tide
But We got that fighting Spirit, Justice and Perfect Love on Our side (5)
Black Love Supreme is Stronger than death and Mightier than the grave
Better watcho' step...It'll tear that ass out the frame
It's up to you to go straight or go hide in a cave
Just remember how we got here and why we all came
Love and Money is the quest of every soul on Earth (6)
Popular Sovereignty entails Natural Law Rights to Land and it's Minerals by Birth (7)
When I was little I used to Love to watch Mighty Mouse
Now I know if you run the Rat Race...the Rats always win
All governments loathe Strong Families and prefer a strong house (8)
It only seems easier to manage Children in a baby pen
Both fools and water go the way they are diverted
Kudos to Rainbows who know better...these 8 Issues won't be skirted...
G E T' C H O ' M I N D R I G H T ! ! !
THINK IMMEDIATE MASS ENFRANCHISEMENT...The Idea whose T.I.M.E. has come,Now, to Party at your own risk...The dance floor is rowdy...the battle field is rowdy................................The Wild Firenado Dance...............................
F#@k what you heard!!! The Rainbow is not a 3rd rate threat to national security
It's an Eternal Covenant of Mercy geared to the perspective of millennia
Just 13 months of Sunshine Law...shining the Light of Truth, delivering transparency from obscurity
If you weren't born with Divine Will, tough titty...you can't get it at the mall or from media
Individuals' Rights are moral principles which define and protect peoples Freedom of action
En guarde! We will fight if necessary...as The Perfect Sovereign gives us traction
This Rainbow Sign Rapture Rhyme is designed to appeal to Good Peoples' intelligence
Ideal Society is a means to the Peaceful and Prosperous co-existence of all Souls
The cubed root of an uncompromising stand for Popular Sovereignty works like intransigence
Primary colors keep the home fires steady burning under our Black feet with blazing hot coals
Rainbow Flowriors brandish Reason and Morality to determine history's quick-study course
Like Lady Godiva tax-revoltin', butt-ass naked on the emperor's tall, dark and handsome horse
There's an evil double standard causing trouble in S.W.A.G.'S W.O.M.B.A.T. S.N.A.F.U.B.A.R. zone
The source of the confusion is the notorious Saints Harriette and Dred Scott case
Almighty God gave them Sovereign Black Divinity...but suddenly it was all gone
With the wind that decision blew away everyone's fundamental Rights without a trace
All rogue governments off the chain of Virginia's morally bankrupt plantocracy
Fear most that 1 Thang...this irrefragible touchez of the Rainbows Mental Hygiene and Orgastic Potency
p.s. states are legal fictions...Only Individuals have Rights Y'all Betta Recognize! ! !
What will it take? Time laughs at everything...The Pyramids laugh at Time...The Sphinx is more mature than that..................Sweet Potato 3.142857
The Win-Win situation's ways are All-Pro Kemetic Assets of Kinesthesia
As Nature covets Perfection and always Throneworks Wonders by profusion
Butt, stuck on stupid like a Prodigal child suffering from frequent bouts of aphasia
All zero-sum games are Nigger-rigged to cause nothing but confusion
Y'all ain't tryin' to hear The Truth, steady screamin' "Say it ain't so"
So it is Justice, though...no one can tell Y'all anything Y'all don't already know
Y'all would want to talk to the Finger 'cause sleight-of-hand just can't understand
There's no medicine to cure hatred and no pills alter denials course
From Goddess/Gods to Queens/Kings to Slaves to Sovereigns again ain't what Y'all planned
All The Living are Wedlocked to Earth...there's only 1 kind of divorce
If Y'all could Y'all would, but Y'all cain't so Y'all ain't...get over it Now
The simple fact that We're All Carbon-based Units is the Real Solemn Vow
No matter how You slice it, Sweet Potato Pie is Country, smooth and delicious
It was conceived in the Mind of the greatest scientist in post-modern times
Whose single-minded Devotion and Pursuit was equally ruthless and judicious
Listen to Stevie Wonder's Song, Same Old Story Again, it'll ring Yo' chimes
From Timbucktu to Tuskeegee He resuscitated the Slow-Mojo School
Picture this: Dr. Carver, singin' up a storm with a piano on a bandwagon hitched to a mule
After Haile Sellassie The 1st and My Parents, He's My Ideal role Model
For years I lived in the Forest just so I could follow the steep path He set
The concrete jungle's pimps, prostitutes and pushers don't fit as a handle
I haven't seen that others have had the same Epiphany just yet
Nevertheless, the same 14 Codons instruct Flora, Fauna and All the People Y'all see
Eventually, Win-Win Situations and I will be Treasure-hunting Happy Campers, Permanently
I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.
How far One goes in Life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.
George Washington Carver
Sovereignty Defined Rapture Rhyme Haiku Woman's Prerogative View
Ideally, Nationals own National Forests
Lock, stock and barrel
Only ingrates bitch and moan like pests
Beautiful Souls never quarrel
Peoples, Places, Things belong to Our Creator
It's a no brainer
Since You were cut down Radical Haiku Isaiah's Trees speak to You
To call the Forest the woods
Is like counting chickens before they're hatched
More than services and goods
Recycled oxygen's Perfectly matched
America's National Tree's The Great Oak
Don't take Her for a joke
I THINK that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth's flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
by Joyce Kilmer
Eternal Moment Rapture Rhyme Haiku Now's the only time that's True
Let's keep Our Thoughts on things Eternal
As Rhythm, Red, Yellow and Blue
David's sling shot to Goliath proved fatal
Got that Spirit in You
Sure You do...We're here against the odds
Every battle One fights is God's
Let Miracles Unfold and Enfold in
This Quickening for Lovebirds
Loving's listening, Silence is Golden
Action speaks louder than Words
Future's not here yet...past is past
Only God's Face and Good Deeds will last
Nebular Hypothesis Haiku Harmony of Opposites View
Naked Truth's the Blue-print of the Universe
Justice...the Foundation
Equal Rights is the Blessing or curse
Trust's the Framework in Construction
Rhythm & Revolution go hand in glove
Like Life and Light in Love
Adult Show and Tell Rapture Rhyme Haiku Process:Results...Dream-time Viewhttp://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=5453473007774075339&postID=439815889287021259
If I told You once...Cosmos slow dances
On 52 B.P.M.'s
And showed You Life's Loveliest Romances
In Circadian Rhythms
You'd call Letters and Numbers Black Magic
And Dis' the Message...tragic
Only Intimacy, Spontaneity
And Awareness are Real
Let The Good Times Roll Lovely
As The Wheel in the Middle of The Wheel
Practice makes Perfect as Christ-Mind
Trust on Purpose...Practice Being Kind
7 Principles Rapture Rhyme Haiku Memphite Theology View
People make choices
Choices have consequences
Virtues and Vices
Learn what each produces
Dawn of Creation Atomic Haiku Drama of Origins View
The boundary of Wisdom is Silence...Action speaks louder than words
Orgastic Potency trumps fascism...Ankh Science T.H.A.W.S.(time heals all wounds) Cold Love birds
Who Remember global warming
Is caused by Honest Pillow talking
Ever felt perilously close to climax...but couldn't bust a nut
Mega-Orgasm helps Souls relax once they release their inner slut
Divine Orgasm's no passing fad...
...You can't miss what you never had
Por Una Mirada (AKA) Ye Mefeleg
Por Una Mirada...El Mundo
Por Una Sonrisa...El Cielo
Por Un Beso.........Yo no se lo que te diera
Por Un Beso
Ye Mefeleg...Alem
Ye Fegegta...Semie
Ye Mesam..........Gen alawokum men eseteshallo
Ye Mesam
For a Glance(I would give You)...The World
For a Smile(I would give You)...The Sky
For a Kiss...I don't know what I would give You
For a Kiss
This a thumbnail sketch of a True Story...The Song of Songs!
In The Kebra Negast Our Ethiopian Bible the story is much more fascinating than the brief story depicted in the western version of The Holy Bible! The Queen of Sheba is Ruler in The Land of The Virgin Queens and She is a Scholar of the highest order Who has heard of The Wisdom and Accomplishments of Solomon! Everyone in The Ancient World was Keenly Aware of Ethiopia and Her Rich and Glorious History/Herstory as the Cradle of Civilization! Our Dear God Designed a meeting between these 2 Regents that was extraordinary! She sent an envoy to find Solomon then She and Her Reginal Court traveled to Israel to Meet Him though She arranged to Test His Wisdom! She commanded All the Women in Her Court to wear the same attire to fool King Solomon so He would not be able to recognize Who was The Queen but She was not prepared for what She encountered when She reached His Courtyard which was made completely of glass! Solomon, too had sent spies into Ethiopia to discover Makeda's Identity and He knew All Queens were born with a cleft foot which made Them lame! This is how He found Her in the company of Women all dressed alike! It gets better...After They were formally introduced He invited Her for Supper in His Palace...Let Me Remind Your Excellency that this Story is The Most Healthy Life Preservation Sex Affirming Love Story of All referred to as The Song of Songs in The Holy Bible...Solomon commanded His Chef to make the food very spicy just for this occasion and He made Sheba promise not to steal any thing in His Palace or She must suffer the consequences and do as He Pleased and She agreed. After the spicy meal She became very thirsty and Solomon commanded all water vessels to be removed from the Palace except for one next to His bed! She searched desperately everywhere to find relief for Her thirst all over the Palace but there was no water to be found except next to Solomon's bed...so She approached His bed while He pretended to be asleep and stole a sip of water to quench Her thirst and at that Moment He seized Her arm and demanded She explain Her Violation of the oath! She acknowledged Her transgression and He demanded that They have Sex immediately! She agreed...20 years later The Son born after Their Love Making traveled to visit His Father in Israel for the 1st time and Solomon's Guards were so confused because Menelik looked exactly like His Father The King! The Guards told Solomon an imposter had come to rob Him and Solomon went out to meet and arrest this Mysterious Youth and discovered He was wearing the Royal Ring given to His Mother by His Father. Menelik stayed for a few months with His Father and decided to return to Ethiopia and All the People of Israel Loved Him more than Their King! One night Solomon had a Dream in which He saw The Holy Light of Israel leave and go to Ethiopia! This Dream disturbed Him greatly and while He was consulting with His Priests to interpret The Dream, the Children of the Priests were plotting to steal The Ark of The Covenant so They could go to Ethiopia with Menelik and carry The Tabernacle with Presence of God with Them! Solomon's Priest discovered the Ark had been stolen by The Priests' Children accompanying Menelik and Solomon sent His Army to capture Them and Return The Sacred Ark but Mysteriously Menelik and His New Israeli Friends were able to Fly faster than the speed of Light through the Heavens so They escaped and returned safely to Queen Makeda with The Ark where it remains to this very day and also this is the reason I use it as My profile pic in FB! Let Me ask Your Grace...when the World's Wisest Woman meets The World's Wisest Man, Whose Wisdom is Superior? Enjoy! Bless Up! 1!
Une Chanson Francaise par James Taylor
Je trouves c'est chanson Francaise mis dans une coine, tout a fonde de mon crane...pas encore exprime
E donq je manque des idees Anglaise par etre, pout etre quelque chose...je ne pas pense
Si je dis que je t'aime, ce ne pas tout a fait, la vielle meme chose
Car le mot que je dis ne vienne pas de meme esprit
E Me Voici, Baby, etranger neauvoux...j'essai e j'essai...mais je sais que je ne pas assez de Francaise
Mais qu'est que'on puet dire, il faut finir, suficent a dire que me ne jamais ecrire encore une chanson Francaise
Au revoire mes Amis Je vous-aime Beaucoup
When Fire Ants attack Small World Rhyme Haiku Don't let yo' ego fool you
No job on Earth's more important than Parenting...ask any Farmer
Whose job in Life's cultivate and plant...waiting in fair and foul weather
I don't know why your Heart doesn't do
What your Mind tells it to...do you?
Love Your Enemies Use Your Head Haiku Jaguar Deer and Hunters' View
It turns out fearless teams win championships as they increase knowledge
I learned Soccer from an 8 year old Goalie while I was in college
The Truth can only come from 1 place
Futbol's not a game...it's a race
PS. My favorite saying from an 2 year old: "Momma, I'm gonna kick jail out"
My favorite saying from his 5 year old brother:"We know our daddy!"
My favorite saying from an 8 year old: "Tomorrow you gon' be askin' me to eat somethin' and carry somethin', but you won't be askin' me to eat somethin' and carry somethin' tonight"
My favorite question from a 3 year old: Are You God?
My favorite Testimony from a 5 year old: " Momma, let me say Grace, I know all about God"
My favorite invitation from one 10 year old to his 13 year old brother referring to Spelman College: "Let's go to PussyLand"
My favorite insult from a 12 year old to his friend: "Yo momma's Wayne Williams and Yo' daddy got missing and murdered teeth"
My favorite idea from 11 year old Hector in the Soweto Uprising:" Let's throw rocks at tanks"
My favorite judgment by Jaguar Deer and Hunter in the Legend of Popol Vu to the underground gods of sickness and death:" What you wish for is your reward"
Brianna Scurry Goal Keepers Haiku Love's Legend of Popol Vu
Beautiful Flowers draw Bees and Flies
But they stay Beautiful always
Purposeful Followers keep eyes on The Prize
Slow Dancing through Life's maze
Wanna make God laugh...tell Him Your plans
...Make Satan cry...join Soccer Fans
Meteoric Rise Black Eagle Haiku Sextillionaires among You
Ever seen someone's rags to Riches rise
In the twinkling of an eye
Lovely scene...like a pleasant surprise
...Means You can make it if You try
Rasta don't try We multiply like Black Holes
Perfecting (Our Jah Given) Firenados
Poincare Conjecture...a conundrum concerning
The Nature of Space
Fu Kyu Prefecture...continuum discerning
Salvation of Face
Scientists, in the True sense of the Word
Are Artists flipping the Bird
Red Hour-glass figure...pendulum oscillating
Like..."Look Ma', no hands"
Chiliasm lecture Millennium...swing
Lantrodectus Mactans
Above as below, Octopussy's a Spider
This is why I'm Hot Praise Weapon Haiku Tests make Testimonies True
Letters and Numbers have a common source just like Music and Colors
Electricity, Gravity, Strong, Weak force...all Sisters and Brothers
Praise is Lovers' weapon of choice
All We face is Our Creator's Voice
Anticipate the Good so that you may enjoy it and Testify
God Loves Justice so much He promised to pay sin's debt for You and I
Don't get Mercy twisted...REPENT
Love and Judgment Always Represent
Truth and Reconciliation Commission Haiku Red. Yellow. Blue.
There are 3 kinds of Courts:
Civil. Criminal. Ecclesiastical.
Governments commit torts
Unless the 3rd kind holds them accountable
Perfect Union...Who'll come near it
That's the Work of the Holy Spirit
Behold...Black Eye of The Storm
The work I do's like Mental Happy Hour
I dropped My human form
Like a bad habit... to speak Truth to Power
Fools couldn't tell Truth if they tried
Basic Black Eagle ain't never lied
A Woman's Work is on The Throne Haiku Eternal Ankh Science View
We're all card carrying members of he-man woman-haters gun club
'Cause no one remembers everyone's connected like spokes on "Love's Hub"
What a shame ingrates hate Femininity
...Stuck on stupidity
Slow Dance for Justice Vision Quest Haiku Osun's Booby-trapees View
Ogun's job was civilizing Earth...but He quit to camp in the wild
He got fed up with ingrates talking shit...'til He smelled Love's Flower Child
He milked that clock quick as a Queen's Gambit
...Proves how quickly Kings forget
Baker's Dozens in Glowing Terms Haiku
"Yo' Momma wears Combat Boots"
Toussaint's Bonaparte-Bewitching Hour's
Like Woe! King Snakes' Synchronous Hatch!
In Creative and Destructive Powers
The Uterus has no Match
Fools dis' Voodoo Equinomix
'Til Justice Drops like a ton of bricks
Medical In-sourcing Health Trends Haiku Next Big Thing's Butt-Naked Truth
Sky-rocketing medical costs drive patients overseas
Golden parachuting costs employees
...Blame publicity stunting
Mental Hygiene's the deep path that's steep
Though Orgone's free...Great Sex ain't cheap
Slow Dance on a dime leave 9 cent cryin' Haiku Do what She says...I do
Chiliasm takes no prisoners...Love birds flock free as Rapture Rhyme
One Love Administrator sets precedents which stand the test of time
Do Yo' Titties droop to the flo'
Tie'em in a knot...then in a bow
Praeda means booty-lust in latin...predatory capitalist
Yakuza means booty-lust in Japan...Archetypal Feminist
Shechinah's Beauty-lust in Zion
...Private Display of Affection
(Ayn)Rand's Rules of Reason Rapture Rhyme Haiku Veracity's Spot Value
In conflicts of interest with shared principles...Rational party wins
In conflicts with unshared principles...most irrational party wins
When One Accord group buys new principles
Reason sells like sex symbols
Sovereign Nationals' Humble Pi Haiku King of Kings...Lord of Lords View
Everything you claim you own is borrowed...Remember...give Thanks and Praise
Claim jumpin' over The Name that's Hallowed is the crime that never pays
The only thing One can own's Truth
IFF, One drops everything else like Ruth
Sellassie Before Afterlife Haiku Copernicus lies Proved True
Rapture Rhyme's this Milky Way like water for chocolate...Sirius B
Players Love that Hypostyle don't play on Words of Perfect Sovereignty
Y'all know Basic Black Eagle's tight-lipped
It is written: FOLLOW THE SCRIPT
It serves bilderburglars' interest to mount sex-tension without release
Irrationality plague infests all structures 'til Justice births Peace
Law to the proud...Grace to the Humble
Flames...Let's get ready to rumble
Accept Christ: reject all teachings about Him...Obey the Holy Ghost
Love turns " test" into "Testimony" IFF we'll be Truth's Hostess or Host
Drop, in The Refiners' Fire, everything you learn
...Believe what won't burn...
To Cause to Return Rapture Rhyme Haiku Dance with the One what brung You
To commit to Peace...Be Still
Earth's Goal, Justice, can't be overstated
Submit to Divine Will
Humble Your Soul or Be humiliated
Yahshuah Means Revolution
One Name for Permanent Solution
Knowledge, like a garden
Must be cultivated before the harvest
Courage, like Garden of Eden
Stays Rooted as a Climax Forest
Good versus evil...same old same old
LOVE conquers All...so We've been told
Terrible Beauty Sellassie Haiku Stop Drop and Roll Fire Drill Crew
Trees are as equally Rooted in the Light of Truth
As in the soil
But Satan makes some separate Elders and Youth
Like Water from Oil
Truth lets Trees translate filth to food
As long as they're obedient nude
Nobel Laureate Rapture Rhyme Haiku 1st Prize Winner's Interview
Tell Me, how does it feel to be the most successful
Artist of All
Terrible and Beautiful
As Mary answering God's Booty Call
Like Diane Sawyer, speechless after Britney Spears'
Truth moved her to tears
Microcosmic United Nations Haiku Love Relations Fairview
Question: Were We Born Together on Purpose
Like King Snake and Sand Snake
Is Our Synchronous Hatch for Justice
And Ideal Society's sake
Who's Home Coming Court had Ken and Barbie
On Popular Sovereignty
Break It Down To The Very Last Compound: Ital Livity Pow Wow PSA: 121
(BKA) So Now Love's The 1 Thing We Do Haiku
Eternal Moment Ju Ju
I am The Beauty Way Truth and Life
Perfect Sovereign's Family Tree
As You've done to The Least of My
Siblings...So also You've done to Me
Mountain Millennial Perspective Magnet...
Don't Stop Get it Get it
PSA: Don't Stop Hit it Quit it!
Wood, Hay and Stubble for Dummies Haiku Supernatural Law School
Coyote Teaching...Do the Math
Love Conquers Nature's Gender Races
Money Repairs The Breach, Restores the Path
And Rebuilds Old waste Places
What a shame Y'all cain't tell legal fiction from Law
...One's Man-made...One's Raw
(Chant) Kese Ye LoLo De Ye Lo Lo Ye Kese De Ye ( a seed is a star a star is a seed)Stevie Wonder song
Yes, Sovereign Rights Matter! Valid Arguments Sustained...lies Overruled(AKA)
Just Clean Balanced *Nyabinghi Haiku
Chromatic Scale: Ideal View
Oye! All Rise! Here Comes The Justest Judge
Whose Throne is The Mercy Seat
Orgasm Fire Crotch v. Fascism cold grudge
"Snatch Triumph from defeat"
That Big Phat Black Cat Gotcho' Tongue
Or has Rahab The Phat Lady Sung
Do Yo' Leaders loot on the down low
2013's Their Day in Court
Orgasmic Sovereign Rights Root in Youth Who Know
Fascists only make sport
Do Yo' Titties Droop to The Flo'
1st Tie'em in a knot...then in a bow
Hope has 2win Siblings
Bro' Irate's pissed-off...Sis' Courage Just Set-it-off
What's a matter You Earthlings
How's neurotic chatter reduced to cough
Since Love's non-attached to outcomes...here's a hint
...The Jury's in like *Flynt
Love, Joy,Peace and Elbow Grease by Jahlee Man Rainbow (aka)
Basic Black Eagle for Social, Economic and Environmental Justice Now...the Terrible 2's,
Teenragers and Antique Angels Friend...FOREVER
Selamta (Peace) in the Name of Germawi Qadamawi Haile Sellassie
Which is the Foundation of RasTafari, the whole world should know.
The Foundation is the King of Kings, His Imperial Majesty Qadamawi Haile Sellassie; He is the Head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Christian Church, the Ancient Church of the Original Apostles, uncorrupted and unpolluted by Western pagan influences; He, only He, is the True Defender of the Orthodox Faith, according to His His-torical Title, given unto Him by the Church Patriarchs, in 1965, in Addis Ababa, where He organised the first council of the Oriental Orthodox Churches, Five in number, with Ethiopian Church amongst them.
According to the 1955 revised Constitution of the Empire of Ethiopia, drafted by His Will, "The Ethiopian Orthodox Church is the Established Church of the Empire" (article 126).
What the Foundations says, let it be.
Therefore, let us believe in the fact that the true origin of Rastafari is Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity; let usgive up with Kemetism, Egyptomanism, Carribeanism, Individual perspectivesabout H.I.M., but let us see Orthodoxy as our true Africanism, and stay in the True Foundation of Ababa Janhoy, Ras Tafari, Krestos (Christ) Qadamawi Haile Sellassie, Whose Orthodox Conception is From Ever and For Ever shall be. by Ras Issat-e Selassie
TeZeta:Social Structure of The Ethiopian Church tezeta.net
As far as character is concerned, sincerity, integrity, and conscientiousness are regarded as virtues; and humility is especially esteemed as a means of realizing one's smallness before God and great men. Sacrificing love of pleasure or comfort is not, however, deemed necessary. Self-denial and sacrifice are seen as vi...rtues of special saints, and all Christians need not be called upon to exercise them. Although indifference to material happiness and money and sexual self-restraint are exalted as virtues, the rich, especially those who have land, are looked upon as having special blessings from God, and those who enjoy sex, as naturally virile and strong. Asceticism and/or the mortification of the body-for-its-own-sake are not required from the Christian, but they are prescribed for widows and widowers, and those who wish can choose the monastic life or the extreme bahtawi2 habits
*English - I love you* *Arabic- Bahibak* *Hebrew-Ani Hoev Otcha* *amharic - ewodihalew (to a man), ewodishalew (to a woman), ewodwotalew (with respect to an elderly), ewodachuwalew (to many)* *Zulu - Ngiyakuthanda* *Sotho - ke aho ratha* *Somali - Waan ku jacaalahay* *Polish - Ja Kocham Ciebie* *Russian - Liubliu tebea* *French - Je T'aime* *Hindu - Main tumse pyaar karhti hoon* *Czech - Miluji Te* *Slovakian - Lu'Bim Ta* *Bulgarian-OBICHAM TE* *Italian - Ti Amo* *Ukrainian - Ya Tebe Kahayu* *German - Ich Liebe Dich* *Chinese - Wo Ai Ni* *Greek - S'agapo* *Hawaian - Aloha Wau Ia Oi* *Lithuianian - Tav Myliu* *Korean - Sa Rang Hae Yo* *Japanese - Ai Shi Te Ru* *Romanian - Te Ubesec* *Turkish - Seni Seviyorum* *Bosnian - Volim Te* *Albanian - Te Dua* *Filipino - Mahal Kita* *Spanish - Te Amo* *Swahili - Nakupenda* *Bengali - Ami tomake bhalo bhashi
What is a Haiku?
A haiku is an un-rhymed verse/poetry form of Japanese origin having three
lines containing usually five, seven and five syllables respectively.
Intended to convey a vivid impression poetically in only seventeen
syllables, haikus have traditionally focused on nature -- but our goal is to
spread Love like WildFirenados combining the brevity and clarity of Haikus with the Royal Rhyme Schema (aka)RAPTURE RHYME.
The Refiner's Fire
I was tarryin' at The Alter when The Fire Fell
When The Fire Fell When The Fire Fell
I was tarryin' at The Alter when The Fire Fell
When The Lord Baptized Me
It was Jesus Jesus Jesus when The Fire Fell
When The Fire Fell When The Fire Fell
It was Jesus Jesus Jesus when The Fire Fell
When The Lord Baptized Me
It was on a Monday when The Fire Fell
When The Fire Fell When The Fire Fell
It was on a Monday when The Fire Fell
When The Lord Baptized Me
It was on a Tuesday(Repeat for Each of The 7 Sacred Days:Wednesday.Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday)
When The Fire Fell When The Fire Fell
When The Lord Baptized Me
I Felt Brand New when The Fire Fell
When The Fire Fell When The Fire Fell
I Felt Brand New when The Fire Fell
When The Lord Baptized Me
I was tarryin' at The Alter when Love Fire Fell
When Love Fire Fell When Love Fire Fell
I was tarryin' at The Alter when Love Fire Fell
When Jah Love Baptized Me
It was Negus Negus Negus When Love Fire Fell
When Love Fire Fell When Love Fire Fell
It was Negus Negus Negus When Love Fire Fell
When Jah Love Baptized Me
"Today, the women of the world are not content only to live as housewives. In most countries they are striving harder & harder for higher education so that they may participate in the civic duties of their community and nation. In time of war, women like men, have served their country and in some of them have fought side by side with the men against the enemy."
"Obviously war is one of the major problems which bring disaster on the life of mankind. Inspite of the differences of color, race, creed or religion between women in this world, they all hate war, because the fruit of wars is nothing but disaster. War exterminates their beloved husbands, their brothers and their children. It destroys and eliminates their families. We would like to bring to the attention of all women of the world that it is their duty to voice and express solidarity against such acts." - Empress Menen
Pathogen of The Species Rhyme Haiku
Masculinity Cult View
Orphans and Widows are Words Describing Loss of Spouses and Parents
What Defines Parents' Loss... Superiority Crimes ain't apparent
What a Shame Race to The Bottom... ...
Let's Go Get'em...(We)Already Got'em
(Chant:Let's Go Get'em...We Already Got'em)
"Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world."
— Percy Bysshe Shelley
"Poetry is the Rhythmical Creation of Beauty in Words!"...Edgar Allen Poe.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Posted by
11:54 PM
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The Silent Poet strikes again...
The Silent Poet strikes again...
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