My Lord, how happy I am. Would that I could
remain here always, if but as the humblest of
your workers, so that I could always hear your
words and obey you.
"How happy I am when I interrogate you! How
happy when you answer me. My whole being is
moved with pleasure; my soul is filled; my
feet no longer stumble; I thrill with delight.
"Your wisdom and goodness," she continued, "are
beyond all measure. They are excellence itself.
Under your influence I am placing new values on
life. I see light in the darkness; the firefly
in the garden reveals itself in newer beauty. I
discover added lustre in the pearl; a greater
radiance in the morning star, and a softer
harmony in the moonlight. Blessed be the God that
brought me here; blessed be He who permitted your
majestic mind to be revealed to me; blessed be the
One who brought me into your house to hear your voice."
Empress Candace Makeda, The Queen of Sheba
"I Believe that unarmed Truth and Unconditional Love will have the Final Word in Reality." Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King
Love is the flame which, when it blazes,
consumes everything other than the Beloved.
The lover wields the sword of Nothingness
in order to dispatch all but God:
consider what remains after Nothing.
There remains but God: all the rest is gone.
Praise to you, O mighty Love, destroyer of all other "gods."
Let Your Love be like the misty Rain...coming softly but flooding the River...Ethiopian Proverb
-How wide is the World,-
I am asking to the Sun,
Shinning brightly in the Sky,
Spreading brilliance from Above...
-How wide is the Earth?...
-Do You see another Edge?...
-How wide is the Sky?...
-Can you ever reach the End?...
-Can You ever see the Stars,
Twinkling on the other Part?...
-Can You ever see the Moon,-
The lovely brilliant Balloon?...
If You'll ever meet those Stars,
If You'll ever meet the Moon,
Do tell them then about my Love...
Do tell them then about the Noon...
Tell them that I'm Thinking of
And Looking for My Sweet Beloved...
Do tell the Stars and tell the Moon
The sweet melody of Noon...
-O,How wide is this World?...-
I'm asking to My Own Self...
-How wide is the World?
-Can I ever reach That End?
-How far will fly My Thought?
-Will It ever reach the God?...
-How wide is My Love?...-
Now I'm asking You,Beloved...
Do You Feel My Great Love?...
Do You Feel My Gentle Touch?...
Article by Ekatherine of Georgia
"Love,work and knowledge are the well-springs of our life. They
should also govern it."
I would love to start this article with the words of the Great
Scientist and Psychoanalyst Dr. Wilhelm Reich,as the subject I'm going
to touch is "The Most Natural of What Is Natural" and the Most Vital
for All Living Beings. It serves health,natural happiness and the
prosperity for individuals as well as in masses. Yes,this is The
Function Of The Orgasm...
"Some things We can't see are Real as the Wind
...Better known by their effects
Givin' You somethin' You can feel end to end
Like Heart-Healthy Great Sex
Quiet as it's kept...Khajurano's True
You can't have Sex...Sex halves You" - says Basic Black Eagle...
...Could we just imagine,once,even once our Beautiful God Made Planet
Earth without any borders,without any inhibitions,without
wars,aggression and injustice... Just let's imagine everyone loving
each other,living and working in peace and harmony for global
happiness,for the happiness and prosperity of each individual,each
family,each community and then together working for the happiness of
the whole world... How Amazing it would be... Is it so impossible?...
"From Sirius...Earth's Epigenomic Beauties
Seem Teeming with Life
On Close Inspection Earthling's Diabolic Ugly's
Bustling with Strife
What a Shame We Lost Cosmos ex Chaos
Love Taught Me Who is The Boss"
God created this beautiful world... The whole universe works in
peace and harmony according to the God's Divine Will and Pleasure...
He gave us life and the ability to live and survive in our beautiful
blue and green planet,in this wonderful,God made world,live in peace
and harmony,with Truth,Love and Belief... "Be Fruitful And Multiply
And Replenish The Earth And Subdue Earth"-BFAMARTEASE... But what
happens instead in reality? People suffer from different kinds of
severe illnesses,daily we witness different forms of aggression
between people toward each other,between
countries,violence,injustice,dictatorship,wars,poverty... All these
are the results of the fact that people have lost naturality and have
acquired modern civilized character full of artificial inhibitions and
layers,and lies... Unfortunately people lack of knowledge... However
strange it could seem to some people the reason of all these misery
and injustice is the negative energy,undischarged "dammed-up
biological energy" in our bodies,that becomes the source of irrational
actions,aggression,neuroses and different kinds of illnesses,even
cancer... "The fact that man's sexual organs do not function in a
normal way,thus precluding sexual gratification for both sexes, that
this is the cause of most psychic misery and even has a bearing on the
cancer scourge, was too simple to be perceived."-says Wilhelm Reich.
Yes,though the civilized society has reached great modern achievements
today,unfortunately people really lack of knowledge,and according to
Dr. Wilhelm Reich,"Man is the sole biological species that has
destroyed its own natural sexual function and is sick as a consequence
of this." These words say a lot. Our patriarchal society,which is far
away from naturality,suppress the Naked Truth in many different
ways... Morality,tradition,religion are the artificial,man made
creations that work against naturality,so against the well being of
people in the whole world... As Wilhelm Reich explains "The vital
energies regulate themselves naturally,without compulsive duty or
compulsive morality..." and all those artificial creations in the
society prevent the vital energies to function naturally and we
receive the problems which destroy us... All of them have the psychic
core. "Psychic illnesses are the result of a disturbance of the
natural ability to love"- says Wilhelm Reich. It means that many
people are not able to surrender completely to the natural,biological
impulses to receive the genital gratification because of different
artificial inhibitions and become sick mentally and physically.
Wilhelm Reich has devoted his whole life to solve these problems of
humanity: "I maintain that every person who has succeeded in
preserving a certain amount of naturalness knows this: those who are
psychically ill need but one thing - complete and repeated genital
So what is the most natural,vital function of our bodies and how
it works for our well being?... God created us. He gave our vital
organs the ability to function naturally,in balance and harmony... We
feel hunger,thirst,cold,heat,pleasure,pain,we feel different emotions
and our inner systems give us signals to respond them and thus,our
organism is complex of lots of biological,chemical and physical
processes... Sexual feelings are right the same. Our organisms give us
signals,that they need to be discharged from the biological
energy,that is only capable by orgasm... Wilhelm Reich has discovered
the biological energy,which is life giving and which exists in the
nature. He called it Orgon Energy... It is everywhere around us,"in
the soil,in the atmosphere,and in plant and animal organisms. The
flickering of the sky,which some physicists ascribe to terrestrial
magnetism,and the glimmering of stars on clear dry nights,are direct
expressions of the movement of the atmospheric orgon." - says the
scientist. It is in our bodies as well... He discovered microscopic
blue coloured vesicles,which he called bions and which are able to be
charged and carry orgon energy through a living organism... Our
organisms constantly need to renew the amount of it. To say in mere
words,dammed-up biological,sexual energy,which is harmful and which is
the source of many different psychic and physical illnesses must be
discharged completely and replaced by a new amount of energy,which is
healthy and life giving. "The living organism contains orgon energy in
each one of its cells,and continuously charges itself orgonotically
from the atmosphere by means of respiration. The "red" blood
corpuscles are microscopic,orgon-charged vesicles having a blue
glimmer; they carry biological energy from the surface of the alveoli
of the lungs to the body tissues." - explains Dr. Reich. We are able
to detoxify our organisms with this life giving energy by means of
heavy breathing and panting during sexual act. Orgasm is itself the
complex chemical,biological and psychic process. Dr. Reich formulated
the Orgasm Formula,which is as follows: "MECHANICAL
RELAXATION." Sexual tension is Mechanical. The electrical charge of
tension is felt throughout the body,and especially in the regions of
heart and abdomen. And it is gradually concentrated in the sexual
organs. Genitals become congested with blood and fluids. This is
electrical charge. And the process of friction increases the tension
until it reaches the climax,involuntary muscular convulsions of the
genitals and the entire body,-electrical discharge,which leads to
mechanical relaxation and gratification. When there is no
inhibition,sexual energy is always completely discharged and
gratification is received,which leads to mental hygiene and physical
health. "The orgasm reflex is a unitary response of the total body. In
the orgasm,we are nothing but a pulsating mass of plasm." - says Dr.
Reich... Orgasm Formula can be also called the "life formula", because
it is the same process during cell division,-"the division of the
egg,like cell division in general,is an orgastic process. It is
governed by the tension-charge function." The amount of the discharged
energy during orgasm completely depends on the amount of the charged
energy,-"the gentler the stimulus,the steeper the increase." and "The
greater and steeper the "drop" of the excitation,the more intense the
pleasure." Sex is not just a physical act,but the union of the
heart,mind,body,spirit. Because of different kinds of inhibitions in
the society people are not able to be free with their natural desires
and feelings. Tradition,culture,morality,religion make people suppress
their natural feelings. People who are brought up in
patriarchal,moralistic families with the negative attitude toward
sexuality and life,are always inhibited to express their true
themselves,and are not able to surrender to their natural life
impulses acquiring character armor... "The patriarchal laws pertaining
to religion,culture,and marriage were predominantly laws against
sexuality." "Compulsive Morality",as Wilhelm Reich calls it,sets
artificial standards for people what they should and what they should
not. It starts from the very beginning of an individual's life,from
early childhood,starting with the strict toilet training and
suppressing children's sexuality. That's why an individual looses the
ability to be free and natural. It is also expressed in their
unhealthy breathing. Breathing technique of a neurotic person always
differs from a healthy one and also they acquire "dead pelvis",and are
not able to move them during sexual act to be charged adequately. That
is very important. Unhealthy,patriarchal,moralistic
families,environment and lifestyle make people to obtain artificial
character to cover their real own selves,and be more adjusted to the
society that surrounds them. Civilized person develops "psychic
structure consisting of three layers" under which their real
personality is hidden. As Dr. Reich explains "the character armor and
the muscular armor are functionally identical." In his book "The
Function Of The Orgasm" Wilhelm Reich shows that people are
Orgastically potent or impotent right according to the ability to
surrender to the sexual feelings,which let them be able to completely
discharge the sexual energy and receive the full genital gratification
which leads to mental hygiene and physical health... "Orgastic potency
is the capacity to surrender to the flow of biological energy,free of
any inhibitions; the capacity to discharge completely the dammed-up
sexual excitation through involuntary,pleasurable convulsions of the
body." Orgastically potent person is able to receive wise decisions.
He or she is able to work in harmony with pleasure,without compulsive
moralistic duty. "Morality contra nature" - says Dr. Reich and shows
the difference between the "moralistic regulation and sex-economic
self-regulation". "The sex-economically regulated person is capable of
closing himself to one situation an opening to another. He is in
control of his armor because he does not have to hold back forbidden
impulses." While a moralistic regulated person acquires pleasure
anxiety... Every person who is psychically ill,has some kinds of
genital disturbances,which make dammed up sexual energy impossible to
be completely discharged,and which is always the result of psychic
inhibition. Only the genital apparatus is able to discharge the
biological energy. Wilhelm Reich explains,that "The climax represents
the turning point in the course of the excitation,i.e.prior to the
climax the direction of the excitation is toward the genital;
subsequent to the climax,the excitation flows away from the genital.
It is this complete return of the excitation from the genital to the
body that constitutes the gratification. This means two things:
flowing back of the excitation to the entire body and relaxation of
the genital apparatus." So,as we see,without any inhibition it is
always possible to receive genital gratification,which is the source
of healthy life for individual and peace and harmony in masses.
Unfortunately,according to Dr. Reich's clinical experiences,"as a
result of universal sexual suppression ,men and women have lost the
ability to experience the ultimate surrender to the involuntary."
"The ocean of lies in this world is deep!"- says the great
scientist. And He shows the difference between the modern society and
the wild Trobriand Society,who live near Papua,the New Guinea. I would
love to bring some quotes by Wilhelm Reich about the Trobriander
Society from the book "The Function Of The Orgasm" to show the
difference: " The sexual life of Trobriander children develops
naturally,freely,and without interference through all stages of life
with full sexual gratification. The children engage in sexual activity
in keeping with their age.In spite of this,or,rather,precisely for
this reason,the Trobriander society,in third decade of this
century,was ignorant of any sexual perversions,functional mental
illnesses,psychoneuroses,sexual murder; they had no word for theft...
The strict,compulsion-neurotic toilet training which saps the
civilization of the white races is unknown to the Trobriander child.
Hence,the Trobriander is spontaneously clean,orderly,naturally
social,intelligent,and industrious. Non-compulsive,voluntary
monogamous marriage, which can be dissolved at any time without
difficulties,prevails as the social form of sexual life. There is no
To what extent does a population enjoy natural sexuality? – that is
the pivotal question of mental hygiene." - says Wilhelm Reich. As a
result the Trobrianders have achieved high agricultural
development,and the social condition,"that could be like a dream to
every European society… "
" Body Language and Maps have 1
Redeeming Value...Veracity
Talking without Naked Truth's just an
Exercise in Futility
The Sole difference between the Civilized and the Savage...
The reason why I wrote this article is not that I want to turn my
back to modern society... I just so want to spread the Naked Truth in
the whole world,so that the modern society could benefit from it as
well... I just so want that there were no wars, no aggression,no
injustice,no illnesses around us,but peace and harmony,and health and
happiness in the whole world... It's in our hands... We can build the
Ideal Society with "Our Own Hands"... We Can Create the Heaven on Our
Beautiful Mother Earth... So that All Our Dear Brothers and Sisters
Around the World Could Live Happily in Peace and Harmony with Truth
Love and Belief According to the God's Divine Will...
"Hospitality's The World's Saving Grace
Or else...sudden destruction
Popular Sovereignty's for Saving Face
Slavery's for perdition
Truth and Beauty Dawn like The Flood
Unless We forget We're All 1 Blood"
"My Aunt went on Safari to Kenya and witnessed the unthinkable at a
watering hole. She said She and Her Group saw all God's creatures take
their dear, sweet time, taking their turn at the watering
hole...drinking, playing, bathing,resting without fear or anxiety. One
species would approach the watering hole only after the preceding
species was finished and gone. She marveled at how orderly wild
creatures behaved in the Cradle of Civilization and at how their
hospitality took her completely by
prey...just creatures in need and at ease. Teary-eyed, She asked me,
Beloved, what is Love? I responded, Your Majesty You Yourself have
witnessed Perfect Love at 1st Sight which largely goes unnoticed
everyday with Your own eyes in the wild and Thank You very much for
sharing Your Remarkable Testimony...AMEN."
GENATSVALE! by Ekatherine of Georgia
GAMARJOBA to you the world,GAMARJOBA!This is a little country who
sends you love and truth out of the heart!GAMARJOBA to you,the
world,yes,GAMARJOBA,and this is the word,GEORGIANS use to say to
over the wicked,the victory over the evil,the victory over the
devil,who tries to rule the world. Don't let the evil win, GAMARJOBA TO
YOU THE WORLD! The whole history of Georgia is placed inside this
beautiful little word,that comes from ancient,and the ancient is
Georgia itself Who devoted his history to fighting for truth,belief
and justice. Georgia was allotted country of the Virgin and during it's
existence the main weapon that Georgia used against the enemies was
truth,belief,love and wisdom . Many enemies have tried to defeat the
country and to break Georgians,but no one was able to force them down
to their knees as they were truthful,they loved God and the source of
their strength and belief was the greatest relic,the ROBE OF
CHRIST,that lies buried in one of the ancient towns of
Mtskheta is the cradle of Christianity in Georgia. The foundation of
Mtskheta is ascribed to Mtshketos, the son of Kartlos,one of the
progeny of the biblical Noah. "And he built a town at the confluence of
the Mtkvari and Aragvi,and gave it his own name, Mtskheta".("the life
of kartly"an old Georgian collection of chronicles).
In the 3rd century B.C. Kartli's first king Parnavas,built strong
walls around the city and erected the idol of Armazy at the burial
place of Kartlos. MTSKHETA was situated where the world's most
important trade routes went through, including the Great Silk
Rout,which connected Western countries to the East.That's why some
countries tried and use to try to defeat or find a good friend with
Georgia. And the Kingdom of Kartly was regarded as a welcome ally for powers,such
as the Roman Empire and Iran. And Georgia was always able to meet
suitably their friends with friendship and hospitality, with wide open
heart and a bole with Georgian wine,
holding in the hand,and Georgia met the enemies with sword, and truth
and belief...
The kingdom of Kartly, the same as Iberia,was part of the ancient
world with the pantheon of gods as well. Georgians initially worshiped
the sun,the moon and five stars,then they erected idols. The highest
was Armasi.
In the 4th century A.D.the King Mirian, a contemporary of
Constantine the Great, declared Christianity the state religion. The
conversion of Iberia has been ascribed to St.NINO of Cappadocia, but at
that time the foundation of Christianity in Georgia has been layed long
ago.according to the Chronicles,the deciple of Christ st.Andrew and
st.Simon the Canaanite were the first to teach the Gospel in
Georgia.they spread Christianity by the non hand made icon of the
Virgin Mary.
The beginning of the history of Christianity is connected with the
Robe of Christ,that is buried where Svetitskhoveli Cathedral is
standing in the centre of Mtskheta now. As the symbol of truth,love and
belief rising up from the heart of Georgia.
According to tradition, after the crucifixion of the
Saviour, Christ's Robe fell to the lot of Rabbi Elioz. He was the Jew
from Mtskheta, who attended the crucifixion together with the other
Jews from Georgia.Rabbi Elioz bought the The Robe from Romans and brought
it to Mtskheta with him. He had a sister, called Sidonia, who had already
been initiated into Jesus' teachings. She took the Saviour's Robe in
her hands and was so touched, that she fell dead at once. She had
clasped the Saviour's Robe so hard to her bosom, that nobody dared take
it from her hands and she was buried with it in that place,where she
died, together with the Robe and on her grave grew up a beautiful cedar
of Lebanon. Later on this place was a royal garden("EDEN"),where
St.NINO lived for a time.
In the 4 century St.Nino of Cappadocia came to Kartli to convert
Georgia, the alotted country to the Virgin to Christianity. She made a
cross from a box-tree and tied it with her own hair. It is the symbol
of Georgian Cross, now,called Nino's cross.
By that time the king of Georgia Mirian and the Queen Nana worshiped
the idols and the main idol of Armazi, but after Nino came in
Georgia, King Mirian and Queen Nana received Christianity and started
to convert the country itself. St.Nino taught true faith for six
years, working miracles with the power of the Holy Cross. She destroyed
the pagan idols, praying to Jesus, and healed the sick and the Queen
Nana was among them.
Greatest is the power of God. There is one more miracle connected
with the foundation of Christianity in Kartli by that time. King Mirian
was hunting near Mtskheta. Suddenly he found himself in complete
darkness, "it grew pitch-dark, like a murky night." KING Mirian begged his
idols for help, but they could not help. Then Mirian uttered the name of
Nino's God, asked him for help and the night was dispersed and the sun
started shining again. King Mirian accepted the true God and expressed
a wish to be baptized. So, all the courtiers and people of Kartli were
baptized together with King Marian and Queen Nana, the churches were
sanctified and there was established Christian rule in Kartly.
The miracles related to the conversion of Kartli is connected with
the building of the wooden church of Svetitskhoveli. On St.NINO'S
instructions, the church was going to be built in the royal
gardens, where the cedar of Lebanon grew upon Sidonia's grave. The tree
was hardly cut down for the pillar of the church, but the builders were
not able to move it even an inch. St.NINO started praying and only
after her prayer the angels lifted it up in the air and it settled
down in its place, spouting flames at the bottom. The miraculous pillar
exuded a life-giving balm. Yes, it was "life-giving
pillar"=SVETITSKHOVELI, as it is called in Georgian and the church that
was built on that place was called Svetitskhoveli.
The miracles of the pillar were described by Georgian, Greek and
Roman chronicles and even after centuries the pillar amazed everyone
with its miraculous radiance and even pagan invaders never dared to defile it.
Christianity was the main religion in Georgia. There were built many
churches the names of which brought the worshipers closer to the Holy
Land. Betlemi church was built at the place, where Georgians were
baptized on the bank of the river Mtkvari. Tabory church, Golgota...but
the first church was the treasure of Georgian people-Svetitskhoveli. First it was wooden, that was built by the newly-baptized king Mirian upon Sidonia's grave, using a pillar made from the cedar of Lebanon, which had grown on the grave.
In the 428 the wooden church was destroyed and in the 480 King
Vakhtang Gorgasali built a new cathedral, a large, stone three-nave
basilica. In 914 Arab general Abul Qassin burned the cathedral down. In
1010 to 1029 a new Svetitskhoveli Cathedral was built by the architect
Arsukisdze. It still amazes the visitors with it's beauty, grandeur and
architectural perfection. Despite the changing in time and
circumstances, the holy Robe of the Savior has been buried as an
inviolable, purest treasure of Christianity in the heart of the holy
town Mtskheta and the life-giving pillar exists as the main abutment
of the Cathedral. Later,in the 15 century a copy of the church of the
Holy Sepulchre of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem was built inside
Svetitskhoveli, close to the Robe of Jesus. Yes, it is the holy land and
Mtskheta affected at the worshipers as the second Jerusalem and
surely the main reason of it was Svetitskhoveli, rising high in the
centre of the city over the Robe of Jesus, as if over His Grave.
Maybe it is not also by chance, but by the God's will, that in
Svetitskhoveli lies buried the holy cape of St.Elia, the prophet. When
he was risen up to heaven alive, he threw down his cape. It was brought
to Georgia by the refugee Jews 26 centuries ago and is buried under
the south-west part of the altar of Svetitskhoveli.
The holy land of Mtskheta is the place where so many treasures are
gathered by the God's will. It is the symbol of a glorious past of
Georgia. It is the symbol of truth, love and belief, that always reminds
us about our sacred duties...about the truth and love that made Jesus
sacrifice his life for our sins. Truth, love and belief always let
Georgia overcome many difficulties during the centuries and stand
firmly and never fall. Truth, love and belief that is what God requests
us to live with to prosper the way for his kingdom. But do we follow
the God? Do we watch the truth into the eyes? Where are we going and
What are we doing? Are we able to see the NAKED TRUTH,that lies buried
deep inside the heart of Georgia? Do we feel the NAKED TRUTH? What are
we doing?
Look down you,fools, who makes you do crime? Do think of God! Please
open your eyes! Do you hear the cries? The cries for the Christ, that was
SACRIFICED to atone the crimes!...
....Please,do open your eyes, do clear your minds, do sweeten your
hearts, let's shake the hands, let's triumph JUSTICE...let's defeat the
death, let's defeat the lies, let's unite the world, let's triumph the
truth, let's join the voices and say:
Monday august 11 ,2008
We Appeal to the Mothers and Wives of Soldiers of Russian Federation
We, the Women of Georgia, mothers and wives of Georgians, Russians,
Ossetians, Abkhaz, Armenians, Azeri, Ukrainians, Kurds, Assyrians,
Jews, Greeks and of many others;
We, address you, the mothers, who have experienced the pain of
Afghanistan and Chechnya.
The Women of Russia, do you hear us?
We still have not yet started the mourning the dead, as still we have
to save those alive.
The Women of Russia!!! Today we have a one pain and one concern. We
together are facing the death, we together are looking into the eyes
of the death through the eyes of our sons, husbands and fathers.
And this pain is horrible more than death and you do really know this.
The Women of Russia! Mothers and wives of Russian Soldiers!!!
We, the Women of Georgia call upon you to raise your voices against
the bloodshed and brutality of the war.
Let us, despite of our locations, unite with the wounded hearts and
together raise our voices to support the thread of peace, which will
spread and will deliver our world, on which we live from violence.
We propose to stretch a helping hand to protect our children. Today we
are sending you this message and the lost thread of peace and believe
that you will pull the thread and it will stop this war.
Posted by State Minister Of REINTEGRATION at 3:53 AM
DEDASHVILOBA... I would love to be a poet to be able to describe
the power of this beautiful word... DEDASHVILOBA...- Georgian for
MOTHERHOOD... DEDA=MOTHER and SHVILI=A CHILD. It is the expression of
the relationship between a mother and a child...I am sure this word is
beautiful in any language,because,it is beautiful by it's meaning
itself... MOTHERHOOD... What is this beautiful power of love between
the creatures,having no nationality,and containing no difference
between the earthly creatures at all?...What is this
invisible,heavenly power of love,started in mother's womb,and having
no end continues in heaven?... It is equally felt by humans and
animals,by young and elders... It has no age,no shape,no measure,no
colour,no place... It is felt equally by everyone,everything and
everywhere... It is Love,the greatest power of Love,the beginning of
Life... Nothing is ever able to stop it... Nothing is ever able to
break it... Nothing is ever able to change it... And it's impossible
to teach... It's created by the God and is naturally installed deeply
in a mother's heart... It's a HEARTLANGUAGE...
MOTHERHOOD... This is the power that always motivated poets to
describe the beauty of Love... This is the power that is the basis for
creation of many beautiful expressions and words maybe in all
languages... Ancient people always were able to value things
correctly and name them according to their meaning and importance...The
power of mother,the power of woman is expressed and emphasized in
FORTRESS...And many,many others... These expressions show the
importance of a woman,a mother in every aspect and emphasize the
strengths and power of love,that a woman,a mother is able to posses in
the heart. ...And there is no danger,that may ever frighten and stop a
mother to defend her own child... She is able to overcome all barriers
for her childrens' sake... She is powerful,she is undefeatable... She
is unbreakable... She is a mother... This means everything...This is
the power of Love...
I have seen how a little,peaceful swallow is able to turn into a
powerful,furious creature when something threatens her children... I
have heard that even a strong,dangerous bear will not do any harm and
pass peacefully away,when met in the forest unless her children are
threatened... I have seen even my own little cat,how she used to
become a tiger,when something threatened her kittens... When being a
child I used to rest in the country in summer and my grandmother
always taught me to be close to the nature and to the animal world. It
pleased me very much and I enjoyed playing with the little creatures
and accepted them as my own friends. But I always was surprised why
their moms did not like me to play with them... I could not understand
why the hen was always angry when I wanted to caress her lovely,cute
chickens... Yes, I was surprised and a little sorry as well,as I intended no harm for them at all... But watching me,granny always smiled and
used to say: - "She is a mother,honey. She is defending her own
children." This is natural,don't worry... This is Motherhood... And once I saw how a mother hen was struggling with a kite, not caring
about her own self and defended her little chicks... Yes,I saw this
unbreakable love with my own eyes and though,I was very much surprised
then,now I understand... I understand that beautiful feeling,that is
called Motherhood... It is devotion,it is love,it is something
heavenly,giving power to all moms... Yes,I understand that invisible
thread of Love,Nature and God have stretched between mother and
child... This is instinct,natural instinct. It is so natural,that,like
animals,little babies also feel their moms by smell...It's so
natural,that mother feels,when her baby is hungry and her breasts
overfill to let her feed her own new born... The God and the Nature have
cared about the creatures,giving them the ability to exist,to live and "Be Fruitful And Multiply And Replenish The Earth And Subdue Earth...
(B.F.A.M.A.R.T.E.A.S.E.)... Yes,the God and the Nature have cared
about it...
Modern society has changed many things and the natural treasure,that
all creatures on the Mother Earth have been ordained by the God are
disappearing little by little in humans and I am afraid to say that
soon it will disappear altogether as we part away from the nature more and
more... And it appears,that some modern moms even refuse to feed their
own new born by their breasts,that is so important and some let them grow up
artificially in this artificial world. All artificial things kill naturality
in the root. It is very important for us to let our children grow up
in the natural way. It is very important for the little creatures to
feel the love and warmth and the invisible power of their mothers'
breasts. The greatest scientist and psychoanalyst Wilhelm
Reich,studying the psychic plague of the society suggests that "The
only way to get at the problem is in the newborn infant..." It means
that in order to receive the healthy member of the healthy society,it
is very important to let children grow up naturally,"in accordance with the
self-regulatory principle." Self-regulation means to have the
"ability to produce and to live out of one's own inner nature"... And
this inner nature is felt,when the naturality is preserved. I have no
idea,if my children's doctor foresaw Wilhelm Reich's ideas,but she
always taught me,that mother's breast is the beginning of everything
in life. It is very important for infants to be fed by their mom's
breasts,not to loose the natural instincts and grow up healthy...
Maybe that is right because of this importance God has created the
mother-child relationship for every creature. ...But what really
happens with humans now?... We speak about the greatest,undefeatable
love,called Motherhood,having the origin from the very beginning of
life in the earth... But sometimes this Powerful,Undefeatable,Natural
Love disappeares somewhere... And...
The Breaking News...
..." A newborn infant was found in the street,covered in rags
somewhere on the ground in the mud,weak and hungry and half alive in
the freezing weather... Another infant was found on the bench in the
park,dressed a little better half alive again... The third infant was
found in the street,being..."
O,My God! What Happens? Where is that
Powerful,Undefeatable,unbreakable Love? Who was able to break it? Or
where has it disappeared? Where is the Heartleanguage,playing the
Love music in the Mother's Heart?!... And at last,who is guilty,who is
the murderer of this Love?
Everything has it's reasons and results... The highly developed
civilized society has created the strict,moralistic rules... No animal
is ever able to leave her own born,as long as it needs care and is weak and
feeble... What happens with us? We claim to be in the highest stage of
development... What is expressed by it? What development are we
speaking about when a mother could through away her own newborn
child???... False Morality... The only criminal... Moralistic Hypocrisy... Giving credit to the highly developed patriarchal society that has deprived all rights
to women... False Morality... The only guilty,who was able to kill the sense of
Motherhood and make a woman refuse her own born... There could be
several reasons giving the explanation of this insane, ungodly action...
First-False Moralism,that does not let a modest woman have her own
lovechild,because of being afraid to be criticized by the society and
the strict,moralistic rules made her forget God and her own born
became the subject of shame... The second-the strict patriarchal
society,that does not let single women live and work independently
and be able even to feed her own child and it became the reason of
killing a woman,killing a mother in her own self. What do all these
mean? Why were all those beautiful words,expressing the power of
mother and woman created for? Where is the civilized society
going to? How long it will last? Must women preserve theirs' and others
Sovereign Rights at last? Must they be self-regulative persons or must
they be just slaves of some artificial man-made rules? This is the
plague... This is irrationalism... This is fascism, killing all Divine
and natural in the whole world... We must "not judge anything from the
standpoint of morals,and do not let anyone judge us from that
standpoint of morals. Only from the standpoint of the living,and
living is moral."-explains Dr.Wilhelm Reich.
And here I want to use the words of a famous Russian writer
Dostoevsky: " Sometimes people are described to be as cruel as
"beasts". But it is injustice and must be offensive for
beasts,because,a beast is never so artificially cruel,as a man..."
The subject that I have described is much painful for me. Maybe
we,humans must think better about the Naked Truth... The judgment is
up to the reader...
... And I...
...would love to be a poet and always be able to describe the
Truth,Love and Belief of the Beautiful,Natural Life...
The Feminine Charm Offensive: Capitalist Democracy on Trial
"It is written: FOLLOW THE SCRIPT
It serves bilderburglars' interest to mount sex-tension without release
Irrationality plague infests all structures 'til justice births Peace
Law to the proud... Grace to the Humble
Flames... Let's get ready to rumble"
... We are moving forward slowly,step by step toward the peak of
the development... Fighting... Striving... Trying to live out,reach
the truth and gain the peace... God has created the mankind to "Be
Fruitful And Multiply And Replenish The Earth And Subdue
Earth"-BFAMARTEASE... But fascist ingrates never try to obey the God's
Divine Will. They have created the devil machines to suppress the
Truth and fill the Earth with lies out of the pit of hell and lead the
society to the destruction...
"Those who deny theirs and others' sovereignty are in league with
Satan. May God have mercy on their souls..." - says Basic Black
Georgia,the little ancient country has suffered a lot. During the
centuries many tyrants have tried to enslave the "beauty maiden"...
During the centuries many have tried to put fetters around her neck...
During the centuries many have tried to capture and keep bound the "wounded
eagle"... And many have tried to enslave the "wild bird"... But no one
managed... The free soul is always free and no bounds will ever stop
the beating heart... But it is said,that it's easy to break a castle
from inside... And were a wolf is feeble to defeat a victim,sometimes
a coward jackal appears to be the conqueror. Our castle was often
broken from inside. This is what's happening with us now as well... It
appears,that,having survived despite the thousands of
wounds,unfortunately Georgia is now sick and feeble because of our own ill
immune system... "Cancer","AIDS","Psychic Illnesses" have already
captured the blood and now are moving toward the heart... "Everything
in Nature Is an Oscillator". We must release the dammed up Orgone
Energy,mounted up by the misguided men,trying to enslave us. We must
achieve the balance and peace in the society.
BET'CHALL DIDN'T SEE THAT COMIN' " - says Basic Black Eagle in his
brilliant poem "The Joy A.I.D.S. Cure"... Yes,we need the Cure,we need
to recover from Cancer,eating our parts one by one from inside. We
need to cure our Immune System. Fascist ingrates try to distract our
attention. They use many lies to defeat the Truth. But lies have short
legs. They won't go far and they will be defeated by the Truth,Love
and Belief at last. Yes,"The only way anyone reaches Heaven is to shut
the hell up"... Fear is Slavery,Love is Sovereignty and we approach
the subject only with Love. Our Lovemaking is soft and gentle,giving
the most intense stimulation to achieve the climax and relaxation.
based on the Orgasm Formula,given by the greatest scientist and
psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich. Following all stages of the natural
Love,the gentler the stimulation,the steeper the charge,that is equal
to the degree of the climax and relaxation,leading us to the Mental
Hygiene. Pleasure principal of Self-regulation is the Path to the
Ideal Society. All we must do,is just to surrender to the God's Divine
Will and Pleasure... "Psychic health depends upon orgastic
potency,i.e.,upon the degree to which one can surrender to and
experience the climax of excitation in the natural sexual act. It is
founded upon the healthy character attitude of the individual's
capacity for love. Psychic illnesses are the result of a disturbance
of the natural ability to love." - says the scientist. The society is
also a living organism. The dammed up negative energy must be
released. We are standing on the boundaries of Sovereignty and Slavery now.
We must choose the Truthful,Beauty way. And we have chosen. We don't need
slavery,we need Sovereignty...
Everyone speaks about Human Rights,Justice and Democracy today.
Everyone claims,that the world is standing on the right way toward
democracy... Some even say,that Georgia has gained the high level of
democracy now... That is so funny... These are certainly the lies out of
the pit of hell... I wonder,do those Some,who claim this statement
really know what Democracy is? Or do they just try to throw ash into
our face to blind our eyes?... Is it democracy,when people have no
rights? Is it democracy,when there is no free word or free speech? Is it
democracy,when media,court,police,all public structures serve just a
few misguided men? When people are not able to live and work freely
and lead their businesses and economy peacefully to progress, share the resources and enjoy the mutual benefits in the country and through the whole world? Is it democracy,when all profits flow into the pockets of some of the
misguided men? When everything is corrupted and people are arrested
for the truthful and wise spoken and written word... When injustice governs the
country... When people are killed and no one is punished... When there
is anarchy... There is chaos... There are so many questions without
answers... When there is no Truth,but lies... lies... all around...
What is democracy? Is it democracy,when often the authorities prefer
to kill people instead of just to send them to the court? Yes,it's
easy to shut the mouth of the opponent forever,than to hear the Truth
out of it revealing your crime. This article was not ready for
publishing yet,when three Generals were captured by police. It was
said,that they were blamed to be the traitors,as they refused to obey
the order and did not lead soldiers to shoot own nation,protesting in
the streets. One of them was killed and two were wounded very hard. Is
it justice? Is it democracy? Do those Some,who speak about our
"achievements" know the bitter Truth about us? I wonder what they
would say knowing all these. Is it democracy,when the family members
and some relatives of those Generals were also arrested and the son of
one of them was even expelled from school?... What do all these
mean?... How long must the injustice last?... How long must they stop
the beating hearts and seize the lives of our daughters and sons?...
We have so many such questions,but unfortunately without answers. And
the subject of the injustice War in August,destroying so many lives,is
also dissolved... Thousands of Refugees in their Own Country... 300 of
Georgian villages have been invaded and captured by the enemies in
Samachablo,(the so-called South Osetia now)and it appears,that
Abkhazia,our Old Beautiful Part is almost ready to be delivered to
Russia as well... Yes,Dear Those Some Seniors,on the High Posts,it's
very easy to give advice... It's very easy just to say: "No,it is not
the correct way... It's against the frames of law to protest in the
streets"... Which laws?... Who created these laws? - Again those few
misguided "little men"... Will Their Majesties be so kind and tell us
what to do?... We acknowledge the only law in the world-the Power and
the Law of the Perfect Sovereign!... I am not a politician at all. I
am just an ordinary citizen,but I can't watch all these injustices
calmly and patiently. I want to live in the country governed by the
Truth,Love and Belief and not by lies and crimes. And I am not
alone... Thousands and Millions are standing behind me... We have
children... We wish them to have Bright Sky and Happy Life... We don't
wish bloodshed. We wish Peace and Prosperity for our Generation. Those
few misguided mean are ready to use any moment and shoot their own innocent
people,asking for Truth. But we are fearless with the clean hands and
with our hearts full of great Love. We want to live in this country.
We love our country and are not going to escape just because of those
some misguided men. Yes,we are Millions... We are the Whole Nation
asking for Truth,Equal Rights and Justice... We have no arms... Our
arms are the Truth,Love and Belief... Will the Government listen to
our Truth?... Will the Government answer the Truth also with Truth?...
Or will they lie again?... Should the government serve the interests
of us?... Should the government serve the people,or should the whole
nation be the slaves of the irrational deeds and thoughts of those
Some Misguided Men?... Do those Some,who make claims about the "high
democratic" levels in Georgia,really know what happens here? Do they
know the reality or do they just water the tree of lies to spread them
then in the whole world for their own benefits as well? Yes,fascists
don't need the Truth... They prefer slavery and lies to strengthen
their own power. But,I just remembered the words of Stevie Wonder
now:"You need Us to Live,but We don't need You..." Yes,we don't need
you!... We don't need You,the Misguided,wicked Men! We don't need the
Government,who tries to enslave the People!... We don't need the
Government,that is based on lies!... We don't need the Government At
All!... We'll Govern Ourselves!... Let's give the power to the
Truthful Word! Let's give the Power to the Rational Minds! The Voice
of The Lord=The Voice of People... Let's give the Power to DEMOS!!!...
...Yes,may be I am no one to speak about the things,which the
"Powerful Ones of This Village" know much better. But I know,that they
never care about others' Sovereign Rights. And I also know,that,People
are too wise. People are able to lead the life wisely according to the
God's Divine Will... BFAMARTEASE... In old times in mountainous parts
of Georgia people had the self-government. Even in the early years of
the 20th century they had communities in the different parts according to
their living places and all wise decisions were taken out of the
people's minds. They led their own lives wisely... They had their own laws.
They had no masters,-they were the Masters of their Own selves. But
civilization killed the natural,wild world of the truthful,God made
society. No,I am not retarded... But civilization must not serve to
please the devil. We must obey the God's Divine Will and Pleasure. We
must "shut the hell up" and lead our lives wisely to prosper the Path
toward the God's Kingdom...
"...Psychic illnesses are the result of a disturbance of the natural
ability to love..." How truthful the Genius Scientist was. Yes,we must
return whatever we have already lost... And we must return our
natural,Wild Love... Pain is the Path to Wisdom and The Pleasure
Principle of Self-regulation is the Path to the Ideal Society! We are
carrying our Cross to reach the God's Kingdom now. Sovereignty or
Slavery?... We have chosen Sovereignty...
God has given the land to people,but fascist ingrates have
adjusted all businesses for their own benefits. We must preserve Our
and Others Sovereign Rights and must not let the misguided men spread
the lies all over the world. Men love to fight. They solve everything
by guns and feasts. But,we,women must achieve our destiny on purpose as nobility obliges us to Balance Matriarchy with Patriarchy to correct the wrongs and do not let those some misguided men rule the world by lies. We must seize the power from them and govern our Own selves... Georgia is able to do this. We have
our rich natural resources,given us by God. Land is the source of
Power. Why seek and try to invent miracles,when everything's possible
by the Power of our God-made Land. The fascist ingrates have become
the owners of everything here. They use politics to preserve and
strengthen their own businesses and vice-versa . Business and land
must be mutually beneficial for working people and for the economy of
the whole country through developing the trade policies and fruitful
exchange with the neighbours. It must not serve as the fertilizer of
the irrational deeds of some of the misguided politicians,as it
happens here. We are commanded to spread the Garden of Eden
Everywhere. Not only in Georgia,the whole world is experiencing great
financial,economical and political crisis now. Permanent solutions
are needed. The world is looking for the solution,the world is looking
for the way out... But no one looks the truth into the eyes... They
don't see the Truth,or they just don't wish to see it. But the Truth
is God-made and we must make them,who prefer to follow lies and wish
to be blind,open their eyes... We must make them see the importance of
developing of the Family Farmstead,that will eliminate material
distress and will let us achieve the highest goals in the whole
world... By growing Natural Crops,we'll be able to correct the wrongs
of the past. It will improve the Environmental,Health,Economical,Financial and Industrial Spheres,and will strengthen the Political and Economical Relationship between the countries throughout the World. Yes,no one speaks this Naked Truth.
Because they prefer lies,that fertilize the benefits of those some
misguided men,having seized the power in the world. The development of
Family Marijuana Farmstead,that will replace all artificial,men made
creations,will be the Highest Goal for the World to establish peace
for everyone and everywhere. Sure everyone knows this Naked Truth,but
no one recognizes it... Why? Just because they prefer the lies...
Yes,"It's hard to speak the Truth,harder to hear,but impossible to
Yes,my Dear Silent Poet,those who deny the Naked Truth,always forget the God... They don't have Love in their hearts,they have hate and fear... "Love,Work and Knowledge are the well-springs of our life.They should also govern it." - Says Wilhelm Reich.
Love casts out all Fear! Orgasm vs. fascism! Naked Truth is right the Light out of the
Candle which will scatter the darkness and spread the Holy Light all
over the World... We have Lit this Candle now and we must keep it
blazing... We must "Shut the hell up" and defend our own and others'
Sovereign Rights... We have accumulated the greatest energy of love
and we must Surrender to the God's Divine Will and Pleasure and
experiencing all stages of Lovemaking,we'll release this dammed up
negative energy... Yes,we need the Cure... We need to be healthy...
And the Truth,Love and Belief will help us to do it... The LOVEOCEAN
is Boiling right now... It is Reaching the Peak... We'll Reach the
Climax!... Climax and Relaxation... The Full Orgastic Genital
Gratification... Yes,Everything in Nature is an Oscillator. Yes,Orgasm
vs. Fascism... Yes,Let's Shut The Hell Up!... Because... "It is
written: FOLLOW THE SCRIPT"...
"To commit to Peace... Be Still
Earth's Goal, Justice, can't be overstated Submit to Divine Will
Humble Your Soul or Be humiliated
Yahshuah Means Revolution
One Name for Permanent Solution
Knowledge, like a garden
Must be cultivated before the harvest
Courage, like Garden of Eden
Stays Rooted as a Climax Forest
Good versus evil...same old same old
LOVE conquers We've been told"
Treatise on Sovereign Rights, Territorial Integrity, Liberty and Responsibility:
"Hospitality's The World's Saving Grace
Or else...sudden destruction
Popular Sovereignty's for Saving Face
Slavery's for perdition
Truth and Beauty Dawn like The Flood
Unless We forget We're All 1 Blood"
I feel,nothing is able to express my mood better now,than these
words of Basic Black Eagle... As if they are playing the love music in
my mind... I agree with you,my dear Silent Poet... Why destroy
everything by aggression,when the God has created the Power of
LOVE???... But unfortunately,the whole world is as if coated in some
negative energy,the source of which is evil and hostility and all of
them have their roots deeply in the pit of hell...
Wars,aggression,wickedness... Is the whole mind of the world pointed
toward the destruction?... It's always easy to destroy,harder to
rebuild... The hostile relationship between people increases into the
hostile relationship between the countries... What are we striving
for,for Truth and Justice or for war?...
This article was not ready for publishing yet,when I heard the
terrible news about the killing people in New York. It's so sad...
It's terrible,when the disappointment finds the solution in
aggression. Yes,
" The Sole difference between the Civilized and the Savage...
"The Ocean of lies in This World's too Deep"... And the reason
appears to be one - the psychic plague of irrational thought...
The world is facing an historic social,financial and economic
crisis. The dissatisfaction in the masses finds it's echo in aggressive
action. What's happening throughout the world? The same scenario,the
same action everywhere,just the solution is not correct.
JUVENOCRAT WE MUST CONFESS..." - says Basic Black Eagle. If People would only listen to and learn from the wisdom of the great scientist Wilhelm Reich, "Disappointment on the part of masses of people in liberal organizations,plus economic crisis,plus an irresistible will to freedom,produces fascist
mentality..." That's what's happening in the whole world now... What's
the solution? "Popular Sovereignty's for Saving Face..." - answers the
Silent Poet... The eyes of millions and millions of people are pointed
toward the world leaders now,discussing all the problems and looking
for the right solution... Are they looking for them in the right
place? Do they realize their own responsibilities well? Do they feel
well how precious each Soul is for the world and will they be able
to achieve the correct ways?...
INDIVIDUALS' RIGHTS..." appeals again the Silent Poet.
I want to make a parallel and describe my pain about my country.
I wonder why sometimes power and popularity blind People's eyes?... All is not
gold that glitters brightly... Why, after gaining the highest levels of Lifestyle, do ,some people forget about the other's rights? " Fascism is merely the extreme
reactionary consequence of all prior undemocratic forms of leadership
within the framework of the social machinery. " - explains Dr. Reich.
Georgia also is experiencing the most difficult time... The dark
cloud of injustice has covered the country... Undesirable war,that
destroyed the lives... Thousands of refugees in their own
country,without home,without rights... Who is guilty,who is
responsible?... People need Truth... But,there are just
lies,evil,corruption and injustice... We don't need war... We demand
peacefully to receive the Truth... And We'll Achieve It right by the
help of the Truth... We want to defeat the evil that has killed the
Youth... We want to defeat the lies,that have deprived us of Our Rights,the
devil machine,that wants to destroy the Truth,that kills the People
for loving Justice... That killed Free Will... killed Truthful
Court... Killed Free Media,and the Free Word... Deprived people from the ability to
have their business... Killed the social,individual,and property
rights... Deprived people of all their values... Humiliated history,culture,talent... Deprived us of Light... Deprived us of Rights...
Deprived us Lives... We need to stop it... To stop injustice... We
don't wish for war,we wish Justice. We don't have carnal weapons...We have only
Love, Our Spiritual Weapon which is Mighty for pulling down liars' strongholds. Our word is one... JUSTICE!... And we'll gather together to express our will... We'll gather together,the young and the elder,men and women together with children to defend the Truth... Shoot us if you can,if you have courage the few wicked men... Shoot the Peaceful and Truthful Word... We Are Together...We need the answer for each of our crying babies,for each drop of blood,for each part of land,having been
cut out from the Georgian Heart... You Are Responsible... You Must
Give Answer... Yes, we don't wish aggression and destabilization. All
we need is Truth and Justice. Georgian women formed the organization,
"The Women for Motherland". Each woman,each mother unites there to
defend our Rights,to keep Justice,to make the Matriarchy/Patriarchy balance and not let the wicked men shoot the Truth. We form to Appeal to all Mothers asking them not to let their Sons point the weapons toward the Truthful Hearts... Stop wicked men!
We know that you are preparing... You are preparing your forces to
defeat the Nation... You are preparing your weapons,because you are
Cowards and are afraid of Truth... You are afraid,because,you know,that
we are powerful,We Are the Truth... And you know,that You will never
defeat the Truth... Don't be afraid,Mr. Injustice,just look the Truth
into the eyes... To defend your "throne",you began the war... You
killed the youth,you killed the people,not caring about their lives...
We have nothing to loose... We want to gain the Truth,that you have
deprived... Why are not the working people able to earn for there
lives?... The God has created our land so fruitful and beautiful...
Still,why are so many people hungry? Why are not they able to have
their own business to live and survive?... How deep are your
bellies,that you aren't satisfied?... Why is everything yours and ours
nothing?... Why do you kill and arrest us for the Truthful Word? Why
are you cutting Forests and selling our beautiful Georgian Land? Why must we
be afraid of you?... We Are not! The Truth is always stronger than
stone. Our lives are worthy to serve the God and the Nation...
The whole history of Georgia consists of the fight against the lies to
defend the Rights... And We Did It... We had our past,we are honoured
by Truth, Love and Belief... We had Queen Tamar,the Powerful Matriarch,who was the subject of adoration of so many poets, even in the different countries, for her
beauty and wisdom,justice and courage... And there were so many
others...Yes,"The Sole difference between the Civilized and the Savage... HEARTLANGUAGE."
But,People are not flock... People can't be locked... We'll break the
chains that bound us and we'll arise to reclaim our Sovereign Rights...
Yes,my dear Silent Poet,We Will. "Slavery's for perdition"...
But... You are right,why destroy everything by aggression,as the Lord
has created the Earth for Love?... No More War... No More Fighting... Not one
More Drop of Blood... May the Belief in The Perfect Sovereign lead us to achieve the Truth and defeat the lies by the help of the weapon of Love... And yes,we
will,because we stream like a mighty river,like the Aragvi toward LOVEOCEAN for the Truth,Love and Belief... Our Weapon is Love and it Will Let Us Survive and Cause us to Thrive... The solution is one... We must make peace and balance on the earth by prospering the God's Divine Will to " Be Fruitful And Multiply And Replenish The Earth And Subdue Earth..." We must face the Naked Truth and value the treasure,the God has created for us... Yes,it's a difficult time,but we must pray for our
leaders to become wiser and let us live peacefully in this universe...
We must help the World... We must help Ourselves... We must preserve
ours and other's Sovereign Rights... Let's prosper the Rural Family Farm by
following the God's grow Hemp-Marijuana, the World's #1 Cash Crop, is the natural way for the nations to live independently by using it's medicinal and industrial values for health care and for increasing the wealth. We must defeat all
artificial,evil creations,that prevent us from accepting the natural
treasures. Yes,We Must... Yes,We Can... And We Will... We don't want fascism and tyranny... We need Truth,Equal Rights and Justice for now
and forever,here and everywhere... And This Is the God's Will and the
Best Solution for the Whole World!
TO LIFE... "
...And here we hear the Georgian poet:
"My fair land,why are you sad? Though present's not happy,the future
is ahead"...
And ...
" I hear,I hear the long wished sounds of the broken fetters... " -
responding to the other from the past... Yes,my dear... I also hear...
It's already near... But,Please... Please,without war,without bloodshed...
I don't wish any more to see anyone cry... I don't wish any more to
see anyone die,I don't wish to see anyone be hungry... And I don't
wish to see any injustice... Never... And Nowhere...
"HOSPITALITY'S THE WORLD'S SAVING GRACE..." - the Love Music is playing inside my Heart...
The Naked Truth Seen through the Eyes of a Priest by Ekatherine of Georgia
The subject that I am going to discuss may be very helpful to
understand the truth of our existence. Unfortunately people mostly believe the lies that are promoted from different sources, different
authorities and are created by creatures, by people who invent them
just to set legal fictions for the society. But there is only one law and
the only authority that we must follow and believe. The God, who
created every child, woman and man and who gave us lives and the ability to live in this world. Only the laws, that are given by God are truthful and honorable.
All the rest are lies...
I am a believer. I often go to the church, the sacred house of the
God. There are many different people who I meet there. There are
believers who pray and ask God for blessings for their beloved
ones, but unfortunately, sometimes I also meet people who are very much
busy teaching others something wrong and they invent lies, trying to spread
them among the society. They teach how to be dressed, how to act in the
church, how to pray... That's one has asked them to do it.
No one has ever instructed them to teach others. They do it themselves
by the instruction of the devil, to mislead the people in ignorance. Unfortunately, such people are very many and everywhere and that's how the liar was born...
I have a friend, who is also a believer. One day she told
me that someone had taught her that it was a great sin to have sex
during the fasting time. She obeyed that law, but was in great
confusion because she wanted to fast, but she could not suppress her
sexual feelings. Many times she tried... She started fasting and stopped her sexual activities.
And to her greatest surprise, the honest priest proved to her to be the opposite of the liar, and opposed to that which she was taught by the misguided people and she felt her inner tension very much released.
P: Why do you suggest that you must suppress your natural feelings, my daughter?
W: Father,I was taught,that it was a great sin to obey the sexual
feelings, if I am a real believer...
P: Sexual feelings? What are the sexual feelings, my daughter? Who
ordained you to have them? Have not you learned to own them as a part of nature given by our God?
W:Yes,but,I was told,that it is sin to listen to your body language.
P: I Understand... So ,did it help you,to become a good believer?
W: No, I was confused. I did not know what to do. I wanted to fast, but
I could not deny my sexual feelings...
P: Than why did you go on to obey that law, my daughter?
W:I was told that we must pray and believe in God and save our souls
and never worship our bodies...
P: Yes, you are right, we must pray and worship the almighty God, as the God is
our Creator, he gave us lives and we must live according to his will and save our souls. But how could you believe,that,if you suppress and
deny the natural feelings, you will save your soul? What happens with
you if you do not receive the food or water at all? Will you survive?
W: I will die...
P: Yes,you will die. The God gave us the ability to experience hunger and
thirst, to feel and understand that we need to eat and drink to survive.
W: But food and water are vitally important for our lives...
P:Are not other biological impulses, that are given by the God, as vitally
important as to eat or drink?
W:But it's different. We eat because we must live.
P: Yes,we eat to live and we feel when we need to eat and
receive the food. Why do you think we have sexual feelings,if it is
not important? Who gave us the ability to have them,the God,yes?
P: Sexual feelings are as vital,as other feelings,my daughter...They
are God-made and are our biological desires, biological impulses,that
are very important for our life, health and strenght. Who gave you the right to suppress the vital sources, given by the God? Is not it sin ,that you torment
yourself by denying the God's will and accepting the lies created by
W: But...
P:No but...Just listen to me, my daughter... There is no wrong in
listening to your body language. You are alive, not dead,and that's why
you feel the life. Be a real believer, be truthful, love God... Love
your enemies and your friends and love yourself... It's a great sin to
take such decisions by yourself by listening to misguided people.
All our natural feelings are made by God. They are vitally important for
our life and no church, no religion will suggest that you suppress them.
You say,that you felt very bad when you condemned yourself to such a
decision. You must focus on God's Holy Spirit, on life, on your work and on your
purpose in the life...
By suppressing your natural, biological desires you will torment
yourself and you will never be able to lead the healthy life. You will
never focus on reality...being confused, conflicted, unhappy and ill. Our lives
belong to God and we have no right to lead ourselves to the grave
according to our will. If we kill the natural biological processes in
ourselves, we just die and we'll be the victims of suicide...
God is Great... Live according the God's will, never believe the
lies, there is no other authority than the judgment of God... Trust and Obey Him! Pray to and worship God, be alive while you live and just give Thanks and Praise and be happy for his grace and mercy...BLESS YOU...
Yes,GOD IS GREAT and my friend is happy now,unlearning the lies and
finding the Naked Truth. But THE OCEAN OF LIES IN THIS WORLD IS still
VERY DEEP... So,let's just ignore these lies and live according to
GOD'S DIVINE WILL & PLEASURE...not by might...nor by power...but by My Spirit I will overcome them...
W:Yes,but,I was told,that it is sin to listen to your body language.
PLEASE LISTEN! by Ekatherine of Georgia
-"If I won't come back, please don't cry, darling"...-it was his last
words...he said and went...and left the wet kiss on her trembling
-"If i won't come back, please don't cry mom...-it was his last
words...he said and went and carried away the wet salty taste of her
teary eyes...
...-"I will come back ... Don't cry, my darling"...-it was his last
words...He said and went...and left the warm touch of his fatherly
lips on her dark curly hair and childish cheeks...
...And they went...and never did come back...they were youth and some even more...
..Went and left...the broken hearts...and teary eyes...
...The war killed the hearts...the war killed the youth...and killed
many lives...
...There is no winner in any war...
...The winners are lies...
...So many women heard these last words, being left in grief and many hearts were broken...The injustice of war killed love
and joy...Mothers, Wives, Lovers, Daughters Sisters looked to the
infinity awaiting their beloved people...The bottomless throat of the
injustice of war swallowed so many lives and left the dryless tears in
the eyes...Fascistic brutality caused the hurricane on the innocent
people of Georgia and rooted them out from their homes...The injustice of
war started in summer and has no end yet...
...BUT NO ! We don't wish the horror last any more...The fascists
destroyed Georgian families and that's enough! We don't wish innocent
blood any more...We don't wish war...All we need is Peace....All we
need is to stop the fascistic deeds...And nothing will broke
us...Nothing will stop us and we will fight for our sovereign rights and
territorial integrity. We are Mothers, Wives, Daughters, Sisters...We are
Georgian women...who never were afraid of any blood-sucker aggressors
and tyrants. We'll never let fascists celebrate the Satan's joy! We'll
never let that our beautiful country become the cradle of the next
world war! The world is at the abyss...Fascistic deeds are carrying it
down to the hell...We must be conscious, we must look the truth into
the eyes and remember that the world belongs to the God and no one has
right to hand it in to the devil...
This is the truth, appealed by Basic Black Eagle. Let's be rational and
keep justice. I always drive my pen to appeal to the women of the
world...I always address the mothers, wives, sisters and daughters of
Russia as well. Let's live in peace, let's remember God and Govern the
world to make the fascists unlearn lies and believe the truth!
Misguided Men are thirsty for aggression and drunk on the illusion of power. Only we, women may balance the truth
and make justice in the world. Lies feed people and do not let us stand
on the righteous way to the Ideal Society.
We can never reach the Kingdom of God until justice governs the world. There are so
many refugees in their own country in Georgia.They have lost
everything. Their hope is to go back to their homes, robbed and
destroyed, but still their own. So many innocent people died on each
side. The war is from devil, that makes fascism, aggression and
brutality. I will use the words of the greatest psychoanalyst Wilhelm
Reich, who said, that,"Fascism is merely the extreme reactionary
consequence of all prior undemocratic forms of leadership within the
framework of the social machinery."
The aggressors still bomb and destroy the Georgian population. They
violate our territorial integrity and try to reach to the heart of
Georgia, passing the bounders of the conflict zone long ago. They still
build their blog posts in Georgian villages and drive out people from
their own lands.They even destroy graves, using them as their
Yes"PLEASE LISTEN" to Basic Black Eagle and don't part from the
God. What are we doing? What are you doing? What are they doing? STOP
FASCISTS! You have no right to govern this beautiful world!
Yes,"PLEASE LISTEN"! Listen all the women of the world! Let's hold each
others hands and lead the men to the correct world of truth ,equal
rights and justice and let's do it for our children and for our
Yes,"PLEASE LISTEN" and let's stand side by side for the ideal
society, for the God's kingdom."PLEASE LISTEN" and let"s restore honor and honesty and stop the lies ruining and destroying the roots deeply not letting the tree of
the truth grow up and bloom...
Yes,"LET'S LISTEN!" and make fascists pay for each drop of tears and
blood, but let's make them pay by Truth, Love and Belief...
I also join to Georgian women appealing to the women and mothers of
Russian soldiers and address to the world:
...Yes, we listen...We listen and follow you,Basic Black Eagle, the
"COMMANDER-IN CHIEF IN IDEAL SOCIETY"...praying and fighting for
Truth, Love And Belief for the GOD'S KINGDOM COME...
"I am Pleading for the Future when Love, Life and Light will envelope
The Heart of All Souls and supplant ignorance and self-hate so Our Hope
Takes Root, Blossoms and Buds in Ideal Society...
THANK GOD I'M A MAN"-says the Silent Poet.
...But we are women and we'll "rule this world"...
Who has legalized laws in the world? Who made the selection of
mankind by different features? Who has created dictatorship of
misguided men? Who has divided the world into blacks and non-blacks? The
same creatures who have the power? I am not afraid to say it loudly. I
am not afraid to look the Naked Truth into the eyes. God made the world
equal for everyone and no creature has the right to stand against his
Divine will. I will appeal for justice again and again. The world is at
the edge of catastrophe by increasing corruption and fascism. People
suffer and die all over the world. Children hunger and cry while
misguided warmongers thicken their bottomless pockets with the
wealth created by workmen's horny hands...That's injustice... The war
against Georgia made the world harvest the hardest period in different
structures today. Russian fascism went all over the boundaries and it
will cover the whole world soon if we don't stop it. The source of
fascism, mental illness and neurosis is sexual dysfunction. The greatest
psycho-analyst, Wilhelm Reich declares: "I maintain that anyone, who's
managed to preserve a certain Amount of Naturalness knows this: people
who are psychically ill need but 1 thing: complete, Repeated Genital
Gratification..."The ocean of lies in this world is deep". We forget
that we are all God's children and all of us have the same roots
buried deep in the past. The injustice against the black people hurts
my heart.During the centuries they have suffered from the inhuman
behavior of the cruel and wicked world. It's the 21st century now. We claim
modern developments and democracy and at the same time we never care about
their rights. We need justice. And for Everyone to be equal and honour other's
sovereign rights.
Who divided the world into powerful and right-less classes? Who deprived
women of rights? Women are the equal of men, wise and truthful. Wise queens
always made justice the top priority in society. Georgian Queen Tamar was a woman who prospered the
country and created it's golden age. The World needs balance and justice to
prosper the way to the ideal society for the God's kingdom. Only the
path that leads to the God is truthful and safe. I am a woman and I
> will fight for women's sovereign rights. Misguided Men love power and don't count women to be strong and wise. I can't hide my passion when I see
injustice. Women must preserve their sovereign rights. The Pleasure
principle of self-regulation makes mental hygiene and is the highest
goal for the ideal society. I appeal to women of the whole world. Let's
join the wisdom and don't let fascism rule the world.:
Let's make satan cry...
unfortunately our society is unwilling to see and understand truth. The whole
world is based on pretense and no one wants to look truth in the
eyes. Maybe people are afraid to see their own sickness, or may maybe they
just prefer to be sick and mechanical machines, than just to shake their
heads, unlearn lies and make themselves free from bondage."BABYLON MAKES IT HARD TO BE A FREE SOUL,EASY TO BE A SLAVE"...says the the silent poet and it's so sad that so many people are slaves of psychic plague of
irrationality. The brick wall of resistance between God and society seems too strong. That is why people ignore the law of God, the law of nature and obey legal
Why is the world so wicked? "WHY IS THE OCEAN OF LIES IN THIS WORLD TOO DEEP?" What is the foundation of the society? The great scientist Wilhelm
Reich suggests:"Conventional upbringing makes people incapable of pleasure
by armoring them against unpleasure." The harmony of life is naturality, but
the strict morality and public mis-education that is strongly connected to
the early children upbringing makes people ignore the truth and God and
worship the "heroic renunciation of happiness"and prefer fascism instead of
sovereignty." The ignorance of the natural, biological needs and suppression of
sexuality is the reason of the neurotic character of society.''IN LOVE'S
Fascism is a complex Phenomenon uniting all the negative
features of the Global Population ,that is impossible to touch all only in one
It's more than a month that Georgian people suffer from the
neurotic fascist influence. It's more than a month the irrational war
violates the rights of the sovereign county. People are awaiting when
Russian government keeps the signed cease-fire agreement at last and
withdraws troops from Georgian Sovereign territory. Irrationality has covered the
minds of fascist and it has rather long roots coming from the depth of
the communist dictatorship. We are one of the oldest sovereign
nations. We don't want war, we are just defending our own beautiful
country. We are defending our sovereign rights. We don't let the
separatists divide and destroy Georgia and take away our oldest Osetia
and Abkhazia. Georgia is the allotted country of the Virgin Mariam, here
has buried the Holy Robe of Jesus Christ. Christ has made the ultimate sacrifice.. His life for Truth ,Love and Belief and we never let unbelievers trample
down the Holy land that is given us by God. Russian soldiers kill and
destroy innocent people, ruin houses, schools, churches. They burn our
rich fields and forests, they infringe on our territorial integrity and we
are not the only ones. The fascists threaten other sovereign countries
too. That's enough. The World needs peace. The World is with us. Let's stand
together against the fascist irrationality and turn their masks away. I
address this message to all women and mothers of the world, who care about
the future of their children. Let's follow the God and settle the future for our
posterity. Let's show the naked truth to the wicked patriarchal
society, who has brought up fascists on the chest. Let's stand for the
popular sovereignty and show that,"WHERE THE SPIRIT OF GOD IS, THERE IS
LIBERTY." In fascism, only the perverse impulses have broken through. The
post-fascist world will carry out the biological revolution, which
fascism did not produce, but made necessary."-suggests Dr.Wilhelm
Reich. So let's stand firm! I address this message to all Russian women and mothers as well. Remember the LOVE,TRUTH AND BELIEF, that always united Russia and Georgia.
We are all women and mothers and we may stop the war-mongers.
Mental hygiene, that is what the world needs.
Genital gratifications is the only source of healthy and happy
life. God gave us the ability to receive pleasure. Just never deny what
is natural. That's God's will and we must Trust and Obey. Let's listen to the
HEARTLANGUAGE that never lies and is connected to the heartbeating of
the mother nature. IIt is the correct way to the KINGDOM OF GOD...
THEN YOU WIN..."-says the silent poet at last...
...And there will be PEACE...and LOVE...and
HI JAHLEE!GAMARJOBA TO YOU MY DEAREST are you my brother?i hope you are ok.yes?o,how i want to chat with you i need you.i don't know when i will be able to send this message to you.i am just typing and typing,talking to my mind and imaging you beside me,sitting and listening to my heartlanguage...i feel too bad baby girl is asleep and the elder girls are sitting in their room chatting endlessly.i hear their laugh too,while i am crying here alone.i wish them laughter,i wish them to be happy and i will never show them my tears.just let them be happy,if they can in this wicked and cruel world...
I am sitting's dark.everything seems so calm and peaceful,as it always is before the great storm...i am listening to the silence,that is only destroyed by the natural shouting of wild,free aragvi...the silence also has its heartlanguage...
What is he saying to me now?what is he shouting?...may be he is telling me some secret from his long life experience?...maybe he wants to tell me how to live,where is the help,where is the truth,where is the right way to the God?...may be he wants me to shout loudly and address the wicked world: Stop it! Stop it please!Stop the war!You are not the owners of the world!The world belongs to everyone,.god made it for everyone to share equally ,god gave us lives and who are you to take it away from the innocent people and innocent children!STOP WICKED MEN!You are the creatures and have no right to go against the lord!...
i shout...i scream...but no one hears,no one answers...the wickedness has no ears,how can it hear...
...And i am sitting and listening...listening to the silence...
May be i will hear,
Maybe i will feel,
May be he will teach me,
His language true and free...
The life is so cruel,
God's kingdom we'll not see
Wickedmen have destroyed
The Heartlanguage wild and free
To ruin is always easy,
The matter... how to rebuild?
Wickedness's deaf and blind
Wickedness has its rules
The beauty has just been crushed down
Under the Russian boots...
Motherland moans and cries,
Earth suffers from the fools
O,where's the help my dear,
Who wants to stop the fools
Listening to the silence
I can not keep my tears...
The silence understands
My heartlanguage and my fear,
He is wild and truthful,
Always honest and clear.....
Yes,again truth,love and belief,that, we are looking for. Truth,love and
belief, that we are made with. Truth,love and belief,that, we are to live
...But do we?...
...We met the 21 century with grandeur and splendor in the whole
world...we met and welcomed it as a hope for the bright future...the
21 century,as the age of highly developed world. Highly developed
technically and mentally. Yes,we received highly developed technical
achievements, but there are no differences in mentality...the same
agression,the same hatred,the same fighting for power and glory...that
makes us part from the god,from the Savior,who has been sacrificed
for our wicked deeds...
...Yes,nothing has changed,but the time,that gave more power to the
Who would think that in the beginning of the 21 century one of the
hugest and most powerful countries,Russia, would attack little and beautiful
Georgia, crash down its beauty, ruin and outrage the God and
churches, bomb and destroy towns and villages, burn our forests, kill and
...rob and...rape and...
...Yes, powerful Russia is governed by misguided men, men without
minds and hearts, men without they can understand what
mothers feel, when pagans kill their they can understand
what women feel,when their husbands and brothers and fathers are
killed. How they can understand what children feel when their mothers
are raped and killed, what parents feel when their daughters and sons
are forced, what nations feel, when their truth and belief are crushed
down and ruined by dirty boots...
...and how can they understand what beauty feels, being destroyed and
annihilated by a monster...
The glory is not in power and destruction, the glory is the God, and
please, don't miss His way. Please,you, who govern our fates, our lives
and deaths, please don't kill us! Don't kill our children! Don't kill our
But the wickedness is blind and deaf. People could not see the
truth of the Christ. How can they see our truth, the truth of
Georgia. How can they understand what feels Georgia, the mother, who is
being taken away... her children, Abkhazia and the South Osetia. These are
our oldest lands,parts of Geogria.
After the Ascension of Christ, His disciples, together with the Virgin
Mary casted their lots to spread Christianity all over the world and
Georgia was alloted to the Virgin. She sent two disciples, St.Andrew and
Simon the Canaanite to convert Georgia. The Virgin took a board, put it on
the face and thus She made her true expression on the board and it was
the first non-handmade icon that the disciples brought to Georgia and
they started their activities from the western part of
Georgia. St.Andrew started to convert Samegrelo and Simon the Canaanite
went to Abkhasia, where he died later and was buried there in
It is also the fact, that Stratophill, the bishop of Bichvinta, the
same Sochi today, attendeded the world church congress in Nikea, as the
111 member among 318 in the beginning of the fourth century. Bichvinta
was Georgian, Abkhazian land , that was given to Russia during the
communist dictatorship.
The whole history of Georgia was devoted for the fighting against
many other invaders, who tried to seize our lands and separate the
whole country. Georgians had to fight and die for their country and
their belief. Truth, love and belief, that was our main power and
strength and the aim to fight for.
It is significant to mention, that Georgia was wide and powerful
during the kingdom of the wisest Queen Tamar in the 12th century. She
was the grand daughter of great King David the Builder and the only
child of her parents. So she became the queen of Georgia, though many of
noble authorities were against it and she started to rule the
country when she was 18 and ruled it wisely during the 25 years.The
whole of Georgia loved their queen. Tamar was very beautiful, wise, strong
and just.
Tamar's husband was the son of the Osetian king Jadron. The wise
young queen managed to keep the country powerful and rich and she kept
justice in the country and all over the neighborhood. She pushed aside
all the worthless authorities from the posts and set those deemed more
worthy through out the lower stratum of society and it caused those
authorities to rebel against the queen ,but wise Tamar knew how to act
against those furious men. She sent two old nobles and the wisest woman
to negotiate with them and promised good posts to everyone who would be
the noblity and worthy for the country. The beauty and wisdom of the
young queen made even the enemies worship and honor Tamar. She loved
her people. She always gave out the charity to all poor
families. Tamar's glory reached many countries all over the world. She
was a believer.She never wished the bloody battles, but whenever
enemies tried to destroy her country, Queen Tamar led the Georgian army
herself barefooted, with a crucifix and Georgian flag,praying and
blessing the people and the country...
Georgians adored their queen. Poets praised her wisdom and beauty and
the greatest Georgian poet, Shota Rustaveli, wrote a poem "the knight in
the panther's skin", and dedicated it to Tamar. The government period of
Queen Tamar is called Renesans Period but Georgia had many hard days
in the past as well, when many of the best Georgians sacrificed their lives in
the fight for truth, love and belief...
Georgians remember with horror the bloody invasion of Jahlaledin in
Tbilisi in the 13th century. They were able to enter the city of
Tbilisi as the Muslim guards opened the gates treasonably to the
enormous army of Jahlaledin and they invaded like a hurricane in the
city. "the rivers of blood"flew in the streets. Jahlaledin gave an order
"no quarter to any men or women or children or old people, death to
everyone."..furious Khvarazmians tore away the babies out of the
mothers' breasts and throw them on the ground and then killed the
mothers over their own children.
And the River Mtkvary was colored in red with blood and full of
dead people but the blood-thirsty Jahlaledin was not satisfied. He
ordered to throw down the cross from the dome of Zioni church.T hey put
the icons of the Virgin Mary and the Saviour on the ground and ordered
all the citizans, Georgians and Armenians, who wanted to be alive to kick
and spit on them. There were some who changed the love and belief into
their own security but a lot of people were killed as they refused to
outrage the icons. The pagans cut off the heads of the believers and threw
them in the river... about 100 000 citizens of Tbilisi were killed that
horrible time but Georgians never subordinated the invaders,they
prefered to die,than tread their country and their belief...they
preferred to die for the truth they had in the heart, for the love of
God and country and belief , that was stronger and deeper than any
Another bloody tyrant,who caused much harm to Georgia was Shakh
Abass, who ruled Persia in the 16 century. His aim was to conquer
Georgia and make all Georgians Muslims. He destroyed and ruined the
eastern part of the country. He destroyed towns and villages, churches and
fortresses, raped and killed women and children. Persians took the babies
out of their mothers' breasts and threw them away for beasts to
eat, then took the mothers to Persia to make them
change their belief and marry them but Georgian women preferred to die
than change their belief or marry the pagan
invaders. Thousands and thousands of Georgian people were abducted and
taken to Persia and they never saw their homeland any more and a lot
of men and women were sold cheaper than any cattle...but they
could never break Georgia...they could never force Georgians down to
their knees...
Shakh Abass invented many ways to own the country. He decided
to kill the King of Kakheti Teimuraz and his sons. He invited the
princes to Persia. The elder boy was 5 years old and the younger 3.
Teimuras's mother, the Queen Ketevan, did not let the children go
lone to the blood-thirsty Persian ruler so she went with them to
Persia together with 1000 Georgians. As Shakh Abas had already captured the
hostages, he killed the boys and tried to make sure the
queen Ketevan changed the belief and marry him but Ketevan preferred to
die, than change the belief or marry the tyrant who had killed her own grandsons and wanted to destroy her country. The answer made Shakh so furious,that he ordered to torment the Queen in a terrible way. The executioners tore away the crucifix and
Georgian ground from her chest, tore her dress and started to brand her
body and cut out her body parts and did everything to break her
firmness and change her mind but they could not. Queen Ketevan did not
even moan, did not even cry. She calmly went on praying and her words
were: CHRIST, MARIAM, GEORGIA...and the last word was...MY SON...
...And passed away, the Georgian queen ,Georgian woman and
mother, tortured for the truth, love and belief...passed away and left
the bright path after her to the kingdom of God Georgian people
imputed her to saints.
Yes, it's hard to read, it's sad to realize, but that is the truth, the
NAKED TRUTH of a beautiful country and people and no one should think that it
is too easy to break the nation, whose
Naked Truth is so magnificent, old and pure, based on love and belief.
You will never defeat us, you will never break us, you will never force
us down on the knees, as we are free, as we are wise, as we are ancient
,as we are strong, as we have friends all over the world, all over the
universe, united tight together with the TRUTH, LOVE and BELIEF, fighting
to reveal the NAKED TRUTH,buried deep inside each nation...AMEN...
...And we'll find the truth and we'll take the truth, and we'll spread
the truth,and
What if there were no evil in the world?What if there were no
cruelty,no aggression,no war,no fascism at all? Can we imagine to live in
such a world, where reigns the truth, where triumphs love and justice and
governs belief? Aggression gives birth to aggression,evil and
suppression. Love and truths create beauty,kindness and happiness and
clear the way to the path of the God's kingdom.
God teaches us to love our neighbours and our enemies too. For love
and only love is able to defeat the evil and cruelty in the world and
correct the wrongs and prosper the way to the God.
Why must we do evil,while we may do kind? Why must we hate,while we may
love? Hatred is evil,love is divine. Hate is devil's and love is God's.
God taught us love, God gave us love. God created us by love and
ordained us with the ability of love. Yes,love is pure,love is old,love
is the beginning of the whole,love is beauty,love is kind,love is
sweet and love is wild,love is sex and love is climax,life is love and
love is life...
..Yes,love is life,it is the vital source of our life. And however
beautiful and romantic it must be,love is physical and realistic as
Today the attention of the whole world is attracted to the
situation in Georgia. Russian aggression came over all boundaries.We may
call their activities nothing but fascism.Is not it fascism to fumble
in the affairs of a sovereign country? Is not it fascism to help the
wicked separatists ruin territorial wholeness of the independent
country?Is not it fascism to kill,to ruin,to burn,to rob,to bomb,to
explode,to mine,to arrest innocent,peaceful people? Is not it fascism
to burn the natural resources of the country,burn the beautiful
forests of Georgia?Yes ,it's fascism,it's aggression,it's
injustice...And where does all this aggression, all these dark energies come
from? This is the question that requires the answer...What is common
between Love and Aggression? difference is much,common is only one,THE
THE UNIVERSE is the place,where kind and evil exist together.We
must only distinguish them and be able not to let the evil cover and
exceed the kind,just on the contrary,we must stop the evil and let
prosperity to the kind.
God is almighty and his power is inexhaustible .He gave us the pure
world,full of vital sources. He gave the vital energy to all the living
beings And this is the ORGONE energy,that fills everything with
life. Dr. Wilhelm Reich had discovered the Orgone Energy and proved its
function and importance in the life of all livings. Orgone energy flows
from the Orgonosphere in space to the earth and charges the atmosphere....It is
everywhere,in the air,in the water,in each little cell. It makes plants
grow,it gives life to every living being. It is the energy of life,even
since the time of the formation of the world. Dr.Wilhelm Reich
discovered the microscopic "bions" in the cells and according to his
researches,these bions are charged with Orgone. They multiply,clear
blood and thus they may cure cancer and many other diseases.Only,it is
very important to provide the healthy balance of Orgone energy in the
body,that is achieved only by absorbing Orgone from the atmosphere
through the respiration and then discharging them with the frequent
and healthy genital orgasms. According to Wilhelm Reich, the imbalance
of the Orgone energy is the reason of many diseases and undischarged orgone is the cause of human
mental and physical illnesses.
"Orgastic potency is the capacity to surrender to the flow of
biological energy,free of any inhibitions;the capacity to discharge
completely the dammed-up sexual excitation through
involuntary,pleasurable convulsions of the body."-declared Dr.Reich. In
his opinion the character armor is the main reason that suppresses the
sex tension and the undischarged orgone energy,is the reason of the sexual
impotence,or cancer or many kinds of neuroses,dictatorship,war,as it
is increased and expressed by aggression and fascism.
So,Wilhelm Reich describes the function of the orgasm as the main
factor for the balancing the Orgone energy and achieving the mental
hygiene and cleanliness,that defeats aggression,wickedness,evil and
leads us to the Ideal society...
And it's so sad that most of people are not able to set free
themselves from the frames of the exaggerated modesty and dignity. It's
so sad that most people are not able to see the Naked Truth of love
and beauty,that is so natural,so sweet and so pure,as it is gifted by
the God. It's so sad that the self-hate prevents lost souls from loving
God and others,it preventst them from the self-regulation.and they
escape from the most divine,most natural most pleasurable feeling,that
is given by God.Love is beautiful,Love is divine,Love is pleasant,Love
is heaven,Love is perfect and Love is eternal...
Love is peace,love is touch,love is kiss,love is heart,love is
passion,love is sex ,love is climax and relax...
Why must we suppress love? Why must we oppress ourselves? Why must we
make ourselves slaves of our own ego? We are children of God and God made love
because just to love and there's nothing insulting in love...
I am a woman and it was not easy for me ,to overcome all the
barriers of modesty and mock dignity,as i was taught,they were the main values
for an honorable woman...
Why is love not worthy?It is divine God gave us the innate ability of love
and sex,to receive pleasure beyond measure...why must it seem
offensive? I am young and i am beautiful and i need to love and to be
beloved...and someone,who lived inside me,someone who was wilder than
me,someone,who was wiser than me,fought against my ego and helped me
find my own self, helped me open my own WONDERLAND, the magic
world,surrounded by the LOVEOCEAN, full of love and full of passion.That
was my wildwoman who knew the heartlanguage of love and sex,the
heartlanguage of my own body and understood my craving to subordinate
to the pleasure,
that awaited me in the WONDERLAND LOVEOCEAN,the pleasure of great
sex,received through the genital gratification...
Subordinated to my wild,wise woman and i sank deep in the crystal clear
pleasure water of LOVEOCEAN...
And I set free my wildwoman,and i dive,and i soar,and i fly in the
WONDERLAND SKY together with my wild chocolate lover,who gives me
plenty of wild,hot sensations daily,filling my hot pleasure palace
with his huge throbbing chocolate bar,full of plenty chocolate creams
making me cum over and over his melting penis inside me,pulsating my
G-spot and great sex acts make me shake, make me moan,make me scream,make me
climax,make me feel the greatest sex,the greatest pleasure beyond
And I feel, that I am a woman,the happiest woman in the universe.and I
shine,with the sunshine,as I love and i'm beloved.
And that is the essence
To follow god,
To follow truth,
To feel the pleasure,
That is divine;
To live and recognize,-
You are ALIVE...
So full orgastic gratification cleans minds,makes us happy and healthy.
That is the way to the IDEAL SOCIETY, that we are going to
achieve, where there is no warno aggression,no evil,no devil,but TRUTH,LOVE
So,the question is,what do we need peace or war,good or evil,life or death,
GOD or devil,truth or lie,love or hate?...
The truth of these words is expressed in our society. People prefer to
believe lies and they are afraid of truth because knowledge is
truth, love is truth and it is always bitter for them who have chosen
the path of lies. Truth and lie...God and devil,-these are two opposite
sides. If we follow truth, we follow God...if we fallow lies, we follow
Who am I to teach the world, who am I to give advice...shall I tell
you? I am just a woman, I am a mother, I am the part of this world, an
ordinary citizen of the SOVEREIGN COUNTRY who feels better the pain of
people,and I have no right to hide my passion...
The second month is coming to end as the main topic of discussion
still remains the subject of Russian-Georgian conflict but the roots
of truth have been hidden deeply in the past, then only two months. The
world leaders judge and discuss what is right and what is wrong and
meanwhile, still someone is dieing, someone is crying, someone is loosing
their home... Does the question still exist, who is the AGGRESSOR?
what a shame...
And that is the truth.
Georgia is one of the oldest little countries, which is trying to
been violated by fascist aggressors. Who will answer for those crying
people, women and children, whose lives and faith were crashed down by
the fascists boots? Who is the aggressor? AGGRESSOR IS THE LIAR...
SAMACHABLO was one of the beautiful oldest principalities of
Georgia. The aristocratic Georgian families of MACHABELI held
possession of the district in old times. That is the area called THE
SOUTH OSSETIA now. To dig in the past, the OSSETIANS, descendants of
the ALANS have migrated from central asia and some of them
settled to the west.some in the area, what is called the NORTH OSSETIA
now and the rest found refuge in GEORGIA,SAMACHABLO.
part of Russia and after the invading of Georgia by the Russian
11-th RED ARMY in 1921 and absorbing it in the USSR, the Georgian
government created the AUTONOMOUS REPUBLIC of the SOUTH OSSETIA. the
Ossetian's SOVEREIGN RIGHTS were always honoured by Georgians, they had
the right to speak their own language and teach it at schools as well and
during the period of their living together Georgians and Ossetians
lived peacefully and friendly. But the situation came out of control
after the ruining of the USSR and Russia lost the rulership on many former
Soviet Republics, which became independent. Georgia was recognized as an
independent country as well. RUSSIA LOST HIS BEAUTIFUL FORMER
LOVER. Since that he tries to separate Georgia and violates it's
of Georgian people always were violated by Russians even during their
living together period in the USSR, but that is the other topic of
So, what makes Russia not keep the cease-fire agreement and
violate the Sovereign nations? What makes them prefer aggression? The answer is
only one-THE AGGRESSOR IS THE LIAR that feeds society with falsehood and
parts it from the truth and God.
"Fascism is merely the extreme reactionary consequence of all the
prior undemocratic forms of leadership within the framework of the
social machinery," declares the great scientist Dr.Wilhelm Reich.
The source of fascism is the psychic plague of irrationality and
the liar that makes the gulf between God and society. GOD IS TRUTH AND
While cannons are rumbling, muses must say their truth and this is
the voice of the muse...everything has it's NAKED TRUTH. It's our turn to
listen to it now. So,should we hold the BLADE, or should we handle the
Why solve the problems by cannons and guns? I address the people of the opposite sides...ordinary people, who have no fault. Guns are machines of satan. LET'S MAKE FASCISTS OPEN THEIR EYES !We must prosper the Beauty Way to the IDEAL SOCIETY by receiving the spiritual maturity and solve the problems by love. Love your enemies and your neighbours as your ownself,-tells us the God. The character building makes us love each other but one who does not love his or her own self, is not able to love the others. That is self-hatred and self-deception, to deny your SOVEREIGN RIGHTS, that is given by the PERFECT SOVEREIGN. The function of the orgasm is the main vital source for our health and our society that cleans minds to unlearn lies. The pleasure principle of self-regulation forms the bases for character building, cleanliness and justice and the way to the IDEAL SOCIETY... to clear the path for the God's kingdom.
Why do the aggressors not honour other's SOVEREIGN RIGHTS? The reason is the same, the reason is lies,t he self-hatred, self-deception, that causes fascism and the psychic plague of irrationality. Dr.Wilhelm Reich says-''the destructiveness bound in the character is nothing but the rage the person feels owing to his frustration in life and his lack of sexual gratification.'..And this destructiveness takes the global character and helps fascism rule the world."
ORGASM GIVES FASCISTS THE BLUES...''-appeals Basic Black Eagle.
God has made the world in the Divine Order. The harmony of opposites makes balance and justice. Imbalance makes disorder. We must lead the life according the God's divine Will and stop the fascist aggression, We need to keep truth and justice.''EQUAL OPPOSITE OF WARFARE''...So,let's look truth into the eyes, lets ''MAKE SATAN CRY...''All people, all nations ARE EQUAL !
And have their own SOVEREIGN RIGHTS !
Night was calm...the village sank in the darkness, still and frozen
in summertime as if awaiting a terrible storm. Only the barking of
dogs destroyed the silence sometimes. The sky was cloudy, even stars
stopped sparkling. The nature felt the pain of the mother earth,whose
heart was oppressed by the sins of the mankind.
Suddenly clouds slid away for a moment and the moonlight peeped in
a little room, where there was a young woman sitting on the bed being
gone deeply in her thoughts. The room was disordered. There were clothes
and few little packages,with only very necessary things inside on the
She looked around with her eyes being somewhere far from that place
and then stopped her sight at the little creature, who was peacefully
resting on the bed grasping her mothers hand with her little hands
close to the chest. Warm sparkles of love shone in mother's eyes,she
smiled looking at the little girl's innocent face, but suddenly a cloud
covered her face, the smile froze and the woman sank deep in the past
She remembered the terrible days of her childhood, when escaping from their
home in Abkhazia,they walked in the high mountains for several
days, hungry, with torn clothes and shoes in the coldness...She
remembered the kind smile of her dear father, who was killed by the
enemies, She remembered thousands of bodies of dead people being
scattered around on the ground with different damages. She remembered
the feeling of being a refugee in her own country...She remembered the
taste of a piece of dry bread that her mother gave her to eat duringthe journey in the mountains and remembered the pain in her little
heart when taking the bread, she looked at mom and asked sadly:-"Why do
they want to kill us, mom?..."
They passed through those torments, hunger and coldness and
survived and found their new home and peace in Kartly, she never even
thought that the horror of her childhood would remind them of itself
Flying back in the childhood,the woman sometimes raised her head and
listened to the silence, as if waiting for something...Her eyes and
face were wet with tears. It was another day the fascists had
started bombing peaceful people of villages and towns...It was another
day, the horror had been settled in the hearts of Georgian people... It
was another day motherland moaned under the weight of the dead and
wounded...It was another night, no one had closed their eyes and
sitting dressed waited for something...Where to go, where to escape
how to leave their homes...
...The woman shivered. Her little girl, as if she felt her mother's pain, held her
hand more tightly against the chest and opened her beautiful dark
-What happened mom? Why are not you sleeping? Why are you sitting dressed again?
The woman turned her face away, trying not to show tears to her
child and not let her little heart feel the bitterness of life.
-It's ok sweety, go on sleeping, my darling. Nothing has happened.
Five years old little dolly looked at mom with her big wise eyes.She
threw her long dark curly hair back and set up on the bed.
- I know mom, you are crying. Why?
... Yes, you are never able to lie to the youth. They know
everything...They feel everything...And when you think they are still
flying in their own wonderland, you never feel how life makes them
mature and lets them feel the bitterness of reality. She hugged and
kissed her little girl and stroked her dark,curly hair. And suddenly she
heard the words from against the chest, she was most of all afraid to
-"WHY DO THEY WANT TO KILL US"-,asks another child,-a little
boy, laying wounded in the hospital in bed and in great pain from the
damage he had received by the fascist machines which did not let him lay
"-Be calm, dear, you will be ok very soon"-says the nurse. The rays of
hope and happiness shone in the boy's little face
-"I want home...Soon mom will come back for me and take me
home..."-he whispered with his dry lips...
...The nurse turned away her teary eyes...How to answer?
...He had no mom any more...
...his parents had died...
It's so hard to break a little heart...It's so hard to kill the
hope...But reality does it for you. And then you see how the youth and
hope die in the bright lovely eyes...
Why must the word "kill" appear in their minds? Why do we let the
youth fade and die? Why don't we think about the future? The world and
future belong to the youth...
Does anyone feel the pain of the Silent Poet? Does anyone hear those
crying little voices? How many children have asked the same
question? Little hearts are oppressed by the pain. The wicked world has cut
the roots of our future...Children suffer from the hypocrites and the ill will of
adults, longing for wealth and power. They die from hunger and cruelty
in the world. How many children have lost their parents who have becomethe victims of the hypocritical society? Instead of living in their own
innocent world, they have to pay for the fascistic deeds.
We must not break their little hearts. We must not damage their
innocent inner world by the dirty deeds. Let's let them grow up, let's let their
childhood last.
The pain of Georgia is the pain of everyone. It is the expression
of injustice in the whole world. Fascism is going to crash down the
nations. Each creature, each child, each people, each nation is
worthy, their Sovereign Rights ought to be honoured...
War and slavery are machines that make a great job for satan's
joy. Imprudent action of the society separates us from the Will of God.
(Nothing can separate Us from The Love of God)
The monster of corruption and injustice is ready to swallow the whole
I appeal for the Sovereignty and justice again and again, until we
honour each other's rights. As a woman and as the citizen of the little
country, whose Sovereign Rights are violated by the fascists, I
understand the pain of all people whose rights are suppressed. What do
we do against injustice? What do we do for the rights of children and
women? What do we do for the rights of the black people? I feel their pain. It's too hard to have less rights.I t's too hard to have no hope
for defense. It's too hard to feel yourself as the rest of the
world. But,let's remember:
My country has suffered a lot during the centuries, but the TRUTH
LOVE and BELIEF always helped us to survive.
...Millions of joined hands raised above asking for peace,around Georgia...
...Millions of burning hearts beating together asking for Truth, Love
and Belief all around the world...
...Let's join the hands, let's unite the hearts, let's stand together
according the God's divine will,and ask for TRUTH,LOVE AND BELIEF, to
make justice, to balance the world for women and men, black and
white, children and elder...
The most amazing sight, that I had ever seen, was high up in the
mountains, when I admired the grandeur of the hem of the Caucasian
mountain range. It is above Gudauri, where the skiing sport tournaments
take place in winter. Winter is also amazing there, when you watch the
endless space of untouched whiteness, connected to the sky with the
highest mountains. But it was the summer time, when I first visited that
place and the great impression of its wild beauty aroused a strange
feeling of acknowledgment of our feebleness. And the awareness of
un-free, self-oppressive nature of the modern mankind, compared with this
wildness, was kept forever in my mind.
I was standing at the bottomless ravine. The gloomy rocks were
narrowing down and down and the passionate wild Aragvi seemed like a
piece of white thread in the bottom of the abyss. I passed my sight
along the thread and I saw the beginning of life, the birthplace of the
wild Aragvi, the place where the passion and wildness started...The landscape was so amazing that I stood breathless for a moment. Behind
me was spread a wide, rough valley, covered with plenty of wild
flowers, surrounded by the highest arrogant mountains, reaching the sky
with their peaks. The endless space of wilderness...The enormous
measures that made you impressed, that you could even reach the piece of
the oldest snow,resting on the hem of the mountain during the many
many years...That you could even touch the sheep scattered around like
white spots on the dewy green grass and the voices of
shepherds, camping in the wilderness, came from the distance...
...Suddenly I heard a freezing sound, coming from far away that
covered the neighborhood and spread the echoes in the gorge...and I
saw a dark spot growing bigger and bigger in the sky, floating and
soaring, crossing the space as if it had no weight...O, my God, a free
soul...a symbol of freedom...a wild creature of God...Georgians call
it the king of the birds...yes, it was the first time I saw a wild
eagle in it's natural world...
I had only seen it at the zoo before. It was a miserable, poor
creature, enslaved and locked in the cage...
...But this son of nature was floating freely in the sky, crossing the
endless space of the borders...the full sense of
freedom and the awareness of its own self that joined him with the harmony
of the natural, wild world...
...And it was the first time I wished I could also have the wings...
...The great start of the 21st century. Civilization reached the peak of
development. They are proud of the achievements and progress in
different structures. People become as if more self-confident, as they
have a claim on being civilized. If you ask anyone, what is the
happiness of life, he or she would answer, that the highly developed
civilization makes their lives happy. And they never notice how they
receive the artificial masks of modern society. They forget the main
source of existence...naturality and have become the machines of the
progressive life. And the words SAVAGE and NATURALITY are associated
with the backwardness...Is it really so? We find so many frozen and
cold faces everywhere. The more civilization, the more coldness...What
happens to the society? People claim they are independent and never notice how they become the slaves of the man-made civilized compulsive
morality. The thread among people and God is as if torn, the gulf is
widening and the Naked Truth appears on the other shore...
''Body Language and Maps have 1 Redeeming Value... Veracity
Talking without Naked Truth's just an exercise in Futility
The Sole difference between the civilized and the Savage...
...HEARTLANGUAGE"-says The Silent Poet.
Yes, HEARTLANGUAGE is the secret of the NAKED TRUTH. Heartlanguage is
the key to the natural world. The sense of heartlanguage makes us feel
our own selves, our inner world. It is the language that you will never
learn or never study. It is the language that you must sense, intuit. It is the
language that makes us feel that we are alive...
What is the life of a person who is not able to feel his or her own
Heartlanguage? What is the value of the society that consists of such people
and is enslaved by the liar? This society will never see the Naked Truth. This
society will never fight for the sovereignty and justice...This society will
never be ideal and will never prosper the way to the kingdom of God...
The Silent Poet describes the main source of life. The Naked Truth of The
Pleasure Principle that is "next to the nature" is the gratification of
natural feelings. It is the awareness of One's own heartlanguage that makes a
person free from all compulsiveness and lies. It is the source of mental
hygiene and helps a person's self regulation.
But according to the greatest scientist and psycho-analyst Dr.Wilhelm Reich,
the psychic structure of the civilized person has three kinds of
layers that suppress the natural feelings. The first layer,"on the
surface", is conscious and "wears an artificial mask of self-control, compulsive
insincere politeness and pseudo-sociality"...Below this mask is covered the
unconscious layer of "sadism, avarice, envy and all kinds of
perversions...This second layer is the artificial product of sex- negating
culture and usually experienced consciously as contact-less sociality, a gaping inner emptiness and
desolation"-explains Dr.Reich . The third, deepest layer, which "represents the
biological core of the human structure, is as unconscious as it is feared...It
is at variance with every aspect of authoritarian education and control".
As we see the heartlanguage of a person is buried deep inside the layers
of artificial masks of perversions. These masks of compulsive morality and
SHOULD's suppress naturality and people become aggressive and
hypocritical. Wilhelm Reich distinguishes two kinds of psychic structures: First ,"the compulsive morality structure performs work
perfunctorily, governed by an ego-estranged "should". And second,"the sex-economically regulated structure performs work in harmony with sexual interests, drawing from a great reserve of live energy."
That means that the person who is enslaved by a compulsive morality is
unhealthy psychically, but the "sex-economically" self-regulated structure, or the
person who is aware of his or her own natural feelings, his or her own heartlanguage, and who
receives the full orgastic gratification, feels the harmony and happiness of
the natural life. Dr. Wilhelm Reich compares the civilized society with the
savage Trobadrian society. The difference is astonishing: Savage-no
aggression, no lies...instead there is truth and justice and the full happiness of
life...civilized-mental illness fascism, aggression, no awareness of the
Yes, each human character reproduces society and the compulsiveness in each
person is expressed in the masses and makes global, unhealthy mass
irrationalism. the expression of all kinds of aggression, fascism,
hypocrisy, neuroses are the result of compulsive sex-negating morality, they
are the result of the suppressed naturality.
This is the appeal for justice . As harmony and justice make our souls free
from satan's slavery, We prosper and prepare the way to the Ideal Society for the
kingdom of God. Mental hygiene, that's what our society needs...
Yes, dear Silent Poet, we want peace, we love justice, we believe in God
and we'll fulfill his divine will! We don't need war and fascism...We need
to follow the Naked Truth...We must fight for our Rights...To own
Heartlanguage is our Sovereign Right...
...And I stood at the bottomless ravine...gorgeous mountains surrounded
me, reaching the sky...
... And it was for the first time, I wished we also could fly...
THE HOPE IS ALWAYS Ekatherine of Georgia
No one was able to change her mind and make her leave the home...
The hurricane, caused by the fascist machines destroyed and ruined
everything. Georgian population was forced to leave their homes and
rescue the lives of their families and children…Only a few old people
stayed in the village…and she was among them…How much her
grandchildren asked her to go with them, how much they begged, but…
-"Here are my roots…"- she said and no one dared to make her
repeat it again…
Elene Bebbo (a granny for Georgian)…Everyone called her like
this. She was a young woman, when her Husband was lost in the 2-nd
world war and since that, staring to the infinity with already dried
eyes, that strong woman, still waiting for him, carried the
heaviness of the drudge of family alone. She looked after and tended
her only son…She lived for him and breathed for him and did everything
to let him become a truthful and worthy man…And he became…
But, being already a young man, he went to the war to defend the
motherland from Russian and Abkhas separatists and did not come back
any more and sacrificed his life in the battle against injustice, for
the freedom and integrity of the country…
… He became a hero, but killed mother's heart at last…
…It was twenty ears ago… But still she was staring to the
infinity with already dried eyes…
…She was still waiting…
…Where to go… Where to escape… How to extinguish the fireplace,
in the home, where her beloved people had lived…
… Where to go, where to escape… What if anyone needed help?...The
heart of the motherland was beating there …It was bleeding… It was
moaning… It was groaning …It needed help…Where to go…Where to escape…
Her place was there…
…And she stayed…
…She had devoted all her life to truth and justice. All the people in
the village asked her for advice. She was truthful and loved God and
did everything to help others in need. The bitterness of life gave her
more strength. In each person, who needed help she saw her husband and
son… And she seeded only kindness to worship the God, to defeat the
devil and help others in need to stand on the righteous way of Truth
Love and Belief…
…Another storm...a hurricane fell upon the country again… The dark
cloud of evil covered the sky…
...Ruined houses, burnt fields and forests… dead and wounded everywhere …
…And an old woman, dressed in mourning leaned on a walking stick giving a care…
Terrible sight...-the field full of dead people... Death had
united friends and enemies ... The devil machines are for
killing,never distinguishing truthful and liar... It's God,who cares
to save everyone... To steal the lost Souls from the claws of devils...
…She had devoted all her life to truth and justice. All the people in
the village asked her for advice. She was truthful and loved God and
did everything to help others in need. The bitterness of life gave her
more strength. In each person, who needed help she saw her husband and
son… And she seeded only kindness to worship the God, to defeat the
devil and help others in need to stand on the righteous way of Truth
Love and Belief…
…Another storm...a hurricane fell upon the country again… The dark
cloud of evil covered the sky…
...Ruined houses, burnt fields and forests… dead and wounded everywhere …
…And an old woman, dressed in mourning leaned on a walking stick giving a care…
Terrible sight...-the field full of dead people... Death had
united friends and enemies ... The devil machines are for
killing,never distinguishing truthful and liar... It's God,who cares
to save everyone... To steal the lost Souls from the claws of devils...
Truthful and liar are all his children,-he covers all of them under
the wings...
"-Vai tkvens dedebs shvilebo" (Oh,poor your moms, my children)-the
old woman whispered in Georgian …and walking slowly along the field of
death she leaned to everyone seeking for life … Maybe someone was
alive... Maybe someone needed help... What if her son ,abandoned by
everyone, bleeding and moaning, was also waiting for help twenty ears
ago,like any one of these young men...
...A weak moaning reached her ears...she hurried and followed the voice...
...A young man, covered with blood, trembling and moaning needed help...
She stood on her knees and leaned close to him... and the first she
noticed was his bloody blond hair and hardly opened light blue eyes...
-"Воды...Бабуля,...дай мне пить..."(Water...Granny,...give me to
drink,...please...)-he wheezed out with his dry lips...
...Yes,he was Russian,he was the enemy ...Maybe the lives of so
many Georgian people were destroyed just by his hands...But he was so
feeble and helpless now...
And he was human, he was the God's child and he needed help...
The couple of tears dropped from her eyes, being dried for so many
years...She saw her lost son whom she missed such a very long time...
-"Oh,my son, you are not guilty, you are the victim of
injustice..."-she whispered for herself, and putting her arm gently
under his shoulders, gave him a drink of cold well water...
-"Spassiba"(Thank you)-the first week Godly word reached her ears...
...Yes, he was safe, she would help him...She would not let the evil
kill another innocent life...Yes, he was sinful, but he was not
guilty ,he was just the victim of injustice...
The care and tenderness during the several days helped the young
Russian man stand on his feet. She looked after him,and shared the last
piece of food with him and saved one of the God's son's life...
She was happy, she had saved a life from death and lies... The
heartlanguage of a Georgian mother made a miracle again...It made the
young man become conscious and filled his heart with Truth, Love and
-"You are strange people, Georgians... Being in trouble
yourselves, you care about the others"-Said the Russian man...
Elene Bebbo smiled:
...And the Russian troops started moving back to their homes...The
hearts of most of the soldiers were full of pain and regret having
their hands covered with innocent blood by making mischief with fascistic
deeds..."-We'll never come back here for war...We will come back for
love and friendship"-These were their last words...
The tree of the Truth, Love and Belief had bursted out the buds of
hope...The humanity will not die out...The humanity will be
survived by progeny as there exists the heartlanguage connecting the Souls with
the God and the Truth, Love and Belief will lead the people to the
Ideal Society for the God's Kingdom..
...And she stared to the infinity with her tired eyes...
...The hope never dies...
Are WE in Love? by Ekatherine of Georgia
She woke up early...
...Beautiful September morning...
...The first day of her going to school in the second form.
...She was happy...
...The streets full of cheerful,little faces...
...What a wonderful morning...
...And the naughty rays of the sun playing with the earth...
...Every one's happy...Sophia's happy, too...
...But also the pain...The traces of horror in the hearts,-The war has
not passed...
...Still happy now...Back to usual duties...If only not bombing...If
only not killing...If only not dying...
AND...The pretense of peace...A show of prosperity...The ship's
sinking, but everything's OK ...
...The happy day...Back to school again...Nothing has changed...The
same faces...The same love...The same joy...The same familiar smell of
the native school...
...Something's different...
...Something's wrong...
...And the result of war...
...A new face in the corner...
...A little dolly, beautiful, like star...But the face sad...and an old
toy in the hands...
-What's your name?
Anny.- was the answer.
-Are you a new pupil?
The smile was also sad on the face...
-I'm a refugee from Gory.
Sophia was little, but she had already heard that terrible word. And
her little heart pained...
-Why are you here then Anny?
The little girl smiled bitterly again. Her beautiful childish face
received an expression of a sophisticated woman, who had been experienced
terrible days in the nearest past.
- I miss my school and my friends and I wanted to see the children
going to school.
Sophia looked at the girl. The joy and happiness she felt a few
minutes ago disappeared somewhere...The result of war, standing in
front of her, carved a sore in her little heart...
...Little trembling hands looking for something...Little beating
heart, willing for Kindness...little wise mind thinking of doing
Charity...What does she own? What does she have? What's she looking for in her own
treasure world to help a friend?...And she finds the best...The
priceless thing that she owns...The dearest thing that she loves most
of all...
...The little innocent mind finding the best way...The little kind
heart beating strongly to make a dear friend in need happy...The
little trembling hands giving the treasure to her...And the great
power of the words, expressing love and the natural world:
- Anny, take this beautiful teddy-bear, please. It's yours, darling. I am
giving it to you with my whole heart...
...The God is love. And the God teaches us love, but unfortunately the
natural love and natural feelings disappear somewhere in the wicked
world. Only the youth feel the true love of the Perfect Sovereign, until
the perversions of the life capture their innocent hearts. Let's show tenderness
toward our youth and help them keep love in their hearts forever. How many
people are in need in the world? How many people suffer and die in this
careless society? The gulf between the people in power and people in
need becomes too wide. The injustice covers the world and prospers the
way to the corruption and helps the warmongers...Character Building,-
That's what the society needs.
"This is the 1 Question Interview for Souls seeking Throneworks:
Helping Soldiers, Widows, Orphans, Refugees and Dependents in need
There's Great Pay, Stock Options, Long Hours, Frequent Travel and
Missionary perqs
Octavia Butler's Parable of the Sower is a must read
If You Answer "Yes", Get in where You fit in, like Hand in Glove
All We need to know now is this...Are You in Love?"
...Yes,let's look in the depth of our hearts.Maybe we'll feel the
heartlanguage covered carefully with our own egos...Let's believe the
God,Let's seek the Naked Truth,Let's keep Justice and answer the
question:ARE WE ALL IN LOVE?
"The ocean of lies in this world is deep"-said once the famous
psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich in his book "The Function of the Orgasm". He
devoted the whole of his life to the greatest discoveries in the
"biological realm" to spread the naked truth of life. What is life? Life
is the truth that is given us by God, the ability to live, the awareness
of one's own natural feelings in it's full strength. Wilhelm Reich's
philosophy is based just on the naturality:-"My work confirmed the
revolutionary character of the natural-scientific theory of
sex".-says Dr. Reich and describes the reasons of the irrationality of modern
society, that has been parted from the Godliness and truth and has become a
slave of the man-made compulsive morality, fed by the lies from the pit of
hell. The reason of the psychic plague of irrationality is formulated
by the unhealthy approach to the inner, natural world. During the
centuries the development of civilization threw the origin of life
backward and covered it with the mask of morality. The naked truth
became unmentionable and we received the highly developed society full
of wickedness and aggression without Truth, Love and Belief.
"Society molds human character. In turn, human character reproduces
the social ideology in mass,thus, in reproducing the negation of life
inherent in social ideology, people produce their own suppression...this
is the basic mechanism of so-called tradition"-explains Dr.Reich.
What is the salvation? However unmentionable it could be,the
salvation is ORGASM, the natural, God-made ability of happiness, the
Naked Truth of Pure Life...
During many years Dr.Wilhelm Reich, after being the Star Student of Dr. Sigmund Freud, studied the human character and
he discovered that only the natural, full genital gratification cleans
minds and formulates a person full of responsibility and ability to lead
the fruitful, healthy life as a part of society without any
lies, perversions and neurotic actions...Orgastic potency of self
regulation is the bases of mental hygiene that clears the way to the
Ideal Society.
serves the truth and appreciating the ideas of the great
scientist, Basic Black Eagle appeals for the Naked Truth for balance,
cleanliness and justice in the modern society.
According to Wilhelm Reich "The mass plague of neuroses is
produced in three main stages of human life: 1. in early childhood, through
the atmosphere of the neurotic home, 2. in puberty, 3. and finally in the
compulsive marriage in its strict moralistic conception."
Based upon the discoveries of the Polish anthropologist Bronislaw
Malinovski, who led the greatest researches of the Trobriand
people, Dr.Wilhelm Reich made a comparison of their life with our
modern, civilized society. The difference was astonishing...
...Trobrianders, the lost society, somewhere in the depth of the Pacific
Ocean, the paradise in the material world...wild as nature, old as
life, perfect as truth...savages? Yes, savages, but natural...Savages with
the highest goal of humanity...Savages, who formulated the highly
developed mind of the whole society, in spite of the lack of all the
aspects of modern civilization...Savages with the style of natural
life based on the truth given by God...And the Truth, Love and Belief
gave birth to the Ideal Society on the little islands of Kiriwina to the Authentic People of
the eastern coast of New Guinea...
The life style of Trobriander people is free from all the man-made
moralistic rules and shoulds. They live according to the rules of God
and nature. No lies prevent their natural feelings, no strict
discipline, no child abuse, no training to the artificial rules...Free
Souls, no"sexual secrecy" and "The sexual life of Trobriander children
develops naturally, freely, and without interference through all stages
of life with full sexual gratification"(Wilhelm Reich "The Function of
the Orgasm').
Matriarchy in the tribe of Trobriander people makes balance and
keeps justice and equal rights in the society. People live peacefully
without neuroses and aggression, with neither perversions nor mental
illnesses. They even have no word for theft. They lead simple agrarian/agricultural lives and
are able to focus their minds from one point to another as they are
free from every repression of natural feelings, their sexuality is free
and they live in "non-compulsive, voluntary monogamous marriages, which
can be dissolved at any time without difficulties...these genuinely cordial relationships prevail as the
social form of sexual life."-explains Dr.Reich.
As we see the life of the Trobriander people contains none of those
negative aspects, which are the reasons of neuroses and psychic plague.
The modern patriarchal society is based on the lies and is far from
the Godliness and naturality. The compulsive morality makes people want to
"defend" themselves from their own natural feelings. Natural means
unmentionable and therefore, is ignored. "The patriarchal laws
pertaining to religion, culture,and marriage were predominantly laws
against sexuality. "(W.Reich) Children's training to the good manners
from the earliest ages of their life and the strict moralistic
approach to the Naked Truth of life and suppressed sexuality formulate
the character armor that covers all natural feelings and makes people
become the mechanical machines of the wicked and neurotic society and
the blocked, dammed-up biological energy formulates the fascistic
plague and irrationality , for "Every seemingly arbitrary destructive
action is a reaction of the organism to the frustration of a
gratification of a vital need,especially of a sexual need."-says
Wilhelm Reich.
Dr.Reich distinguishes the contrasts of moralistic regulation and
sex-economic self -regulation. "Self-regulation follows the natural
instincts..." The person with the "moralistic structure" owns the
character armour, that restricts and takes control of the all action of
it's owner, while the 'sex-economically regulated person is capable of
closing himself to one situation and opening to another ". According to
this formulation, Dr.Reich perceived the two types of psychic character: a
"neurotic character"and "genital character'...the "neurotic character"
is the fruit of unhealthy moralistic life and the "genital character"
is the natural, self-regulating structure, based on the Truth, Love and
So,what is the solution?
The solution is ORGASM...
The solution is TRUTH, LOVE and BELIEF...
So let's follow the right way to the Ideal Society for the God's kingdom! Let's save our Souls and FOLLOW THE GOD!
TREATISE ON GOVERNANCE: A CHAT..."Love means an Organism is a Self-governing Institution!"
Q: Are You excited about the Election?
A: Yes, it's true that many people honor both senators in the election. I'm working on the foundation of a truth and reconciliation commission now and this commission will be charged with finding the root cause of social problems and providing permanent solutions which offer win-win situations instead of the zero-sum games of winners and losers. Nature cooperates like our bodies share oxygen through the flow of blood to all members without exception.
This is the life preservation system we all need to do justice and end corruption and violence.
Q: Commission. Yes, I understand. And who will be the members of the commission?
Q: Did you notice that the Wilhelm Reich museum is focused on producing a documentary film of his works, too?
A: I'm studying the composition of truth commission around the world to see what criteria is used to determine who should serve as members. Certainly, such a commission should have members who love truth, equal rights and justice and who empower others as Sovereign National lawmakers in the process of Self- Regulation.
M.O.S.E.S. is the criteria I use to determine who loves the naked truth because these are fundamental, biological truths which Our Great Pro-Creator has made the top priority for all the living. Sadly, most people have never calmly and honestly considered this biological evidence because these five subjects are the most unmentionable of all.
A: It is philosophy, my love. You are my genius, dear.
Yes,i agree,with you, my love.
A: Philosophy=love of wisdom, yes it is a biologically, organic philosophy of life and neither presidential candidate has embraced God's Tabernacle Pattern Master Blaster plan for All Souls,yet.
Q: But not everything is lost dear...everyone will understand it soon, do You agree?
A: Yes, that's why it behooves us to pray for them to receive grace and accept wisdom to improve decision making skills during the current global financial and economic crisis which relates to the lack of Moral Authority and Trustworthiness.
Yes, you are right. We learn the easy way or the hard way. The easy way is through faith and prayer, praise, thanksgiving, worship and good deeds which lead us on the path of righteousness toward Ideal Society in God's kingdom for His Namesake...the hard way is the path most souls choose.
Do You remember my poem about Parthenogenesis: The Compass Rapture Rhyme on the F.O.I.? Neither candidate has broached the subject of sovereign rights, yet and both are susceptible to corruption, unless they acknowledge the people are their employer and not the rich who currently cause wars and finance prison industries to keep power.
Mother nature demands that mothers should raise children until they are mature enough to understand the social structure, then boys should be guided by their fathers and girls should be guided by their mothers. The same is true for young nations which should be governed by wise women for the same that Youth will be mature enough to think independently and do good for their families and communities.
American women are disenfranchised, still, as are African and Native Americans and neither candidate has publicly acknowledged mass enfranchisement as a means to improve Their quality of life in Real-time.
Q: Yes, maybe they have not mentioned the Ideal Society, but it is very important to clear the way for the Ideal society, my love. Have you read Dr.Reich's speech that you sent to me about self regulation and child upbringing?
A: Melanin. Orgasm. Sovereignty. Enfranchisement. Sanctuary.
Yes, my love, I'm re-reading his speech now and I plan to post it on our blog, God Willing, because these truths (M.O.S.E.S.) are biologically self-evident and we ignore them at our own peril...
Q: I Understand, my love. It is really sad, as I see both of them pay attention only to political problems and gain their scores or political points by speaking about it. Why?
A: Yes, it's so sad and most people will overlook and underrate Ideal Society and focus only on the glorified popularity contest which American democracy has become. Why? Because that's what seems expedient to the disenfranchised, Who shirk responsibility like Fascists government officials Who make irresponsibility seem plausible.
A: Dr. Reich: In present day social organization, as it is today, mass mental hygiene is not really possible, and the social organization has to change if we
are to fight the global, emotional plague.
Q: My love, what if people don't ignore it, but they just don't pay attention to it and don't think about it? So many people have high hopes about Barack Obama. Why? Why only because,that he will restore the economy? Do People understand that they need justice, my love?
A: Excellent Question! M.O.S.E.S. seems to be the beauty way to make a change for the better in all societies for Truth, Equal Rights, Justice, Cleanliness and Balance for Posterity.
Dr. Reich: “The only way to get at the problem is in the newborn infant…
“Therefore the idea to establish such a research center would be bold, a research center and a service center." “Go slowly, carefully, know exactly what you’re doing."
A: Yes,You are right and as I read Dr. Reich's speech, I understood more things. The infant is already the part of that society, where he or she is growing up.
Yes and if the new born infant will be grown up naturally without any inhibition,we will receive natural membership in the Ideal Society. You know, that speech of Dr. Reich made me remember when My Daughter was a baby and I remembered everything... all natural things that I found in the little creature. Her doctor is a very wise woman and she always told me, "let her grow up naturally because nature gave her the ability to know what she needs and really My Daughter went on all the steps of development without interference. I only was surprised, how that little creature managed to overcome all barriers.
A: Your dear doctor is very wise indeed and so is Your Dear Daughter's Mom.
A: Thank you,dear. Yes, really, I never taught her when to sit or walk or stand up,or eat...she did it herself. The doctor told me never to make Her do anything by force, and that children know when to do it themselves. I only was surprised watching her. The doctor told me to let her crawl and so My Child started walking independently was very interesting...and also eating... she asked to eat herself and without any force. We are the part of nature and we must not kill our natural feelings. Our bodies are governed by nature, we only must know the language to understand and be natural. As W. Reich says, there, in childhood, the biological impulses and the social environment are developing together and it depends upon how we guide our naturality...suppress it or let it be free...
A: Yes, you are absolutely right. This is why the orgasm formula is so vitally important because it teaches us how to surrender to the natural as to the Preternatural... The Perfect Sovereign's Will and Pleasure...One learns to Trust and Obey and Magnify The Law of Pure Life instead of the nihilist view of self-hate and self-destruction.
A: Yes, I agree. Dr.Reich was a very wise man. People are really blind if they don't see this truth...they prefer to be slaves to lies from the pit of hell... of a pseudo-morality, and never be conscious of what they are doing, right or wrong.
A: Dr. Reich: "I was confused for about fifteen years in the mental hygiene research in central issues because I did not know from which standpoint different people approached the child. Five disagreed, no one knew why. One spoke from the Church, one spoke from the state, a third spoke from civilization and moral values... I always found myself outside, in disagreement, and I didn’t know why, until I defended the child, and judged the problem from the standpoint of the living." “An organism is a self-governing institution.”
A: Yes.
A: Dr. Reich: those involved in this research: “…need to study the child from the standpoint of the living or else they cannot cooperate in this effort."
"We would have to choose from among available workers—social workers, nurses, educators, doctors, and so on—those who agree with this organic, biological standpoint. The world is a mess, we know that, I hope we can agree on that. And we can only hope that a new type of human being but not from the standpoint of the church or state or culture, but from the standpoint of the living—will be able to solve its own problems. Let’s go slowly, let’s have three, four, five years to prepare the whole thing like a Powwow, 7 Generations in the Grand Schematic of Our Design. Another thing would be a clinical training course. I think we’d have to agree on some basic principles of bio-energetic law: that means, what souls are dealing *S.P.O.N.C.H. merged with Our Ideas concerning Melanin, Dark Energy, Orgone Energy and Xenon."
A: Yes, my love. I am really excited about his speech. Yes, I read " The Function of the Orgasm", itself, but here he spoke very simply and said the truth that we all know, only most do not pay attention to it and follow the rules of false moral codes. This is the modern society: civilization, moral, church and biological impulse suppression, that we don't know yet, as Youth until it's too late. The main thing for the irrational,contact-less sociality is to be as far from the nature as possible.
A: Yes, Honey, I agree. I 1st realized this truth when I camped in the forest in silence. Few souls understand nature because we live in artificial structures which are dead instead of biological structures which are alive, like God's Sanctuary.
Q: Yes,my love, I understand you very well. Please, tell me... you went to the forest before you read W. Reich,yes.? and you read it there,yes?
A: Yes, Sweetie! I read all of Ayn Rand's books 3 times and all of Dr. Reich's books once except The Function of The Orgasm which I read 8 times from cover to cover and once backwards in the forest until I fully understood these complex subjects of sovereign rights and self-regulation.
Q: Yes, and the problem of all these is ,do you know what? The people think,that the naturality is associated with savages . Yes, it is so, but they think that the more they are far from savages and nature, the more civilized they are, the more intelligent and cultural they become. This prideful, misguided, arrogant thinking is the main problem...the misunderstanding of truth.
A: Dr. Reich: ..."bring cases out of their work into seminars and discuss what’s being done wrong from the standpoint of the living."
“Please do not expect me to solve your problems for you.
Will you do me that favor, please? I shall not solve your problems for you, you’ll have to do that yourself.” “We cannot separate ourselves from the whole social process.
We have to be as alive as we can in it." “We do not judge anything from the standpoint of morals, and do not let anyone judge us from that standpoint of morals.
Only from the standpoint of the living, and living is moral." The scientific term ‘self-regulation’ has been distorted insofar as no one really, practically knows what it is, how it can be defined or handled. Self-regulation became a kind of ideology or slogan. Everybody knows more or less clearly what it means. But as
you go along in self-regulation—and as a child brought up in
self-regulatory manners meets a world which is not functioning
in a self-regulatory principle—things become very complicated. It is very difficult to keep going in a self-regulatory manner, unless you know the laws on which self-regulation is based. Unfortunately, self-regulation—which is contained in every
living substance, every living organism—is not capable of
regulating itself as far as a human being is concerned. It is
one of the most dramatic and tragic examples of human misery
that the human animal has lost its ability to produce and to
live out of his own inner nature. When we observe children two to three years old and we attempt to understand how much Nature is functioning there,
and how much is already structuralized social influence, it is not so easy to do so.
The whole psychoanalytic school—and I partook of this
mistake for more than twelve years from 1919 to 1931—
believes that what they see in a child of two or three is
its nature. For instance, the judgment the newborn is a
wild animal to be tamed. And as you go out to explain self-regulation to greater groups, you will meet that judgment: the child is a wild animal that
has to be tamed. That is especially represented by Anna Freud, and I had
many, many discussions with her on that.” We formulate our problems so that they are, at the same time, biological and sociological. You can’t avoid it—it’s both.”
“Let’s confess, if you would try to apply self-regulation in
any average kindergarten or school, it wouldn’t work, it’s
perfectly clear. Let’s go slowly. If we take our time, we
can find out whether we’re able to give answers to practical
questions of social living, of community living." We are not only interested in individual measures. Education and prevention of emotional disease is a social problem of the greatest magnitude. We don’t have to solve all the problems,
but we have to see the problem in its proper dimension. Our basic problem is prevention of armoring. What you are dealing with is already a severely distorted child, grown up nearly. We have to concentrate on the problem of this armoring and to
understand the function of self-regulation. We always have to draw our consequences clearly from the details into the social setting.”
When they get desperate enough, that’s the point. That means
in all such processes in sociology it has always been that way
and will always be that way, that an idea or fact will not come
through, will not gain wide influence unless something meets it
from the outside: a need.
In order to proceed scientifically, rationally, with clear minds,
we not only have to understand where we stand, our bases,
what we know and don’t know, but we must understand how
the process of enlightenment and education is running outside.
Into what are we going? What shall we meet as we get into
the public more and more? We must know our own base
and what meets us outside.”
Q: Do you think it’s possible to see every problem in every child
in the context of the general social setting?”
A: Dr. Reich: “How else can you see it? If you can’t see it that way, then
give up any hope of mental hygiene or preventive education.
We don’t want to fool ourselves.”
As an educator and a social worker, you must see in each
child the social situations and the possibilities, and one of
the possibilities is that this expectation of Salvation ravaging
the earth corresponds to actual ability in human beings.
These possibilities are there, but they’re held down by armor.
If you would consistently—as you work with children—ask
yourselves this question:
What is natural, and what would we need now to protect
this naturalness in this child, to let it grow; and what,
on the other hand, impedes our endeavor?
Then you have derived your social judgments from the needs
of the child. What we have to do is derive our whole view
of our criticism of society from the needs of the living in
the child, and nothing else. We can only hope that these children will be able to influence in that direction society from the standpoint of the living,
and not from the standpoint of party, state, church, of a
certain culture. Cultures come and go, but the living
in the child goes over millions of years.”
What must happen is that every single one of you is capable
of presenting a child, of describing it very practically, and
to answer the question ‘What now in its social environment
promotes and what inhibits its development?’
This way I shall have co-workers and not admirers. I don’t
want to be admired. I had enough. I don’t need that.
If we go into this project, I need workers who know how
to handle a child, but know what obstacles they’ll meet.
You yourselves must be quite clear in every single child
what made it the way it is, what’s Nature in it, what’s
self-regulating law in it, what did society or armored
human beings bring in to it, as against the natural functioning.
You must be skilled to do that.
Q: Remember what Dr. Reich suggests concerning Children of the Future
(a) The First Puberty, and (b) Genital Games of Children?
“Orgone Therapy: Critical Issues in the Therapeutic Process,”
“In present day social organization, as it is today, mass mental
hygiene is not really possible, and the social organization has
to change if we are to fight Emotional Plague.”
“The only way to get at the problem is in the newborn infant…”
And a few minutes later, Reich declares:
“Therefore the idea to establish such a research center would
be bold, a research center and a service center.”
A: Reich cautions his co-workers to:
“Go slowly, carefully, know exactly what you’re doing.”
And a few times during this meeting, Reich reflects at considerable length upon
his past experiences in Europe. He says:
“I was confused for about fifteen years in mental hygiene in
central issues because I did not know from which standpoint
different people approached the child. Five disagreed, no one
knew why. One spoke from the Church, one spoke from the state,
a third spoke from civilization and moral values.
I always found myself outside, in disagreement, and I didn’t
know why, until I defended the child, judged the problem
from the standpoint of the living.”
After that, Reich asserts that:
“An organism is a self-governing institution.”
—and then he goes on to discuss the criteria for choosing who will participate in this
infant research. He declares that those involved in this research:
“…need to study the child from the standpoint of the living or else
they cannot cooperate in this effort. We would have to choose
from among available workers—social workers, nurses, educators,
doctors, and so on—those who agree with this standpoint:
that we shall not consider anything but the living principle
in the newborn baby.”
Reich goes on to say that:
“The world is a mess, we know that, I hope we can agree on that.
And we can only hope that a new type of human being—but
not from the standpoint of the church or state or culture, but
from the standpoint of the living—will be able to solve its own
problems. Let’s go slowly, let’s have three, four, five years
to prepare the whole thing.
Another thing would be a clinical training course. I think we’d
have to agree on some basic principles of bio-energetic law:
that means what are dealing with.”
He told the group that they would:
“...bring cases out of their work into seminars and discuss what’s
being done wrong from the standpoint of the living. We would
have to keep out politics entirely and thoroughly, since we have
distinguished between social service and social biological
standpoint and politics, and we don’t mix them anymore.”
Further on in the meeting, Reich bemoans circumcision and what he calls:
“...certain medical measures, this ravaging mania of pouring
heaps of drugs into a newborn baby and Youth without even sensing,
knowing, thinking of what you’re doing to a helpless child.”
Reich: “Please do not expect me to solve your problems for you.
Will you do me that favor, please? I shall not solve your
problems for you, you’ll have to do that yourself.”
And answering another question, Reich says:
“We cannot separate ourselves from the whole social process.
We have to be as alive as we can in it.”
And later, to emphasize a point, Reich reiterates that:
“We do not judge anything from the standpoint of morals, and
do not let anyone judge us from that standpoint of morals.
Only from the standpoint of the living, and living is moral.”
“The scientific term ‘self-regulation’ has been distorted insofar as
no one really, practically knows what it is, how it can be defined
or handled. Self-regulation became a kind of ideology or slogan.
Everybody knows more or less clearly what it means. But as
you go along in self-regulation—and as a child brought up in
self-regulatory manners meets a world which is not functioning
in a self-regulatory principle—things become very complicated.
It is very difficult to keep going in a self-regulatory manner,
unless you know the laws on which self-regulation is based.
Unfortunately, self-regulation—which is contained in every
living substance, every living organism—is not capable of
regulating itself as far as a human being is concerned. It is
one of the most dramatic and tragic examples of human misery
that the human animal has lost its ability to produce and to
live out of his own inner nature."
"When we observe children two to three years old and we
attempt to understand how much Nature is functioning there,
and how much is already structuralized social influence,
it is not so easy to do so."
"The whole psychoanalytic school—and I partook of this
mistake for more than twelve years from 1919 to 1931—
believes that what they see in a child of two or three is
its nature. For instance, the judgment the newborn is a
wild animal to be tamed."
"And as you go out to explain self-regulation to greater groups,
you will meet that judgment: the child is a wild animal that
has to be tamed."
"That is especially represented by Anna Freud, and I had many, many discussions with her on that.”
“We formulate our problems so that they are, at the same time,
biological and sociological. You can’t avoid it—it’s both.”
“Let’s confess, if you would try to apply self-regulation in
any average kindergarten or school, it wouldn’t work, it’s
perfectly clear. Let’s go slowly. If we take our time, we
can find out whether we’re able to give answers to practical
questions of social living, of community living.”
“We are not only interested in individual measures. Education
and prevention of emotional disease is a social problem of
the greatest magnitude. We don’t have to solve all the problems,
but we have to see the problem in its proper dimension."
"Our basic problem is prevention of armoring. What you are
dealing with is already a severely distorted child, grown up nearly.
We have to concentrate on the problem of this armoring and to
understand the function of self-regulation."
"We always have to draw our consequences clearly from the
details into the social setting.”
A: And in a very forward-looking exchange with his co-workers, Reich says that
the acceptance of their infant research will only come when people are finally
desperate enough:
“When they get desperate enough, that’s the point. That means
in all such processes in sociology it has always been that way
and will always be that way, that an idea or fact will not come
through, will not gain wide influence unless something meets it
from the outside: a need.
In order to proceed scientifically, rationally, with clear minds,
we not only have to understand where we stand, our bases,
what we know and don’t know, but we must understand how
the process of enlightenment and education is running outside.
Into what are we going? What shall we meet as we get into
the public more and more? We must know our own base
and what meets us outside.”
Q: “Do you think it’s possible to see every problem in every child
in the context of the general social setting?”
A: Dr. Reich: “How else can you see it? If you can’t see it that way, then
give up any hope of mental hygiene or preventive education.
We don’t want to fool ourselves.”
He continues this line of thought further on, saying:
“As an educator and a social worker, you must see in each
child the social situations and the possibilities, and one of
the possibilities is that this expectation of Salvation ravaging
the earth corresponds to actual ability in human beings.
These possibilities are there, but they’re held down by armor.
If you would consistently—as you work with children—ask
yourselves this question:
What is natural, and what would we need now to protect
this naturalness in this child, to let it grow; and what,
on the other hand, impedes our endeavor?
Then you have derived your social judgments from the needs
of the child. What we have to do is derive our whole view
of our criticism of society from the needs of the living in
the child, and nothing else."
"We can only hope that these children will be able to influence
in that direction society from the standpoint of the living,
and not from the standpoint of party, state, church, of a
certain culture. Cultures come and go, but the living
in the child goes over millions of years.”
Toward the end of this meeting, Reich’s directives to his co-workers become
more defined:
“What must happen is that every single one of you is capable
of presenting a child, of describing it very practically, and
to answer the question ‘What now in its social environment
promotes and what inhibits its development?’
This way I shall have co-workers and not admirers. I don’t
want to be admired. I had enough. I don’t need that.
If we go into this project, I need workers who know how
to handle a child, but know what obstacles they’ll meet.
You yourselves must be quite clear in every single child
what made it the way it is, what’s Nature in it, what’s
self-regulating law in it, what did society or armored
human beings bring in to it, as against the natural functioning.
You must be skilled to do that.”
“All of our social endeavors are split up in two branches.
The one is the little doing here. The other is the big noise
over here in politics. And since the little doing doesn’t
solve the problem, and the politics doesn’t solve it either,
the misery goes on and on and on.
Now after 30 years of psychiatric and mental hygiene work,
I at least should have learned something from all that.
So the first lesson is this:
Don’t do this little thing here or become this great liberator
there. Go very slowly, from the small little doing and ask
the question: ‘What can I do to help my life along and
what can I do to understand the one who is against it?’
Not fight him and say, ‘DOWN, DOWN, DOWN!’—
that’s politics, that’s exactly what we don’t want. Understand him first, why he does it so feverishly. Then you will find your ways.”
Thank you all for coming today and thank you for listening."
A:Yes, precisely! And this is why showing the spiritual and emotional maturity of the Trobriander people will prove the naked truth...nature is life!
Q: I want to read Ayn Rand's books as well. I wonder if We can order "Atlas Shrugged,here?"
A: Dr. Reich: "We would have to keep out politics entirely and thoroughly, since we have distinguished between social service and social biological standpoint and politics, and we don’t mix them anymore."
A: Yes, nature is life. I agree and we must prove it and make the society change the mind of understanding and about the values of life...what they find valuable, really, is the liar, the self-deception that divides the society from the origin of truth and sure, also from the Divine Purpose of The Perfect Sovereign. God is 1 for everyone and the religions are so many. May God forgive me for saying it, but all the religions are according to the society they belong...and they say the same thing in the different way, Right?
A: I understand honey and I agree. Dr. Pookrum explains why people reject truth and nature: an atrophied Pineal Gland. This is why her work is necessary to learn Dr. Reich's concepts and "the same thing in the different way" begs the Aristotelean Question concerning the tyranny of the majority?
Q: Yes, I agree, everything must have it's place, nothing must prevent the development of the biological impulses. To say simply, when we want to eat, or sleep, we do it, and it's not immoral...why must sexuality be considered immoral? We must prove the truth!
A: You won't be surprised to find this chat posted on our blog because we are working together toward a solution for others to consider for Ideal Society's sake.
A: Yes,dear and I need to learn more of Dr. Pookrum's work. I need to read her book about melanin because the information and discussion, that is on the radio interviews, are not full and I don't hear many things there. It will be better to read for me. Yes, I understand the main idea, but I need more.
Q: You are going to post our chat on our blog, my love? As you wish, dear. Yes!
A: Here is the most basic biological truth: Atomically on a Cellular level, We are all carbon-based units and Melanin is the most important substance known because it Builds and Repairs Cells through the process of meiosis/mitosis Forever...and I need to Know better and do better, too!
*S.P.O.N.C.H.=Sulfur,Phosphorous,Oxygen,Nitrogen,Carbon, Hydrogen.
This is a True Story: Once upon a time there was a very Wise, Strong and Beautiful Virtuous Woman named Unananna and She had 13 Children. They All lived together in Her Mansion near the edge of The Great Ethiopian Forest. One Day Her Youngest Child was Celebrating Her Birthday and Unananna decided to prepare a very special meal for the entire Family. She asked Her Children to pick Herbs and Spices for the meal from Her Garden in the front yard and Stay at Home while She went to Her Farmstead for Fruits and Vegetables. She left Them carrying Her Basket and entered The Great Forest. She gathered Yams and Potatos and Cherries and Oranges and Lemons and Bananas and Mangoes and Cabbage and Okra and Peas and Beans from Her Crops. When Her basket was full She started Home and had a strange feeling something was wrong at Home. When She reached Her Mansion She found that Her Dear Children were not at Home. She turned right around and headed through the Great Forest in search of Her Dear Children. Soon She met Mr. Monkey and asked Him if He had seen Her Dear Children. Mr. Monkey said "Yes, Unananna, I have seen Your Beautiful Children and I will tell You where They are if You give Me some of Your Sweet Bananas." Of course Unananna shared Her Bananas with Mr. Monkey but they were so sweet and tasty that He forgot to tell Her where Her Children were. So She continued Her search and soon met Mrs. Giraffe. She said, " Peace and Blessings to You and Yours My Dear Friend Mrs. Giraffe, How are You today SisterLove?" Mrs. Giraffe replied, " Haya My Dear Unananna Darling, I'm fine and You"? Unananna responded, " I'm so Happy to know that all is well with You and Yours My Dear Friend and I was wondering if You have seen My Dear Children...I asked Them to stay Home while I went to gather Food for a very special meal and They are gone." Mrs. Giraffe replied, "OMG! Yes, I have seen Your Dear Children with Mrs. Elephant and I suspected something was amiss." Unananna answered, "Wonderful, would You be kind enough to tell Me which way They went My Dear Friend." Mrs. Giraffe said, "Well, I would show You if You shared some of Your Sweet Yams with Me My Dear Friend." Unananna reached into Her basket and gave Mrs. Giraffe a handful of Yams and Mrs. Giraffe was so beside Herself with Joy that She forgot which way She saw Mrs. Elephant and The Children go. So, unperturbed, Unananna left Her and continued searching for Mrs. Elephant and Her Youth. As She traveled far from Home and deeper into The Great Forest She met Mr. Lion. He Greeted Her saying, "All Hail Unananna, Full of Grace, Thou Art Blessed and Highly Favored among Women." Unananna replied, "All Hail The Conquering Lion of The Tribe of Judah, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Earth's Rightful Ruler." Unananna asked Mr. Lion if He had seen Her Dear Children and Mr. Lion replied, "Yes, Follow Me." Mr. Lion led Unananna straight to where Her Children were and They heard a peculiar sound coming from deep in The Great Forest that sounded like Her Youngest Child singing...NA NA NA NA...NA NA NA NA, HAY HAY HAY, GOOD BYE. As They got closer to the sound of the song it became clear that Her Youth was singing a different song that went like this: UNA NA NA, UNA NA NA, YEA YEA YEA, STIR FRIES... Suddenly, They saw Mrs. Elephant sitting under The Great Baobab Tree rubbing Her big,fat belly and smiling like a Cheshire Cat. Unananna Thanked Mr. Lion and offered Him some treats from Her basket but He declined...( He had something else on His Mind and He began to smile like a Real Chesire Cat, too). Unananna Greeted Mrs. Elephant and asked Her, " Mrs. Elephant, have You seen My Children, My Dear Friend?" Mrs. Elephant replied, " Honey, not only have I seen Your Beautiful Children but They looked so deliciously Lovely that I just ate Them All!" Unananna answered,"O, I see." Then Unananna reached into Her basket and pulled out Her Machete. She calmly walked up to Mrs. Elephant and sliced Mrs. Elephant's big,fat belly wide open with Her Blade and reached inside and pulled out All of Her Dear Children. She cleaned Them All up, filled Her Basket with a huge amount of Elephant Meat and left the remains of Mrs. Elephant for Mr. Lion, Who kept the Lion's share for Himself and saved some of the feast for His Family. Unananna returned Home with Her Dear Children to prepare Her very special Meal for the Big Birthday Party for Her Youngest Daughter as She Promised while The Birthday Girl kept singing Her silly song...UNA NA NA, UNA NA NA, YEA YEA YEA, STIR FRIES...
The Moral of The Story: "WORD IS BOND" AND "Hell hath no fury like a Woman scorned!"
A Pastor with GUTS!!
Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask
Your forgiveness and to seek your direction and
Guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those
Who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we
Have done.
We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed
Our values.
We have exploited the poor and called it
The lottery.
We have rewarded laziness and called it
We have killed our unborn and called it
We have shot abortionists and called it
We have neglected to discipline our
Children and called it building self esteem..
We have abused power and called it
We have coveted our neighbor's possessions
And called it ambition.
We have polluted the air with profanity and
Pornography and called it freedom of expression.
We have ridiculed the time-honored values
Of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.
Search us, Oh, God, and know our hearts
Today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free.
President and Michelle Obama raised the bar so high Parents should never let Their Children settle for less than Their Level Best! Check this Out!
"Dear Mom, I apologize for making up a big story and telling a lie. I also understand why you are not talking to me. It is because, you want me to realize how important it is for someone to lie to a kind, sweet, loving, and caring person/mom. The only reason why I lie is because the truth hurts sometimes. I think the truth will get me into more trouble in the future, so that is why I lied on Thursday. I thought that if I told you that I went to the Skate Park and then Grattan as well it would effect me also. I do not think that I have really learned my lesson yet because I keep lying. When I lied to you on Wednesday about flexing my muscles in the mirror, it was because I was embarrassed. I did not know that you saw me, so I pretended as if I was not.
PS.: I am not saying this because I think it is what you want to hear. I am really saying this from my heart, no doubt. From my heart, to you.
Sincerely, Na'im A, Pickett
I would ask him and you for permission to post it on my blog for it's pure understated elegance and poetic justice since he has an excellent command of the English language and I really enjoy the way he collects his thoughts. Naked Truth is the most terrible and beautiful thing of all and whoever finds the courage to tell it should run this planet...even the galaxy...One of My favorite metaphors is the Great Mother Eagle who kicks her Eaglets out of the nest occasionally so they fall toward the ocean over the cliffs, then She swoops down to rescue them before they hit anything...soon the Eaglets learn to fly without waiting for Mom to help while Pop is away hunting for food... then she shows them how to hunt, kill and protect themselves.
by Minister Joe Wright
KHAT! KA! BA! AB! KHU! SEKHEM! KHAIBIT! REN! He hath eaten the wisdom of every god, and his period of existence is everlasting, and his life shall be unto all eternity, . . . for the souls and the spirits of the gods are in him."
KHAT! KA! BA! AB! KHU! SEKHEM! KHAIBIT! REN! He hath eaten the wisdom of every god, and his period of existence is everlasting, and his life shall be unto all eternity, . . . for the souls and the spirits of the gods are in him."
The physical body of a man was called KHAT, a word which indicates something in which decay is inherent; it was this which was buried in the tomb after mummification, and its preservation from destruction of every kind was the object of all amulets, magical ceremonies, prayers, and formulæ, from the earliest to the latest times. The god Osiris even possessed such a body, and its various members were preserved as relics in several shrines in Egypt.
Attached to the body in some remarkable way was the KA, or "double," of a man; it may be defined as an abstract individuality or personality which was endowed with all his characteristic attributes, and it possessed an absolutely independent existence. It was free to move from place to place upon earth at will, and it could enter heaven and hold converse with the Perfect Sovereign.
The soul was called BA, and the ideas which the Egyptians held concerning it are somewhat difficult to reconcile; the meaning of the word seems to be something like "sublime," "noble," "mighty." The BA dwelt in the KA, and seems to have had the power of becoming corporeal or incorporeal at will; it had both substance and form, and is frequently depicted on the papyri and monuments as a human-headed hawk; in nature and substance it is stated to be ethereal. It had the power to leave the tomb, and to pass up into heaven where it was believed to enjoy an eternal existence in a state of glory; it could, however, and did, revisit the body in the tomb, and from certain texts it seems that it could re-animate it and hold converse with it. Like the heart AB it was, in some respects, the seat of life in man. The souls of the blessed dead dwelt in heaven with the gods, and they partook of all the celestial enjoyments for ever.
The spiritual intelligence, or spirit, of a man was called KHU, and it seems to have taken form as a shining, luminous, intangible shape of the body; the KHUS formed a class of celestial beings who lived with the gods, but their functions are not clear. The KHU, like the KA, could be imprisoned in the tomb, and to obviate this catastrophe special formulæ were composed and duly recited. Besides the KHU another very important part of a man's entity went into heaven, namely, his SEKHEM. The word literally means "to have the mastery over something," and, as used in the early texts, that which enables one to have the mastery over something, i.e., "power." The SEKHEM of a man was, apparently, his vital force or strength personified, and the Egyptians believed that it could and did, under certain conditions, follow him that possessed it upon earth into heaven. Another part of a man was the KHAIBIT or "shadow," which is frequently mentioned in connexion with the soul and, in late times, was always thought to be near it. Finally we may mention the REN, or "name" of a man, as one of his most important constituent parts. The Egyptians, in common with all Eastern nations, attached the greatest importance to the preservation of the name, and any person who effected the blotting out of a man's name was thought to have destroyed him also. Like the KA it was a portion of a man's most special identity, and it is easy to see why so much importance grew to be attached to it; a nameless being could not be introduced to the gods, and as no created thing exists without a name the man who had no name was in a worse position before the divine powers than the feeblest inanimate object. To perpetuate the name of a father was a good son's duty, and to keep the tombs of the dead in good repair so that all might read the names of those who were buried in them was a most meritorious act. On the other hand, if the deceased knew the names of divine beings, whether friends or foes, and could pronounce them, he at once obtained power over them, and was able to make them perform his will.
We have seen that the entity of a man consisted of body, double, soul, heart, spiritual intelligence or spirit, power, shadow, and name, These eight parts may be reduced to three by leaving out of consideration the double, heart, power, shadow and name as representing beliefs which were produced by the Egyptian as he was slowly ascending the scale of civilization, and as being the peculiar product of his race; we may then say that a man consisted of body, soul, and spirit.
It will be remembered that when Isis found the dead body of her husband Osiris, she at once set to work to protect it. She drove away the foes, and made the muck which had come upon it to be of no effect. In order to bring about this result "she made strong her speech with all the strength of her mouth, she was perfect of tongue, and she halted not in her speech," and she pronounced a series of words or formulæ with which Thoth had provided her; thus she succeeded in "stirring a up the inactivity of the Still-heart" and in accomplishing her desire in respect of him. Her cries prompted by love and grief, would have had no effect on the dead body unless they had been accompanied by the words of Thoth, which she uttered with boldness (khu), and understanding (aqer), and without fault in pronunciation (an-uh). The Egyptian of old kept this fact in his mind, and determined to procure the resurrection of his friends and relatives by the same means as Isis employed, i.e., the formulæ of Thoth; with this object in view each dead person was provided with a series of texts, either written upon his coffin, or upon papyri and amulets, which would have the same effect as the words of Thoth which were spoken by Isis. But the relatives of the deceased had also a duty to perform in this matter, and that was to provide for the recital of certain prayers, and for the performance of a number of symbolical ceremonies over the dead body before it was laid to rest finally in the tomb. A sacrifice had to be offered up, and the deceased and his friends and relatives assisted at it, and each ceremony was. accompanied by its proper prayers; when all had been done and said according to the ordinances of the priests, the body was taken to its place in the mummy chamber. But the words of Thoth and the prayers of the priests caused the body to become changed into a "SÂHU," or incorruptible, spiritual body, which passed straightway out of the tomb and made its way to heaven where it dwelt with the gods. When in the Book of the Dead the deceased says, "I exist, I exist; I live, I live; I germinate, I germinate," 1 and again, "I germinate like the plants," 2the deceased does not mean that his physical body is putting forth the beginnings of another body like the old one, but a spiritual body which "hath neither defect nor, like Râ, shall suffer diminution for ever. " Into the SÂHU passed the soul which had lived in the body of a man upon earth, and it seems as if the now, incorruptible body formed the dwelling-place of the soul in heaven just as the physical body had been its earthly abode. The reasons why the Egyptians continued to mummify their dead is thus apparent; they did not do so believing that their physical bodies would rise again, but because they wished the spiritual body to "sprout" or "germinate" from them, and if possible--at least it seems so--to be in the form of the physical body. In this way did the dead rise according to the Egyptians, and in this body did they come.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Posted by
2:34 AM
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